define anatomy
the science of the structure of the human body
what is the anatomical position?
stand erect with feet flat on the floor, arms at sides and palms face and eyes facing forwards
where does the coronal plane cut through?/divide?
coronal = cuts through back, vertical, divides posterior and anterior
where does the midsagittal plane cut through?/divide?
cuts through making equal left and right
where does the parasagittal plane cut through?/divide?
cuts through leaving left and right unequal
word for head
word for arm
word for forearm
word for thigh
word for leg
word for shoulder to bum
upper limb
word for bum to foot
lower limb
anterior meaning
towards the front
posterior meaning
towards the back
ventral meaning
towards the bellyside
dorsal meaning
toward the spine
cranial/cephalic meaning
toward the head
rostral meaning
toward the beak/nose
causal meaning
toward the tail
superior meaning
higher in position
inferior meaning
lower in position
medial meaning
towards the middle/midsagittal plane
lateral meaning
away from the midline
proximal meaning
closer to the origin/point of attachment
distal meaning
away/further from the origin
superficial meaning
towards the surface
deep meaning
away from the surface
contralateral menaing
occuring on, affecting or acting in conjunction with a part on the opposite side of the body
ipsilateral meaning
situated or appearing on or affecting the same side of the body
what are the four main body cavities?
cranial cavity
vertebral canal
what are the 3 subdivisions of the thoracic body cavity
what are the 2 subdivisions of the abdominopelvic body cavity
what does serous membranes do?
The serous membranes covers the viscera, lines and partitions structures within the thoriac and abdominal cavities (only).
what are the 2 layers of the serous membrane?
parietal layer- walls of the cavity
visceral layer - covers the viscera