Temporal Measures Flashcards
reaction time
(RT) - go, no go reaction time
- the interval between stimulus (signal) and time it takes to reaction
reaction time tasks
Simple reaction time - speed of cognitive processing (e.g. light stimulus and simple response) ~250 ms
Choice reaction time - different types of stimulus for separate responses (e.g. red light - index, blue light - middle finger, yellow light - ring finger) ~550-600 ms
Discriminant RT - inhibitory control → response suppression (e.g. red light - index, blue and yellow light - no response)
dependent variable - accuracy
fractionating reaction time
EMG with electrode
- premotor and motor time then movement begins
- premotor time → processing information in cerebral cortex
- electromechanical delay in the muscle

movement and total response time
1. movement time
- the interval between the initation of a response (end of motor RT) to the completion of a movement
2. total response time
- RT + MT
reaction time to ‘real world’ event
International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) deems a false start when the athlete moves in less than 100 ms after stater’s gun