Terminology Flashcards
What is the definition of the USSR?
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The first communist country in the world
What is the definition of abdication?
What is the definition of the Weimar Government?
The attempt at democracy in Germany
What is the definition of provisional?
What is the definition of Weimar?
The city where the democratic government was based
What is the definition of propaganda?
When the government advertises biased information with the use of visual and oral aids to convince people to think a certain way
What is the definition of constitution?
Set of laws
What is the definition of militarism?
The belief that a country should maintain a strong army and use it
What is the definition of devalue?
Reduce the worth of something
What is the definition of the Dawes plan?
An extensive loan from the USA
What is the definition of the Ruhr valley?
An area of coal mining in Germany
What is the definition of Wall Street Crash?
When the Stock Market in the USA collapsed and severely damaged their economy
What is the definition of the Great Depression?
A time of economic recession
What is the definition of the Nazis
National Socialist German Workers Party
What is the definition of a coup(putsch)?
An attempted overthrow of the government
What is the definition of Mein Kampf?
“My struggle” A book written by Hitler that outlined all of his plans for Germnay
What is the definition of an autocratic centralised government?
When a country is ruled by a party who is solely in charge
What is the definition of a Fuhrër?
Absolute leader
What is the definition of reich?
Realm / empire
What is the definition of lebensraum?
Living room
What is the definition of Herrenvolk?
Pure people
What is the definition of Aryan?
What Hitler believed to be the genetically superior race
What is the definition of purge?
What is the definition of the Russian Revolution?
A time when Russia overthrew the Tsar
What is the definition of a scapegoat?
Someone to blame
What is the definition of indoctrinate?
Brainwash a group of people by filling their heads with censored information
What is the definition of National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?
Hitler’s reformed NAZI party
What is the definition of violence?
Use of force to harm someone
What is the definition of the swastika?
The symbol used by the Nazi party
What is the definition of mass meetings?
When groups,of people would gather to listen to the Nazi’s
What is the definition of an orator?
Someone who can speak in front of people
What is the definition of sturmabteilung?
Storm trooper/ brown shirts
The general “police force” used by the Nazi’s
What is the definition of the Schutz Staffel?
Black shirts/ secret police
They protected the party leaders and later ran the concentration camps
What is the definition of the Gestapo?
The secret police used to spy on people
What is the definition of chancellors?
Prime ministers
What is the definition of Reichstag?
What is the definition of a decree?
Dictated law
What is the definition of the Enabling Act?
The decree that abdicated all power to Hitler
What is the definition of a totalitarian state?
A centralised(exclusive) government system
What is the definition of dictatorship?
Country governed by a single person
What is the definition of eradication?
To destroy completely
What is the definition of Holocaust?
The mass killing of Jews
What is the definition of annihilate?
Cease to exist, wipe out completely
What is the definition of armistice?
Agreement between enemies in war to stop fighting so they can discuss peace terms
What is the definition of atrocities?
Shockingly cruel and inhumane
What is the definition of authoritarian?
Strict, dictatorial, people have no freedom or say in how government rules, opposite of democracy
What is the definition of banned?
What is the definition of a concentration camp?
Those imprisoned were physically “concentrated” in one place
What is the definition of currency?
Kind of money used in a country
What is the definition of dictate?
Give commands or orders
What is the definition of dictator?
A leader with total power
What is the definition of Einsatzgruppen?
Death squads
What is the definition of fascist?
A political theory that the government should have complete control
What is the definition of Fatherland?
What the Germans called their state under the Nazis
What is the definition of the “Final Solution”?
The name for Germany’s plan for the systematic killing of European Jews
What is the definition of genes?
Chemical codes in the nucleus of every living thing
What is the definition of genetic modification?
A scientific method that changes the way plants and animals grow and develop
What is the definition of genocide?
Mass murder
What is the definition of ideology?
A set of beliefs values and ideas
What is the definition of internment?
Confinement during wartime
What is the definition of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
A Christian religious group
What is the definition of a militant?
Supporting the sue of strong pressure, or aggressive action, to achieve one’s goals
What is the definition of opposition?
A group of people who disagree with you
What is the definition of persecute?
Made to suffer
What is the definition of racism?
The false idea that certain groups of people are better than others
What is the definition of Reich?
The German state
What is the definition of reparations?
Amount of money paid by losing nation to the winners
What is the definition of repression?
Force or intimidation which prevents people from protesting or rising up
What is the definition of Roma?
People who speak Romany and who move around in search of work; sometimes called gypsies
What is the definition of Slavs?
People of Eastern Europe
What is the definition of The Great Depression?
A period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic collapse and mass unemployment