Terms 2/3 and 4 Flashcards
What is BOYD
Bring your own device (BYOD) refers to the trend of employees using personal devices to connect to their organizational networks and access work-related systems and potentially sensitive or confidential data. Personal devices could include smartphones, personal computers, tablets, or USB drives.
What is a Tracert. DHCP server check
The TRACERT diagnostic utility determines the route to a destination by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packets to the destination. In these packets, TRACERT uses varying IP Time-To-Live (TTL) values.
What is a Business continuity plan
A business continuity plan (BCP) is a document that outlines how a business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption in service. … Plans may provide detailed strategies on how business operations can be maintained for both short-term and long-term outages.
What is LACP
In computer networking, link aggregation is the combining of multiple network connections in parallel by any of several methods, in order to increase throughput beyond what a single connection could sustain, to provide redundancy in case one of the links should fail, or both.
What is a paas
Platform as a service or application platform as a service or platform-based service is a category of cloud computing services that allows customers to provision, instantiate, run, and manage a modular
What is a Routing table
A routing table is a database that keeps track of paths, like a map, and uses these to determine which way to forward traffic. A routing table is a data file in RAM that is used to store route information about directly connected and remote networks.
What is a DHCP Server
Windows Server 2016 includes DHCP Server, which is an optional networking server role that you can deploy on your network to lease IP addresses and other information to DHCP clients. All Windows-based client operating systems include the DHCP client as part of TCP/IP, and DHCP client is enabled by default.
What is a bend radius
A bend radius refers to the bend in a cable. Bend radius specifications are a measure of the tolerance of the wire or fibre cabling. The minimum bend radius refers to the lowest radius at which a cable can be bent. So a smaller bend radius means a cable is more flexible.
What is a crossover cable
An Ethernet crossover cable is a crossover cable for Ethernet used to connect computing devices together directly. It is most often used to connect two devices of the same type, e.g. two computers or two switches to each other.
What is DLP
Data loss prevention software detects potential data breaches/data ex-filtration transmissions and prevents them by monitoring, detecting and blocking sensitive data while in use, in motion, and at rest. The terms “data loss” and “data leak” are related and are often used interchangeably.