Technology for Teaching and Learning Flashcards
- process and products — paper and pencil - latest electronic gadgets
- encompasses all these aspects
Tekne “art” - crafts “product”
Best instructional material
- use of digital technology — communicate information
ICT literacy
Use of technology in teaching and learning
Educational Technology
Flip Charts, picture, model, realia
Electronic tools, hardware
- Tools used in instructional activities
- print, non-print or electronic materials
- teaching aids
Instructional Materials
Books, dictionaries, encyclopedia
Print Materials
Slides, models, rocks, field visits
Non-print materials
Presentations, videos, augmented realities
Electronic Materials
Internet to access information — teleconferencing — formative computer-based assessment
(Skype, Zoom, Kahoot, Mentimeter)
Online Digital Tools and Apps
Used even there’s no internet
ex. iBook
Offline Digital Tools and Apps
- information super highway
- massive network of networks
Allows you to access the internet
World Wide Web
Fast or quick — quickly create, add, edit
Editable website usually with limited access to collaboratively create and post written works
- blended learning
- records and shares lectures outside of class
Flipped Classroom
- prepares materials to be delivered in class
- listen to lectures
- homework assigned
Traditional Classroom
- students can learn something new
- produce something novel
Industrial Revolution
steam engine — electricity — gasoline — computer and cellphone — Internet — artificial intelligence
- students learn at the same time
- real time communication
- engaging and effective
- instant feedback
- students learn at different times
- not live
- convenient and flexible
- work at their own pace
Lessons are delivered online while the other part is handled in the actual physical setting of a classroom
Blended Learning
- distance learning
- self-learning modules (slm)
- ideal for limited access
Without a face to face contact with the teacher delivered via telecommunications
Distance Learning
Software application or web based technology
Learning Management System
Massive Open Online Courses
Large number of participants — can be hundreds or thousands
Freedom of place, pace and time — have internet connection — open to everyone
Some courses are free
All aspects delivered online
Offers a full course
Are useful in organizing your lesson
ex. Ppt
Presentation Softwares
Rule of six
Six line - six words
More keywords or phrases
Font size for titles
36-40 and the rest is 32
Font style
Sans serif
Dark text on light background
3 C’s for information
Correct, Current, Complete
A violation of the right of the author
A violation of the right of the copyright holder
Copyright Infringement
TPACK FRAMEWORK by Mishra and Koehler
Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge
Knowing what technology is best to use
Technological Knowledge
Principles and strategies of teaching — strategies and techniques used in classrooms
Pedagogical Knowledge
How well you know the subject area
Content Knowledge
Art of teaching
Pedagogical Knowledge
Knowing what teaching approaches fit
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
Interpreting your curriculum through a technology lens
Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
Pedagogical considerations for using technology
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
Technology pedagogy and content fit together
Design and implement better learning activities incorporating that technology
SAMR by Ruben Puentedura
Replacement for an analogue
Real learning happens
used technology as direct substitute — without functional change
ex. Writing an essay using a pen
Direct tool substitute with functional improvement
Ex. Google docs for essay instead of paper
Redesign the task
ex. Instead of simply writing an essay, the student can publish his essay through WORD PRESS
Do what was previously not possible
Substitution and Augmentation
Modification and Redifinition
The farther you go from the bottom of the cone, the more abstract the experience becomes
- degree of abstraction
Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
Student as a participant
Lower levels
Need more instructional support
Upper Levels
Series of actions — direct experience
Series of illustrations — pictorial experience
Series of symbols — highly abstract experience
Enactive (actor)
- Direct and purposeful experience
- contrived experience
- dramatized experience
- first hand experience
- direct participation
- use 3-5 senses
ex. Realia
Direct Purposeful Experience
Edited copies of direct experiences — designed to simulate a real-life situation
Contrived Experience
Substitute of a real thing — made up of synthetic materials
ex. Globe
Special model — heightened and magnified in order to focus on that part or process under study
ex. Planetarium
Species for scientific study or display
Artifacts displayed in a museum — objective displayed in exhibits
A representation of a real manageable events
It needs a winner
Reconstructed experience
ex. Role playing
Dramatized Experience
Rehearsed stage performances
Community dramas based on local history
A picture like scene composed of people against a background — no sound, no movement
ex. Paint me a picture
Method of conveying a story by bodily gestures — no sound has movements
ex. Charades
Unrehearsed, unprepared, and spontaneous dramatization — attitudinal change (values)
Role Playing
Present ideas with extreme simplicity — applicable in primary grades
Iconic (observer)
- demonstration
- study trips
- exhibits
-educational television - motion pictures
- still pictures, recordings, and radio
Visualized explanation — shows how certain things are done
Educational trips — observe an event that is unavailable within the classroom
ex. Zoo
Study Trips
Observation of educationally significant exhibitions
ex. Painting
Immediate interaction with events (audio-visual experience)
ex. Sineskwela
Educational Television
Slow down a fast process — seeing and hearing
ex. Downloaded videos in Youtube
Motion Pictures
1 dimensional aids — only one sense organ either eye or ear
use audio or visual
Still pictures, recordings, audio
See an idea, event, or process
Visual symbols
Symbolic (reader)
Visual Symbols and Verbal Symbols
Any line drawing that shows arrangement and relations
Cluster unrelated data into natural and meaningful groups
Affinity Diagram
Hierarchy tasks and subtasks with one element, then branches out two or more
Tree Diagram
Cause-and-effect diagram
Fishbone Diagram
Uses circles to show the relationship between two specific ideas
Venn Diagram
Diagrammatic representation of individual connections
Data in ordinal series (history)
Time chart or timeline
Creation, growth, and change
Tree or Stream Chart
Showing a process from beginning to end
Shows the relationships within the position or jobs
Organizational Chart
Left to right in decreasing order
ex. Customer complaints
Pareto Charts
Activity time chart
Gantt Chart
Visual image of pictures
Dividing a circle into sectors that each represent parts of a whole
(effective for budget)
Circle Graph
Show information that changes over time
Line graph
Compare the magnitude of identical things at different relations
Bar graph
Visual representation — pictograms
Pictorial Graph
Words, phrases, sounds, or other utterances that are spoken aloud
Verbal Symbols