Technical Change Management 1.3 Flashcards
- The technical change management is focused more on the implementation of the changes on the technical side.
- Looks more into “how” to implement the changes.
What are some important considerations of the TECHNICAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS?
- When introducing new changes, it can get complicated when there are multiple individuals or devices involved.
What are some important considerations when implementing changes that come with outside applications?
- Any application can be considered dangerous and can come with malware, viruses, or a Trojan horse.
What is the purpose of a ALLOW LIST?
- A very restrictive list.
- Will only run approved applications on a person’s workstation.
What is the purpose of a DENY LIST?
- More flexible list.
- Looks more into the code of specific applications.
- Denies code on that list.
What are some important considerations when implementing new changes?
- Only specifically approved changes are permitted to be implemented, unless the scope of the update is expanded.
What is the significance of DOWNTIME?
- This is a time when services are unavailable and is considered disruptive to the change process.
- Scheduled during non-production hours.
What are important considerations when having DOWNTIME?
- Important to minimize down events.
- Make sure everyone is aware of the downtime.
What is the purpose of a PRIMARY and SECONDARY SYSTEM during DOWNTIME?
- A secondary system can provide a backout plan or backup to any updates being implemented.
- The primary system is where most of the updates are being implemented.
What is the importance of a RESTART as part of the CHANGE CONTROL PROCESS?
- The new configuration may require a rebooting of the system in order to be implemented.
- This can also help determine if a system can recover from an outage.
How does the RESTART process affect SERVICES?
- If needing to restart a specific service, this can be performed in seconds or minutes.
What are considerations if RESTARTING an APPLICATION?
- May requiring the completing closing of the application, and for all users to exit the application.
- Restart the whole application with the new change.
What are some important considerations if including LEGACY APPLICATIONS in the CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS?
- There are maybe no plans to update the legacy application.
- No development support for the legacy app.
- The organization may not want to adjust the legacy app.
- There maybe a some specific and procedures to the app.
What are considerations needed for the CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS when dealing with DEPENDENCIES?
- May have to update a service or application before making changes to another service or application.
- The primary service may require the installation of a secondary service.
- Some dependencies may need to update across other devices before updating the service.
What is the importance of the DOCUMENTATION as part of the CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS?
- Daily changes can cause current documentation to become outdated very quickly.
- Updating diagrams, instructions, or specific pieces of information.
- Documentation that tracks updates to aspects of an application which can include: router configurations, Windows OS Patches, or Application registry entries.