final exam Flashcards

Metropolis (Germany 1926)
- The Schizophrenic Society- allegory of the German Depression
- Need to make workers and rich unite
- Workers are automatons- underground city of somnambulists in rhythmic movement
- Rich Tyrants- parallel Caligari
- Associated with evil and Expressionist-Cubist Medieval architecture
- Science and tyrants together can serve evil- Rotwang (Rudolph Klein-Rogge)
- Humans dehumanized- humans as parts of machine
Expressionist-Cubist Medieval architecture
Background of Metropolis
Moloch- parallels to ancient Carthage and the TOPHET
Fritz Lang (190-1976)- Viennese director
The intimate Berlin theatre presided over by Max Reinhard in the early 20th century. It practiced the use of chiaroscuro lighting as well as expressionist movmemnt of actors and deliberately distored spcially clored sets to refelct the moods of the actors.
Hitchcock, Alfred
British and later Hollywood director of numerous classical films whose formula or dialectic for creating movies produced a parallel cinema universe with its own rules. begining in silent films and working als in Germany, he developed his style of pur cinema with the help of long-time partner Alma Reville
Hitchcock dialectic
themes such as blind justice, the inffectiveness and uselessnce of police, objects with almost magical abilities to affect the plot, the denial of the expected and the appearance of things as opposed to the way thing really are, the need to trust someone, lead characters with flaws, etc.
released in 1927.
classical german-american coproduced film set in the fture and dealing with problems of rich versus poor and the difficulty of maintianing urban life. Directed by Fritz Lang, and written by his then wife Thea Von Harbou

Gothic novels- term given to series of Romantic stories often with supernatural plots developed first by Horace Walpole with the Castel of Otranto and continuing the works such as Frankenstein and Dracula. 18th and 19th Century.
to the left is frekenstine book written by Mary Shelly
To the right is Dracula

Bert Williams- black monologist in blackface, first major star to cross color line to white stage (1874-1922)
form of american live popular entertainment which featured
Tony Pastor- born in 1837, Bowery Theater owner popularizes vaudeville, discovers early stars
B.F. Keith- makes vaudeville a big monopoly business
Problems of Black Entertainers- Humor insulting “Negroes”- disparaging caricatures and characteristics

The nicholas Brothers with bob hope
Harold- 1921-2000
Fayard 1914-2006
Could not break through into the whilte dominated media-segmetns cut out
Flash Dancing, Acrobatics, Splits, Leaps, Slides on Bakelite Floors

Walter Gropius (1883-1969)
●Heir to Muthesius ideas
●Founded Bauhaus in Desau, Germany
○Influenced by both Mondrian and Le Corbusier
○Egalitarian artist colony- individual cells for artists
●Symbol of Bauhaus: Gothic Cathedral
○Working together for the greater good
●Lyonel Feininger designed cover for the publication of Bauhaus
“We’ll prepare the way for the future architect who will make gardens out of deserts and let

Deco sky scraper by William Van allan constructed in 1928
Chrysler Bldg
Deco Jewelery by Jean Fouquet
Stripped down and streamlined version of Art Nouveau - ahistorical art forms, vegetal elements
Cubism- Cubist artists such as Picasso and Georges Braque- used the look of lots of angularity in its forms
Paul Gauguin- incorporated his style of many strong colors covering large areas to juxtapose colors but Deco also featured paler colors of Art Nouveau

Clara Bow, The “It” Girl
high living silent film star who lived her real life and her film life outside of traditional boundaries for women and symbolized the roaring twenties. She had what cosmoplitan magazing editor refferd to as It, which meant someone young and attractive with a lot of style who knew how to smpke and drink and use cocktail shaker and liked to party
Art deco
poular jazz art moment 1920-1930s

Radio City Music Hall
NY city landmark theatre development in rockefeller center between 1929 and 1940. Transition between art deco and depression modern style, with its curvilinerar marquee and clear lettering being depression mondern
Nicholas brothers developed
Nicholas brothers developed a different approach ot tap dancing in the 1920s through the 1950s which other dancers began to call Flash Dancing

Alfred Hitchcock (1899-1982)numerous classical films whose formula or dialectic for creating movies produce a parallels unversi with its own rules.

Busby Berkely 1895-1976
Innovative director and choreographer of breoady way and musical film. The film is footlight praade 1933. the scene is an elaborate birthday cake type configuration, remarkable parts by means of over head shot.
experimented with cartoons, close-ups, and sets that moved and resembled themseves. Musical revivle by busby berkely

The Caresses of the Sphinx
Classical influence- white body resembles greecian mable, someone intellecturally refined, classical mytholgicla creautre sphix
Fernand Khnopff (1858-1921)- Belgian Symbolist artist popular in the later 19th century. His paintings featured dualistic visions such as collision of feeling and apparent paradoxes.

