Term 3 Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is culture?
Culture is a broad term that ecompasses many aspects of the lives of individuals and societies. Culture is the artistic and social creation of human society.
What do Anthropologists do?
Anthropologists seek to understand human society by exploring behavior and social structure.
What is the cultural iceberg?
The cultural iceberg has a smaller visible section and a much larger invisible section. Individuals don’t posses their own cultural identities.
What is multiculturalism?
When the different cultures of ethnic groups live in the same society and there is the promotion of inclusion and shared values.
What is subculture?
A smaller cultural group who have a shared interest.
What are the ways that culture can be expressed?
- Holidays and Celebration
- The Arts
- Traditional crafts and industries
- Food
- Architecture
- Clothing
Explain ‘The Day of the Dead Festival’.
The Day of the dead involves the gathering of family members and friends to celebrate, pray for, and remember those people who have passed away. The holiday blends indigenous traditions with Spanish influences after colonization. It originally began with the Aztecs. The Mexican government made it a national holiday in the 1960s, as a symbol of nationalism and unity. but the cultural tradition has much closer ties with the south of the countries than the north. People celebrate the dead by building altars that often contain different foods and flowers as gifts. Skeletons can be seen all over the place, both cardboard skeletons and edible sugary skulls. Marigolds are the flower most commonly used for decoration during the festival.
Explain the case study – grunge music in the 1990s
Young people felt an affinity with the musical style and lyrics that promoted anti-consumerism and a laid-back approach to life.
What are the four factors affecting culture?
- Environment
- System of Governance
- Time period (historical or contemporary)
- Technological Innovation
What is intangible cultural heritage?
Promoted by UNESCO, this term refers to the different artifacts, values, form of expression, and communities that encapsulate a particular culture.
What is homogenous?
Of the same kind;alike
What is material culture?
An aspect of culture where there is physical evidence, for example art and architecture
What is migration?
Movement of people from one location to another.
What are the factors that led to increased levels of migration?
Economic opportunities, the legacy of colonialism and the impact of wars.
What are homogenous societies?
In these societies there is only one or a small number of cultural, linguistic, or ethnic identities.
Which two countries are often labelled as homogenous societies?
Japan and Korea
What are the factors that have threatened or destroyed people and their cultures?
The effects of discrimination, wars, terrorist attack and genocides have all threatened and destroyed people and their cultures.
What are genocides?
Genocides is the examination of a specific group (such as religious or ethnic group)
Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.