Ten facts Flashcards
Fact 1
Born 1957, Canada
Fact 2
Romanticism (1750-1900), reaction to Rococo art
Fact 3
Inspiration from pre-Raphaelite work
Fact 4
The lady of sharlotte, 1888 by John Waterhouse. Was one of her first and most enduring claims to fame is her setting of Alfred Tennyson’s Lady of Shallot to music. While performing she added sense of myster and mood. She wears red flowing hair. Similar to the lady shallot in the picture by John water house.
Fact 5
She believes herself to be a conduit of ideas and musical impulses from bygone ages that come her as she exposes herself to different influences of nature. For these reasons she strongly enjoys history, anthropology, and traveling.
Fact 6
Form of expressing her love and joy wears medieval styled jewelry and cloths.
Fact 7
Her videos are filled with meticulous detail like horror vacui of pre-Raphaelite paintings. Horror vacui is fear of empty space
Fact 8
Famous piece- The Bonny Swans, two sisters at royal court, one kills another to have the man.
Fact 9
Loreena video of The Bonny Swans, mimicked the dead girl, looked similar to Opheliea (1852) painting by John Millais. Pre-Raphaelite artist.
Fact 10
Music similar to ancient Celts.