Quiz 3 Flashcards
What is the difference between a camera obscura and a camera lucida?
- Camera Obscura: light shines through hole in dark room, and it yields inverted image on wall. It was known about since 10th century A.D. In 17th century, Johannes Kepler developed portable one to aids artists doing paintings.
- Camera Lucida is an instrument in which rays of light are reflected by prism to produce on a sheet of paper an image, from which a drawing can be made. You can see object on your paper in front of you, and you can “cheat” and draw object.
How did the Magic Lantern serve as a major vehicle for popular entertainment before movies were born?
It was a primitive slide projector which used burning lime to generate light. Slides in front of light source was projected on the screen. Change slides faster and faster to suggest motion. Also, Illustrated songs become popular ca. 1900
Can you name two significant contributions to world culture made by the Swiss doctor Peter Mark Roget?
He is best known for publishing in 1852, the Thesaurus, a classified collection of related words.
Thaumatrope- considered of the pioneering devices that led to cartoon animiation
Whom would you say was the most significant pioneer in the invention of photography and why?
Joseph Nicephore Niece ( 1765- 1833) he treats silvered plate with mercury vapors and achievd black and white image
What were some early devices that preceded the development of the motion picture camera?
Daguerre camera, photo rifle
What role did the Republican governor of California, Leland Stanford, play in the development of the motion picture?
he commissioned the photographer to undertake scientifc studies of gaits of horses at a trot and gallop at his farm. He wanted to determine if they had all four feet off the ground at the same time, which was a question of the day. The result was the proto-film Sallie Gardner at a Gallop (1878)
Who invented the movie camera and projector and when did they do it?
William KL Dickson in 1893
What role did Thomas Edison play in the development of the movies and why did many people fear and hate him so much?
He took credit of it and spreaded it. BC he’s a good liar?
Much has been made about the contribution of the Lumières family (Antioine, Auguste and Louis) to the development of motion pictures. Why are they so venerated?
They made movie of train, and people thought the train was real and freaked out. used cinematographe camera. they invented the autochrome color photography
Who was Georges Meliés and why was he well suited to create movies?8====D
He was a French illusionist and film director who led many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. He is especially prolific innovator in the use of special effect such as substitution splices, multiple exposures, time lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted color
Robert-Houdin was a famous French magician but his influence helped to change the course of motion pictures. Explain.
he bought the largest theater in the parris. he is one of the greatest early innovators of film making. He accidently discovered stop-action special effects. He made “a Trip to the Moon”
What were some of Meliés’ innovative ideas that influenced the cinema?
Stop-Action (“A triip to the Moon), influence of rococo designs too, double exposure, multiple exposure, fade out, dissolves, sex in the cinema
Discuss the significance of Meliés’ film Le Voyage dans la lune (1902). How was it innovative and why did Meliés ultimately fail as a film-maker?
Stop-action. applied scined and industrial art, builds little robots he eventually failed because of the film’s unusally high price. Moon was mysterious place
What was the difference between the art of Delacroix and Ingres and why did it force artists to choose up sides to follow one man or the other?
Art of Ingres and Delacroix were 19th century French artist, is often seen as embodying the conflict between the era’s tradition-based neoclassicism(Ingres) and non-conformist Romanticism(Delacroix).
Delacroix paintings focused more on the power of color versus lines and romanticism.
Supper famous painting by Delacroix. It supports the French Revolution and toppled King Charles X.
What was significant about Gustave Courbet’s paintings and how did it mirror his world view?
Gustave Courbet lived during the 1819-1877. His painting focused on heroic materialism. He painted social realism, which was the heroism of modern everyday people. “show me an angel and I will paint it” was a famous quote by him. Hated bougereau. He rejected Classical or Romantic treatments and instead took humble scenes of country life - subjects usually considered the stuff of minor genre painting - and made them material for great history painting. For this he gained huge notoriety.
Created salle des refuses in 1855 and stone breakers in 1849.
This is stone breakers
Monet and Manet were both considered to be Impressionists and yet their works differ a good deal from one another. What are some similarities and differences?
Manet and Monet both used optical sensation of light and colors to make unique paintings. They were both responding to photography during times when people considered art to be dead. They didn’t want man lose importance in the machine age.
