Tenta antti-namn Flashcards
Karl Popper
Truthlikeness, falsifiabilty
Did not accept all of this materialist humoral theory. He believed in a Soul with three parts.
Believed that the function of the brain as to cool down hot blood. The cardiocentric view.
brain disease comes from the brain and not evil spirit
the ventricle theory- Speech does not come from the chest and the brain does not cool down blood. Vital spirits – heart. Higher animal spirits – the brain. Nerves as tubes where animal spirits flow. The brain (but not brain tissue) as the seat of the soul and intellect.
Discovered in 1786 that electrical stimulation of the nerves in a frog´s leg caused muscle contractions. Electrotherapy or Galvanism grew even more popular in the 1800s as a cure-all treatment.
Andreas vesalius
Made a detailed description of the body based on dissections of the human body. Rejected the ventrical theory.
Renee decartes
The soul is really joined to the whole body. The soul has its principal seat in the middle of the brain.
Discovered that neurons are individual cells. The neuron theory
The reticular theory. Everything in the nervous system, the brain, is a single continuous network.
A strict disciple of Descartes, led the reaction against phrenology. He believed in a unified mind or soul which could not be analysed into separate parts. Flourens studied the effect of galvanic stimulation and focal lesions (precisely placed damage) of particular parts of the brain. He correctly concluded three things
1. Intellect is largely concentrated in the cerebral cortex.
- The cerebellum is important for coordination of motor movements.
- The lower brain sustains vital body functions.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Functional localization
Demonstrated that disorders of speech are associated with damage in a region of the left frontal lobe.
Word salad – neologism. In 1874 he discovered that damage to an area of the temporal lobe, close to tissue involved in hearing (the auditory cortex), resulted in another type of language disorder.
Frantz joseph gall
The man of phrenology. Collected skulls, was interested in extremes like writers, poets, criminals and lunatics.