Test 1 Flashcards
Alzheimer’s happens because:
Neurons in brain shrink or disappear.
Abnormal material builds up, neurofibrillary tangles inside neurons, amyloid plaques around remaining neurons.
Disrupts messages, damages connections between neurons -> death
Parkinson’s happens because:
Deficiency in neurotransmitter dopamine.
Caused by progressive degeneration of nerve cells in brain’s basal ganglia.
A nerve impulse is an electrochemical change:
- a change in electrical voltage
- is bought about by change in chemicals.
When the impulse reaches the axon terminal:
Activates the voltage-gated calcium ion channels, and so the calcium enters the cell at the pre-synaptic axon terminal following the concentration gradient.
This causes:
Synaptic vesicles to fuse with the membrane, which releases neurotransmitters by exocytosis.
These diffuse the gap, and bind to the next neuron’s receptors, and the process repeats.
Conduction along unmyelinated
maximum of 2 m/s
Conduction along myelinated
maximum of 140 m/s
Sensory areas
interprets impulses from receptors.
Motor areas
controls muscular movements.
Association areas
interprets information from senses and makes it useful, emotional processes.
Three track types in white matter:
- Connects various areas of the cortex within same hemisphere.
- Carries impulses between left and right hemispheres.
- Connects cortex to other parts of the brain/spinal cord.
Basal ganglia
- Grey matter deep inside cerebrum.
- Consists of nerve cell bodies associated with skeletal muscle control.
- Helps initiate desired movements and inhibiting unwanted movement.
Dura mater in spinal cord
not joined to bone, instead to a space containing fat, connective tissue and blood vessels to serve as padding and allows bending.
Senses pressure
Detects solute concentrations in blood
Somatic sensory neurons
brings impulses from skin and muscles.