Manet (1832-1883)
Manet’s artwork was shocking, not idealistic. He created very large images and played around with lighting, size, and color. His goal was to shock people. Some of his work was a reaction to the romantic works. He did unique and crazy things with art for the art’s sake.
Do you see similarities in the life and work of Gustave Courbet and Vincent Van Gogh? Differences?
Gustave Courbet lived during the 1819-1877. His painting focused on heroic materialism. He painted social realism, which was the heroism of modern everyday people.
Vincent Van Gogh was a big admirer of Courbet. Gogh artwork was generally pre expressionist and post impressionist. His painting illustrated the flip side of the industrial revolution (Negative effects of development). Courbet painted angel and beauty in common day people, while Gogh painted the dark side of common day people. Gogh’s painting had intense emotional expression.
Edvard Munch was influenced by a number of artists and ideas. Discuss these influences, including other artists as well as psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and theater impressarios such as Max Reinhardt.
Edvard Munch was influenced by Van Gogh’s artwork and style. He believed the emotions displayed in Gogh’s artwork illustrated the primitive forces within all of us.
Edvard Munch was influenced by Sigmund Freud’s work because of his research into subconscious thoughts of people. Sigmund Freud’s research focused on death wish, role of women, repression.
Edvard Munch brought together the emotion displayed in Gogh’s work and Sigmund’s research to create distorted, exaggerated, and anguish images that have greater impact (abandoned natural imagery). His impacted work impacted great deal of people, that Max Reinhardt (head of german theater) hired him to design a theater in Berlin 1906.
The Scream 1893- psychic anguish, existential loneliness, morbid, disorienting diagonal.
Why do you think that the painting The Scream has been so popular for so many years now? What does it say to contemporary Americans?
Created by Munch in 1893
The painting “The Scream” illustrates psychic anguish, existential loneliness, morbid, disorienting diagonals. It is popular because it is a piece of art that many people can connect to. This work has transcended through time and has inspired and continues to inspire modern artwork. This is an artwork that represents chaos in all people’s life
What were some of the major contributions of Sigmund Freud to the way in which people viewed the mentally ill?
There was no specific classification for mental diseases before Sigmund Freud. No one talked about anxiety, stress, sexual desires, etc. Mental people were all classified in one category and placed away. Sigmund Freud studied them and developed a field for psychology.
To what extent was theater impresario Max Reinhardt an important player in the development of the Expressionist art movement?
Max Reinhardt was the head of the German theater from 1907 to 1919. He was influenced by the expressionist art movement that he created a new lighting techniques and character development. He developed the baroque chiaroscuro movement that used art styles from Caravaggio and Rembrandt.
Key notes
Uses new electric light invention ca. 1900
Uses Caravaggio’s and Rembrandt’s
chiaroscuro lighting
Uses Expressionist distortion of Van Gogh
and Munch for set design
Develops concept of stimmung or atmosphere
with chiaroscuro lighting, smoke, shadows
Takes dramatic scripts and uses set design as
emotional link to reflect the story and theme
Expressionist-cubist acting, drain stimmung
from each scene
Expressionist art was extremely dramatic but can you discuss Expressionist architecture?
Expressionist architecture (could be considered romantic expressionist). It was a fascination for theaters and carnivals. The building gave off an impression that it was alive. Leitmotif was used throughout the building. Leitmotif is a recurrent theme, associated with a particular person, idea or situation. Capriccio artwork that represents a fantasy or a mixture of real and imaginary features was applied to architecture development.
How did art develop in France in the later 19th and early 20th centuries as opposed to Germany? What were some of the stylistic differences among the works of artists in these two areas at this time?
Pablo picasso 1881-1973 was the French artist who developed a cubism movement. This was different from the art that was developing Germany, because it rethinked art. It returned to the “African primitive,” anit- academic ways. Cubism is the prismatic reorder of reality. Architecture of color.
Was Cubism a real innovation in art or just the latest wrinkle in the post-Impressionist tradition?
Cubism was a real innovation in art. t returned to the “African primitive,” anit- academic ways. Cubism is the prismatic reorder of reality. Architecture of color.
Can you explain the characteristics of the art movement principally associated with Germany and known as Expressionist-Cubism and its importance?
This movement is important because it is the combination of Cubism and Van Gogh’s Expression Dynamism but with shattered look Suggests idea of Motion- futurism