Techniques Flashcards
Convergent Varielation
repetition or mirroring of dramatic elements observed in the player’s behavior; movement qualities, sounds, or images. Playor picks up on what is present [existents]. AIM: to present player with least discrepant information possible.
Convergent Varielation
Playing previously developed scenes, roles, or images in order for the player to try new variations
Convergent Varielation
Player presents a relatively clear polarity in their behavior (e.g. wanting to come close but then backing away)- the playor alternates between each several times, often while transforming to the Here and Now and commenting on the player’s pattern of alternating behaviors
Convergent Varielation
The playor becomes a character similar to that of the player, taking on the same attitude and behaviors (though not necessarily mirroring the movements or sounds)
Faithful Rendering
Congruent Varielation
Playing in a manner that fulfills the dramatic needs of the scene, usually involving the portrayal of the “other” evoked by the player’s dramatic behavior. The playor picks up on what is absent but implied by the player’s behavior (existents and remnants).
Congruent Varielation
Exaggerating or minimizing a dramatic element
Congruent Varielation
Playor helps the player develop the details of an image before allowing the scene to continue chronologically
Act Completion
Congruent Varielation
Playor brings a scene to its logical conclusion when they sense the player wishes it but is hesitating out of fear or embarrassment
Emergent Varielation
Emergent Varielation
portrayal of the emergent image arising in the player’s dramatic behavior. This will almost always be different from the existent scene (i.e. leakage) [emergents]. The emergent imagery is closer to what the player is feeling in the present, and can be identified as an element that does not fit in with existent role. The reflection of the emergent image back to the player is likely to evoke a transformation of the scene into a new one.
Transformation to the Here and Now
Emergent Varielation
Transforming the scene by becoming oneself as the playor and addressing the player as the player and expressing a feeling about the ongoing process of the session, while continuing to maintain the playspace.
Action Interpretation
Emergent Varielation
Transforming the scene into a previously played personal scene in order to illustrate the connection between the two.
Emergent Varielation
Presenting the player with an ambiguous, embodied image and allowing them to define it
Emergent Varielation
While in the middle of a transformation, slowing down and transforming to the here-and-now to discuss with the player the options for selecting roles in the emerging scene
Emergent Varielation
Transforming the scene into some form of theatrical production such as a play, movie, book, or rehearsal, without changing what is happening
Emergent Varielation
A form of bracketing when the parties play out the scene again as if it were on a videotape being rewound and replayed