Technology Flashcards
Gene therapy
Process by which defected Gene’s are either fixed or replaced with normal Gene’s (the gene that needs to be fixed is the targeted gene)
Recombinant DNA
DNA made by combining two nucleotide sequences that would not be normally present together in nature
Restriction enzymes
Enzymes that are capable of cutting DNA sequences in specific areas
DNA fingerprinting
Pattern of bands on a gel that are specific and unique to every single individual
Model organism
Organism that can be studied for biological functions in place of another organism
(Eg a mouse is a model organism for a human)
Functional genomics
Information gathered about Gene’s and their functuons
Human genome
Entire sequence of a humans nitrogen bases
DNA arranged in a pattern on a small membrane or glass slides, helps identify genetic diseases
Artificial insemination
Sperm is manually inserted into the reproductive tract of a femalw
In vitro fertilizatjon
Ovaries are stimulated with hormones, retrieved from ovaries, fertilized, and the embryo is placed back into the uterous
prenatal testing
Testing a fetus DNA before birth, to find any possible genetic disorders (recommended for women over 35)
Testing for a genetic disorder before birth
Prenatal testing
Ovaries are stimulated with horomones (to increase egg productuon) , retrieved from the body, fertilized and the embryo is placed back into the uterus
In vitro fertilization
Sprem is manually placed inside the reproductive tract of a female
Artificial insemination
Small membrane or glass slide coated with DNA fragments arranged in a particular pattern, which simplifies the search for disease causing genes
Sequence of a humans DNA nitrogenous bases found on the 23 sets of chromosomes
Human genome
Information gathered about Gene’s and their functuons
Functional genomics
Organism that is studied for biological traits in place of another organism
Model organism