Social Dimension and Teaching Profession Flashcards
Right or wrong, good or evil
An Act is good or bad depending on the results it brings about.
Teleological Principles
- positive and negative effect
ex. Euthanasia - Self-defense
The Principles of Double Effect
- 2 unpleasant situations — choose least harmful
The Choice of Lesser Evil
Willing participation in the sinful act
The Principle of Formal Cooperation
- material cooperation
- does not intend the evil but only permits or tolerates this evil
The Principle of Material Cooperation
Realized substantially your potential as a human person
Being fully human
Caring and unselfish
Being a loving person
Good habits and attitudes — consistently
Being a virtuous person
Maturity in the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and social levels
Being a morally mature person
Good as good, evil what is really evil
Right conscience
Bad as good
Erroneous Conscience
Hypocrite — saying good things but doing the opposite
Pharisaical Conscience
- subjective assurance — lawfulness or unlawfulness (decided)
Certain Conscience
Suspends judgement on the lawfulness of an action
Doubtful Conscience
Constantly afraid of commiting evil
Scrupulous Conscience
Finds excuses for mistakes
Lax Conscience
Disturbed conscience trying to restore good relations with God — sorrow and repentance
Guilty Conscience
Insensitive — heartless
Callous (Murderer)
Article 14. Sec. 1
Promote Quality Education
Article 14. Section 2.
- follow the same standard internationally
- accessible education to ALL (elem compulsory)
- vocational efficiency
Article 14. Section 3.
- study of the constitution (become responsible thinking individuals)
- teach religion in public schools
Article 14. Section 4.
No educational institution for aliens — except schools for foreign diplomatic personnel
Article 14. Section 5.
Academic freedom — higher learning
The Education Act of 1982
Ministry of Education Culture and Sports
Batas Pambansa Blg. 232
Department of Education Culture and Sports
RA 9155
DECS to DepEd
Heart of the formal education
Instructional leader and administrative manager
School Head
Shared governance of DepEd
RA 7722
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
R.A 7796
Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA)
National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Philippine Sports Commission
Child Friendly School (CFSS)
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Develop pupils reading and communication skills by Grade 3
Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP)
Capitalizing on bayanihan spirit
Brigada Skwela
Mobile Teachers
ALS (non-formal and informal)
RA 10533
Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
RA 10157
Kindergarten Education Act of 2012
Kinder to 3 - MTB as language of instruction
Grade 1-3 - MTB as subject
RA 10912
Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 (CPD)
RA 8525
Adopt-A-School Act of 1998
RA 6728
Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act (GASTPE)
R.A 4670
The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
7 Years of service
Not exceeding one year — extend without compensation
60% of the monthly salary
Study Leave
Lack the appropriate civil service eligibility
Provisional Teachers
PD 1006 (Ferdinand Marcos)
Decree of Professionalizing Teaching
R.A no. 7836
Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
R.A 9293
an Act amending certain sections of RA 7836