Chap. 04 Psych. Flashcards
What is the process in which genitals and reproductive organs develop within the womb?
Sex differentiation
What is the state of the male and female fetuses during the embryonic development?
They are indistinguishable before around 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Is it true or false that most reproductive parts are comparable in other sex that arose from the same original tissue.
Which hormones are released from where in the body that are responsible for the maturation of the reproductive systems and the development of secondary sex characteristics?
Hypothalamus (GnRH)
Anterior pituitary (LH and FSH)
Gonads (testosterone or estrogen)
What are the factors that can affect the age of onset of puberty?
Genetic, Environment, Psychological Stress, Nutrition (body fat (puberty earlier) and lean/highly active (puberty later))
True or False
Hormones of Puberty During puberty, the release of LH and FSH from the anterior pituitary stimulates the gonads to produce sex hormones in both male and female adolescents.
What are secondary sexual characteristics for girls?
- The development of the breast tissue
- The growth of the axillary and pubic hair
- 9 to 11 a growth spurt begins and may last 2 years or more (3 inches a year)
- The start of menstruation
What are secondary sexual characteristics for boys?
- The growth of the testis
- The growth and pigmentation of the scrotum and growth of the penis
3.The growth of hair (armpit, pubic, chest and facial hair) - Testosterone stimulates the growth of the larynx and the thickening and lengthening of the vocal folds, which causes the voice to drop in pitch.
- The first fertile ejaculations typically appear at approximately 15 years of age, but this age can vary widely across individual boys.
- The growth spurt occurs toward the end of puberty, at approximately age 11 to 13, and a boy’s height can increase as much as 4 inches a year.
What is helpful for transgender individuals during puberty to prevent the development of inappropriate secondary sex characteristics that may evoke dysphoria?
Hormone blockers
What is the egg production and fetal development ?
Ovary: females have two ovaries that are the site of egg production, and, if an egg is fertilized, the site of the corpus luteum. The ovary produces hormones estrogen and progesterone and testosterone.
Corpus luteum: the site of egg maturation within the ovary. After ovulation (release of the egg) the corpus luteum produces progesterone to maintain a possible pregnancy.
Uterus: this muscle-lined, triangular organ is where a fertilized egg implants and develops. This organ develops a thick blood lining and sheds this lining on a monthly cycle.
What is the transportation of eggs, sperm and embryos?
Vagina: a highly expandable pouch structure that serves as the opening of the female reproductive tract to outside the body. The vagina is the point of sperm entry, and the point of exit for unfertilized eggs, menstrual discharge and for babies, if pregnant and having a vaginal delivery.
Cervix: the opening between the vagina and the uterus. The size of this opening varies from tightly closed – to open for the passage of sperm, to open enough for a baby to pass through.
Oviducts (sometimes called fallopian tubes): these ducts transport mature eggs from the ovary toward the uterus. If a sperm and egg are in the oviduct at the same time, the egg can be fertilized by a sperm.
What are the female reproductive anatomy exterior structures?
Vulva: a general term for the exterior parts surrounding the vagina, including the labia majora and labia minora, which are the folds of skin on either side of the clitoris, urethra, and vagina. Often this term is overlooked, with folks referring to the vulva as “vagina,” which is the internal structure. It’s OK and more accurate to say vulva when referring to the external structure. Importantly, the structure and appearance of the vulva may vary widely. There’s no “one size fits all” when it comes to the vulva and diversity in appearance needs to be celebrated.
Clitoris: the sensitive nerve-rich organ that is analogous to the head of the penis. The part of the clitoris that is visible outside the body is dorsal to (closer to the belly) the urethra and the vagina). The interior part of the clitoris extends internally along either side of the vagina.
What are the pair of glands that are on the front wall of the vagina and their duct empty into the urethra?
The Skene’s Glands
What vagina section is this?
- A large area located on the front vaginal wall
- Extremely pleasurable area for some women and for others it is not very arousing
- Some females ejaculate a fluid very similar to male prostate fluid from their urethras
The Grafenberg spot (The G spot)
What are the three phases of the monthly female reproductive cycle?
The follicular phase, the ovulation and the luteal phase