Test 1 Flashcards
Stages of development
- Fertilization
- Cleavage
- Gastrulaton
- Organogenesis
- Larval stages
- Maturity
- Gametogenesis
Solid ball of cells
Hollow ball of cells
1 cell within the blastula
Union of male and female gametes to form the diploid zygote
Synchronized mitotic cell divisions of a fertilized egg that results in formation of blastomeres and changes the single celled zygote into a multicellular embryo
What happens to the embryo size during cleavage
Embryo size stays the same, cell size gets smaller and smaller
Big cell movements. Transformation of the blastula to the gastrula and development of germ layers
Axis development
Developing a left/right, anterior/posterior, dorsal ventral, and proximal distal axis
What governs the different types of cleavage
The amount of yolk determines the cleavage patterns
Where does division occur if there is a lot of yolk
Division only at the top
Infolding of a sheet (epithelium) of cells, much like the indention of a soft rubber ball when its poked
Inward movement of an expanding outer layer so that it spreads over the internal surface of the remaining external cells
Migration of individual cells from the surface into the embryos interior (move away from neighbors, loss of cadhesion)
Splitting one cellular sheet into two or more parallel sheets
Movement of the epithelial sheets spreading as a unit to enclose deeper layers of the embryo
Germ layers
Ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
Skin and CNS
Bones and muscle
Organs (respiratory and digestive tract)
Methods of tracking cells
- Fate maps
- Direct observations of living embryos
- Dye markings
- Genetic labeling
- Transgenic DNA chimeras
Epithelial cells
Have tight connections to neighboring cells (do not move–> only move in epiboly but do not leave neighbors)
Mesenchymal cells
Are loose or unconnected to one another and can move
Fate maps and methods
Following a cell through development using dyes to see what each cell would turn into
- Dye marking
- Flourescent dye
- Chimera
Dye marking
Method of creating a fate map. Most cells are colorless, dyes stain cells but dont kill them
Tissue from the embryo of one animal is removed and replaced by another using a graft (tissue a different color or labelled)
Transgenic DNA chimeras
Donor embryo is infected with a virus with a gene to express GFP. Infected cells glow green in UV light. Glowing cells transplanted into a host embryo and track movement
Why is evolutionary embryology important
Embryos pass through the same developmental stages as their ancestors
Similaity based on a common ancestor
Perform similar function but do not have a common ancestor
Causes of abnormalities
Generic mutation
Environmental cause
Types of genetic mutations
- Gene mutations
- Chromosomal aneupolidy
- Translocations
Environmental causes of mutations
- Teratogen - chemicals, viruses, radiation, hyperthermia
Multifactoral causes
Combination, we are not sure
Development of cellular specialization
What step comes before differentitation
Parts of comitment
- Specification
2. Determination
Capable of differentiating autonomously when placed in a neutral environment, not in non neutral environment (reversible)
Capable of differentiatin autonomously even when placed into another embryonic region (irreversible)
Where do the factors come from that create specification
- Cell has components within it that causes it to become that cell type
- Neighboring cells influence cells to be specified
Autonomous specification
Removed blastomere will produce the same cells it would if it were still part of the embryo. The embryo will lack the cells taken
Morphogenic determinants
Molecules of transcription factors that will influence gene expression that directs a cell into a particular path of development. The cell knows very early what it will become
Where does the cell get morphogenic determinants
From mother
Conditional specifiation
Each cell origially has ability to make many different cell types. Interactions with other cells restricts the fate of one or both participants. Fate of cell depends upon the conditions in which the cell finds itself
- Cells retain identity but grow according to the cells around them (flag)
What are cell comittment and differentiation programmed by
morphogen gradients
Differential gene expression
Process by which cells become different from one another based upon the unique combination of genes that are active or expressed
What does expression of different genes cause the production of
Proteins that lead to the differentiation of different cell types
Three postulates of differential gene expression
- Every somatic cell nucleus of an organism contains the complete genome established in the fertilized egg (DNA of all differentiated cells is identical)
- Unused genes in differentiated cells are neither destroyed nor mutated. They retain potential for being expressed
- Only a small percentage of the genome is expressed in each cell and a portion of the RNA synthesized in each cell is specific for that cell type
Regulaiton of gene expression
- Differential gene expression: regulates which nuclear genes are transcipred into nuclear RNA
- Selective nuclear RNA processing: regulates which of the transcribed RNAs are able to enter the cytoplasm and become mRNA
- Selective messanger RNA translation: regulated which of the mRNAs in the cytoplasm are changed into proteins
- Differential protein modification: regulates which proteins are allowed to remain or function in the cell
The genome across all cells is the same but ______ is not
the expression of the same mRNA across all cells
Explanation behind cloning
If each cells nucelus is identical to the zygote nucleus then each cells nucelus should be capable of developing an entire organism
DNA and protein complex found in eukaryotic genes (DNA and histones condensed –> no access to genes)
DNA histone complex
Called nucleosome
DNA wound around histones
Protein component made up of an octamer of histone proteins
The histone plus about 147 bp of DNA that wraps around it in two loops with many contact points
Tightly packed DNA around histones