Teaching Internship Flashcards
Required subjects in the pre-service education curricula — Field Study Courses and Practice Teaching
Experiential Learning Courses
Field Study Courses (120 hours)
Teaching Internship (360 hours)
Practical application of the classroom learning
- actual class in a regular work environment — not limited to commercial and industrial services — gov or non-gov agencies
Internship is synonymous to:
- Practicum
- FS
Internship is not synonymous to according to RA 7796:
- Apprenticeship
- Learnership
Apprenticeship is longer than internship — years
Learnership focus on practical skills — TECHVOC
The school where the field observers and student teachers undergo observation and practice teaching
- laboratory of teaching (experiment)
Cooperating School
Internship School
Practicum Site
Partner Public School
refers to the faculty member of the Teacher Education Institution (TEI) in charge of the Experiential Learning Courses (FS and PT)
Teaches the course and oversees the various activities
College Supervisor
Guide the FSS/Student teacher in the development of profession competencies, attitudes, and behavior
Cooperating Teacher
A nurturing process in which a highly-skilled or more experienced person provides support and encouragement to a less experienced person
Refers to the student who undergoes practice teaching
Student Teacher or Intern
Refers to the student taking field study courses
Field Study Student
1st year to 4th year Education students are called
Pre-service Teacher
The resource facilitator in the FS courses
Resource Teacher
Mutually agreed upon monetary e.g honoraria and non-monetary incentives e.g scholarships
Flexible Incentive System
Set of skills for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life — esp. work set up
- include Soft Skills
Life Skills
Community skills, interpersonal skills, financial literacy skills
Soft Skills
Capstone or culminating learning experience — preparation of future teachers as reflective practitioners and emerging leaders who conduct themselves ethically and professionally
Teaching Internship
What is CMO 104 s. 2017
Revised Guidelines for Student Internship in the Philippines for all program
SI. Requirements
- officially enrolled in a legitimate Philippine Higher Education Institution
- enrolled in internship subject
- at least 18 years old from the start of the internship period
- pass pre-internship requirements
- submit a Medical Certificate — good health, emotionally, physical and psychological exam
- WAIVER with signature
Key People you interact within teaching Internship
- Cooperating Principal
- Cooperating Teacher
- College Supervisor
- Practice Teacher
Sometimes, a Master Teacher or Subject Area Coordinator/chair
Five Phases of Teaching Internship
- Orientation Sessions
- Observation and building relationship
- On site tasks
- Final demonstrations accomplishing exit forms
- Evaluation of Teaching Internship
3 Orientation Sessions for Teaching Internship
- College Supervisor
- Cooperating Head/Cooperating School Principal
- Subject Area Coordinator or Cooperating Teacher
- plays a central role in Teaching Internship
- provides a wide array of opportunities to see real-life teachers in actual teaching situations
Classroom Observations
- Personal accounts or records of all your learning experiences
Reflection Journal
Insights and learnings gained in teaching-learning processes
Reflection Journal
Process of teaching how to do or perform tasks in a step-by-step process — show and tell method in teaching
Demonstration Teaching
Steps in Demonstration Teaching
- Introduction
- Development
- Integration
- called attention getters, energizers — make students highly motivated in the teaching learning process
To make a good transition from the introduction to the development of the lesson — varied innovative teaching strategies
Making connections for students to apply the relevant and meaningful learning experiences to practical, real-life knowledge
School Register
SF 1
Learner’s Daily Class Attendance
SF 2
R.A No. 10173
Data Privacy Act
Books Issued and Returned
SF 3
Summary Enrollment and Movement of Learners
SF 4
Report on Promotion
SF 5
Summary Report on Promotion
SF 6
Inventory of School Personnel
SF 7
Learner Basic Health Profile
SF 8
Learner Progress Report Card (formerly Form 138)
SF 9
Learner’s Permanent Academic Record (formerly known Form 137)
SF 10
SHS Forms (new)
Sfs 1 - 7
Meeting between a student’s parent and teacher to discuss the child’s academic performance and other areas for improvement
Parent-Teacher Conference
ensure that when a practice teacher leaves school, he/she is cleared from all responsibilities and accountabilities
Accomplishing Exit and Evaluation Forms
The 3 I’s and 2 C’s in the Instructional Process:
- Innovative
- Interactive
- Integrative
- Collaborative
- Cooperative
- wide array of instructional strategies to make the students highly engaged in the teaching-learning process— cater to the diversity of the learners
- meaningful student engagement — all students must participate
Curriculum is seamless and borderless — unifying process
Each subject complements the lessons learned in various disciplines
Plan together and must articulate the lessons vertically and horizontally — ensure smooth transitions
Students progress personally while collectively working towards a common goal
- Students work together.
- TEAM approach where the SUCCESS of the group DEPENDS upon EVERYONE’S COOPERATION in the task.
Differentiated instruction is giving students MULTIPLE OPTIONS for taking in information —
Carol Ann Tomlinson
R.A no. 10912
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016
Teacher’s Criteria for Determining the Quality of Instructional Materials
- Accuracy, visual appeal
- Alignment to standards, depth knowledge
- Ease of use, support
- Engagement, ability to meet student needs
- no errors; correct information
- well written
- strong visual appeal
Accuracy, visual appeal
- aligned to standards
- efficiently addresses standards
- appropriate depth of knowledge, questions and activities
Alignment to standards, depth knowledge
- easy for teachers, students and parents to use
Ease of use, support
Sparks student interest; relevant
Appropriate materials by skill level, language ability, cognitive capability and learning style
Culturally relevant — aligns with prior background knowledge
Cultural and background knowledge
Group and individual, hands on, requires movement longer investigation
Diverse activities