Terminology Flashcards
Symbol denotation ratio of a circle to diameter (3.1459265)
Perimeter of a circle
Length of a straight line through the center of an object
Half the distance of the diameter
Breaching Radius
Half the distance that the explosive force of an explosive breaches through ( 3 dimensional) (AFTER THE ROUNDING RULES)
One Dimensional
Lacking depth, A line example; the horizon
Two Dimensional
Area with no depth only surface. Example; the top of a table
Three Dimensional
Area plus depth. Example; a brick
Surface set in 2 dimensional. Length x Width
Amount of space occupied by 3 dimensional objects. Length x width x height
Rectangle with equal four sides, no depth. (2 dimensional)
Object with 6 sides has depth (3 dimensional)
A circle with depth. Example; a role of quarters (3 dimensional)
A cylinder with a triangular top. Example; ice cream cone
Square Root
A factor of a number that the root is itself times itself. Example; Square root of 9=3.
Cube Root
The factor of a number when the root is itself times itself. Example; the cube root of 27=3. 3x3x3=27
A numerical representation indicating a quotient of two numbers. Example; 1/2, 1/4, A Portion, A fragment
A part of a fraction above line and signifies the number to be divided by denominator
Part of a fraction below line and that fractions as divisor of the numerator
Fragment or part of whole number expressed in numbers by percentage. ex) .12 .32
Whole Number
Entity not a fragment
Round Up
Taking the first number passed the decimal point and rounding it up to the nearest whole number.
Round Off
Taking the numbers two places passed the decimal and rounding up to the nearest whole number if it is .50 or above and rounding down to the nearest whole number is it is .49 or lower.
Change from a solid to a gaseous state relatively slow (burning)
Instantaneously or rapid change from a solid to a gaseous state
M183 Satchel Charge
Consist of 16 blocks M112 C-4 PKG Wt. 20lbs
Consist of one or more blocks of explosive. Example; you have 4 trees to destroy, each tree takes 4 blocks of TNT. To destroy all 4 trees, take 4 charges, each charge consisting of 4 (1 lb) block of TNT for a total of 16 (1 lb) blocks of TNT.
Block Package/Stick
Single entity of explosive
Fuse Igniter
M60 used for non-electrical firing system. M-81 used for MDI.
Modern Demolition (Initiators)
Non-electric firing system
Consist of an initiator (usually M-60), time fuse (usually M700), and a non-electric blasting cap (usually M-7).
Electric Firing System
Consist of power source (usually CD-450), firing wire, and an electric cap (usually M6)
Ring Main
Det Cord tied into itself in a circle in between charges from which branch lines are tied off.
Branch line
Strip of Det cord with a priming Knot on one end. Used to prime a charge and tie into a ring main.
Priming Knot
A knot used to take the place of a blasting cap to prime a charge. Example; Uli, spiral, Double overhand knot, four wrap, wiseman knot, Det cord lace, and sliding Uli.
Square Knot
Used to connect Det Cord together and tie in Firing Systems to Ring Main.
Work Quickly
Quickest method of constructing a charge and attacking a target. most amount of explosives, conventional charge, external charge
Work Efficiently/Effectively
Most effective method of constructing a charge and attacking target. least amount of explosives, advanced charge, internal charge