Giorgio De Chirico, (1888-1978)- pioneer of the surrealist movment, who called his work metaphysical painting.
Melancholy and mystery of a street 1914
quality of timeless, sizeless, and airless.
Puts viewer in dream world
Colors give other worldy apperance, uneasy feeling of disorder, vauge sense of menance,
Hitchcock used for inspiration in north by norhtwest

Salvador dali-1904-1989
Most famous surrealist
Influenced by the strange patterns of the cliffs of the coastal resort of Cadaques in eastern Spain during vacation.
Influenced by Frued, Dada, symbolist art
“paranoiac- critical method
Persistence of memory 1931- timeless, sizeles, airless

Spirits watching over the dead- 1892 by Paul Guaguin (1848-1943)
Developed synthetism – flat surface, saturated colors
By 1891 was living in French Polynesia, known has Tahiti
Often linked to symbolist movement

Joseph McCarthy 1908-1957
Became a senatro form Wisconsin toward the end of WWII in 1944. Held conservative values and sought to make a major issue of the communist conspiracy. “said to have a list of communist inflitrators.
Ather his death, McCarthy chari wht became knwown as house UN-american ativities committe which sought to free out htose on McCarthy’s big list of name, allthough the acutal list was ever reveald

Timothy Leary 1920-1996
A Havard professor of psychology wiht distinguished resume. Became interested in tests on hallucinogenic substances, lysergic acid made from a fungus of rye and cerearl grass. later known as LSD.

Allen Ginsberg- 1926-1997
Poet of 1950s and 1960s
Protested many things, such as Vietnam war, commercial culture, atomic technology
Developed passive, nonviolent protest later adopted by martin luther king

Andy Warhol (1928-1987)
Master at hucksterism, pop art, and put-on, he became popular counterculture media figure and man of seemingly perverse mystery. Starting out in the advertisng industry selling products and esspecialy women’s shoes,.
Invented the silk screen process, created silk-screen artworks of celeberties- mass produced and mocking aesthetic.

Target with four faces- 1955 by Jasper Johns
Post-painterly abstractionist, Guaguin’s colors with further simplified subjects, designed to stimulate the sense.
Painting is of mixed pigment on canvas, newspaper and fabric dipped in hot was and solidified.

Took a visual, flat, 1 dimensional surface and transformed it into a 3D image. LSD users
Bridget Riley 1931, learder of the movement, oil on canvas painting inspired by Jackson Pollock
Trompe l’oeil devieces (french call).
Pointilllist or ben-day dot approach and the arranging of line and form onto a surface and seemed to dematerialize before our confused eyes.
Victor Varsarely- Hungarian father of Op art, did commercial illustrations and later created confusing geometric paintings.

Decad of 1960-1970

Vera-ellen (1921-1981)
Dramatic and light comedic actress
● Greatest all-around dancer of her generation
● Daughter of Martin and Alma Rohe
● Grew up in cincinnati
● Small and underdeveloped Alma got tired of her deadbeat husband and saw potential in Vera-ellen
● Petite and underdeveloped frame
● Strict diets to stay skinny
● Age 16: 4”6’ and 76 pounds
● 5”4’ by 21 due to stretching exercises
● Said to be born in 1926 but was actually born in 1921
● Chief majorette of school band in elementary school
● Moved to New York in 1936
● 1st marriage 1940
● 24 when Goldwyn Casted her in
wonder man
● 1945 wonder man: first screen
● Late 1940’s MGM
● 1950 partnered with Fred
● 1955 - trying to bring elements of broadway to las
film (MGM)
○ Gene Kelly
○ Fred Astaire
○ Kaye
● Stage
○ Rockette
○ Broadway
● Las vegas extravaganza

1957- Singer of world music who mixes electrically influences from the pre-raphaelites, sufis, pop music, animism, cletic, and roman history and even rock and roll.

The Scream by Edvard Munch (1893)- psychic anguish, existential loneliness, morbid, disorienting diagonal.
Edvard Munch (1863-1944)Post-Impressionist, Pre-Expressionist
- Influence of Van Gogh- primitive forces within all of us
- Influence of Sigmund Freud- death wish, role of women, repression
- Distortion, exaggeration, anguish- abandon natural imagery for greater impact
- Neuroses, fear of women, social anxiety

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890)- Pre-Expressionist, or Post-ImpressionistStarry Night 1889
The flip side of the industrial revolution, was an Admirer of Courbet. was moody and sickly all the time.
The Night Cafe 1888 -The background is alive and is fertilized by the artist’s emotions
Intense emotional expression
Flip side of Melies, Ingres,
Bouguereau & Industrial Revolution
– man as victim

Mega-successful Liverpool rock group of the mid-1960s and after headed by Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Rego Starr (drummer) George Harrison (guitarist) their music helped define the 1960s
Astaire fred
Astaire fred- 1899-1987, he and his most poular partner ginger rogers were major stars for RKO pictures. Developed a form of streamlined dancing which incorporated tap and traditional ball room dancing.
Ben Day Dots
Benjamin Day Jr (1838 - 1916)
- 1879, invents the Ben-Day Dots.
- Printed Pixels
- Taken and used in art during the 1940s
and 1950s
- Used and became popular through comic
- Used in paintings by Roy Lichtenstein
The latter 19th century group searched for a higher realty than the mundane orddinary daily life of the masses and were influenced.
as concieved by andre breton- in his surrealist manifesto. It was a psychic reales of unconscious.
Paul Gauguin
French artist who developed an artistic style known as synthetism which imbued his paintings with a flat surface look, hihgly saturated colors, a nearlly compelte ingoring of tradiontal prespective and lassical forms or color gradation and shading and a return to primitive subjects of remote islands and their natives
technique in the filsm of alfred hitchcock. This mean that hitchcock gives an important characteristic of one chracter or scene to another chracter in another scene
A cemenerty site that contaied sacrificed infants found in carthage, tunisia 1924
Marry Shelly 1797-1851
Bram Stoker 1847-1912
Chrysler bulding in new york
William Van Alen 1883-1954