Techniques Flashcards
The closed central portion of the interatrial septum in the adult is called?
Fossa ovalis
A saline contrast bubble study is performed during the TEE, need to detect?
Cardiac shunts
Which has the most impact on color Doppler jet size?
Doppler gain
At which temperature range is to unsafe to use a TEE probe?
40-45c (highest temp given, overheating can cause esophageal tissue damage)
Which valve event ends isovolumic relaxation?
Mitral opening
The area of the aorta between the top of the descending aorta and the arch is called the?
The anterior and apical wall of the LV is supplied by which coronary artery?
Left anterior descending (LAD)
The normal mean left atrial pressure is comparable to which of the following pressures?
Left ventricular diastolic
What percent of the left ventricular filing normally occurs in the first third of diastole?
In a patient w COPD which frequency transducer would most likely result in the best images?
1.75 MHz
Which valve event ends isovolumic contraction?
Aortic opening
Which is the most posterior cardiac valve in the chest?
The moderator band is seen in which of the following chambers?
Right ventricle
What type of murmur is associated with aortic stenosis?
Systolic crescendo decrescendo murmur
The best 2D view for diagnosing mitral valve prolapse is?
Parasternal long axis (PLAX)
On m-mode echocardiography the left atrial dimension is measured at?
End systole
The second heart sound involves the?
Semilunar valves
In echocardiography when Is a raphe typically seen?
Bicuspid aortic valve (a raphe is the fussed line between 2 of the 3 aortic leaflets in a typical bicuspid valve. Usually 86% between the R and the L aortic leaflets
The best view for evaluating a pt w suspected coarctation of the aorta is?
Suprasternal long axis of the aortic arch
Te best 2d view for evaluating a pt w a suspected PDA is?
Parasternal short axis of the aorta
Visualization of the lateral wall of the LV is best when the sonographer uses which of the following views?
Ap 4ch
With normal pressures which valve lesion would have the highest Doppler velocity?
Mitral regurg
Which standard 2-D transthoracic view typically allows viewing of the left atrial appendage LAA?
Apical 2CH
What type of murmur is associated with mitral valve prolapse?
Mid systolic click w a late systolic murmur
The best Doppler view for evaluating the severity of pulmonic stenosis is?
Psax at the base
What type of murmur is associated with aortic stenosis?
Systolic crescendo decrecendo murmur
Externally where is the left anterior descending coronary artery found?
Anterior interventricular sulcus
Which of the following can be seen on echo and is considered a normal remnant of fetal circulation?
Eustachian valve (at the junction of the IVC and RA is often seen on echo)
Which of the following increases left ventricular afterload?
Systemic hypertension. increases left ventricular afterload or the work that the ventricle has to do.
The central opening of the interatrial septum during fetal circulation is called the?
Foramen ovale
on M mode echocardiography the left ventricular diastolic dimension is measured at?
The start of the QRS
Which of the following forms a flap at the level of the foramen ovale that controls the flow between the right atrium and the left atrium?
Septum primum
Fetal blood oxygenation occurs in the maternal?
Which Echo window is used in viewing the inferior vena cava?
Color flow Doppler converts flow frequencies into different colors, it’s appearance is based on all of the following except?
Gray scale map used
What causes a left parasternal friction rub?
Adult chest wall echo probes generally operate with what frequency range?
2.5 - 4.0
Which is the most posterior chamber of the heart?
Left atrium
Which valve event starts at isovolumic contraction?
Mitral closure
Which valve event ends isovolumic relaxation?
Mitral opening
The resistance against which the left ventricle contracts is referred to as?
The right atrium receives unoxygenated blood from which of the following Except:?
Right pulmonary veins
The mitral valve apparatus includes all if the following structures Except:?
Non-coronary cusp
In laminar flow, mean velocity is:?
Roughly equal to maximum velocity
What is the interventricular septal motion in a patient with LBBB
Dyskinetic septal
Which is the most anterior cardiac valve in the chest?
Pulmonic valve
In fetal circulation the vessel that shunts blood R to L between pulmonary artery & aorta is?
Ductus arteriosus
All of the following may result in jugular venous distension Except:?
Which cardiac valve lies closest to the apex of the heart?
Tricuspid valve
In PT’s with severe mitral stenosis what % of the left ventricle filling might be contributed by atrial systole?
50%. Abnormal with MS
Each of the aortic valve cusps is associated with:?
A sinus of valsalva
A pericardial effusion will be seen between these two layers?
Visceral & parietal
Which of the following choices would not be used to correct for a pulsed wave Doppler aliasing?
Use a higher frequency probe
In normal development which is the last to close?
Foramen ovale
When using the PEDOF cw Doppler probe, the cardiac sonographer must rely on?
Spectral display in comparison to the EKG?
A PT who has higher blood pressure in Right arm than the Left arm may have:?
Coarctation of the aorta
On M-mode echo, late diastolic dip seen on the pulmonic valve is caused by:?
Pulmonic stenosis
To perform cw Doppler using PEDOF probe, how many piezoelectric crystals are required?
The closed central portion of the interatrial septum in the adult is called?
Fossa ovalis
Fetal blood H2o occurs in the?
What can you do to reduce ghosting in color Doppler?
Increase wall filter
What causes a left Parasternal friction rub?
Another name for the right ventricular outflow tract?
In normal pressures, which valve lesion would have the lowest velocity?
Pulmonary regurg
Best Doppler view to evaluate peak velocity of tricuspid regurg is?
Apical 4
Which of the following increases left ventricular afterload?
Systemic hypertension
The left ventricular diastolic pressure is comparable to what other pressure?
Mean left atrial pressure
Which is the most posterior cardiac valve?
On M-mode echo the left atrial dimension is measured at?
End systole
What type of murmur is associated with aortic stenosis?
Systolic crescendo/decrescendo
The pressure in LV at end diastole is referred to as?
A treatment for constrictive pericarditis is?
Causes for constrictive pericarditis are?
Chronic pericarditis, prior pericardiotomy, TB or tumor involvement, radiation therapy & long term steroid use
Where should saline contrast be injected in order to diagnosis a persistent left superior vena cava ?
Left arm
Which is the best echo view for assessing the anterior walls of the left ventricle?
Apical 2 chamber view