Tech Spec Flashcards


Per LCO 3.8.3, Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tank level must be maintained greater than (1) level in order to provide storage for (2) days of continuous 100% rated output operation.

A. (1) 71% (2) 7
B. (1) 80% (2) 7
C. (1) 71% (2) 10
D. (1) 80% (2) 10


B. (1) 80% (2) 7

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  • Unit 1 is in mode 1
  • The ‘A’ Diesel Generator (DG) and Spray Pond pump were removed from service for scheduled maintenance on July 1st.
  • The DG quarterly SR 100% date was July 1st.
  • Today is July 3rd, all work and required retest of the ‘A’ DG have been completed.
    The minimum requirements to declare the ‘A’ DG Operable is that the ‘A’ Spray pond pump be…

A. Functional (only).
B. Operable (only).
C. Functional and the quarterly Diesel SR is completed.
D. Operable and the quarterly Diesel SR is completed.


B. Operable (only).

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Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
Which one of the following is an entry level condition for Tech Specs?

A. 610 psig in SIT 1A.
B. 60% Pressurizer Level.
C. 86 Lockout/Trip of the ‘A’ Fuel Pool Cooling Pump.
D. 86 Lockout/Trip of a single DG ‘A’ starting air compressor.


B. 60% Pressurizer Level.

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  • Unit 1 is in Mode 3.
  • NCB-UV-401 failed it’s stroke time Surveillance Test and has been declared INOPERABLE.
    Containment Isolation (LCO 3.6.3)…

A. Does not apply in Mode 3.
B. Does not apply, NCB-UV-401 closes on a Containment Spray signal.
C. Can be complied with by closing and tagging NCN-HCV-491 within 4 hours.
D. Can be complied with provided the system remains filled and check valve NCA-V118 remains Operable.


C. Can be complied with by closing and tagging NCN-HCV-491 within 4 hours.

(Note: A check valve is allowed to be used to comply with actions of the LCO as long as flow is secured through the line. Instead of shutting down the entire system, HCV-491 will be closed by a TD in accordance with the ODP and isolation document. See statement: NCBUV401 This TD relies on check valve NCEV118for Containment isolation. Ensure NCNHCV0491 is closed to isolate flow through NCEV118.

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  • Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
  • DG ‘A’ is under clearance and OOS for planned maintenance.
  • A low level alarm is received on the ‘B’ Essential Chill water surge tank.
  • Chill Water (EC) is isolated to HAB-Z01.
    Which one of the following correctly reflects HPSI pump status?

A. HPSI pumps A/B are both Inoperable but functional.
B. HPSI pumps A/B are both Inoperable and non-functional.
C. HPSI pump A is Operable and functional provided offsite power is available to PBA-S03.
D. HPSI pump B is Operable and functional provided room temperature is maintained <104F.


A. HPSI pumps A/B are both Inoperable but functional.

(Note: Operable - A system, subsystem, train, component, or device shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when its capable of performing its specified safety function(s) and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency electrical power, cooling and seal water, lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component, or device to perform its specified safety function(s) are also capable of performing their related support function(s). )

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  • Unit 1 is operating at rated power.
  • Diesel Generator ‘A’ monthly Surveillance Testing is in progress.
  • Diesel Generator ‘A’ trips during the Cool-down cycle.
  • Diesel Generator ‘A’ is declared Inoperable.
    Which one of the following Tech Spec actions must be completed within one hour?

A. Restore DG ‘A’ to Operable status.
B. Determine that DG ‘B’ is not Inoperable due to a common cause failure.
C. Verify correct breaker alignment and indicated power availability for two offsite power circuits.
D. Declare required feature(s) supported by the Inoperable DG Inoperable when its redundant required feature(s) in inoperable.


C. Verify correct breaker alignment and indicated power availability for two offsite power circuits.

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  • Unit 3 is operating at rated power.
  • Regulating group 5 CEAs are inserted to 115 inches for ASI control.
  • CEA 17 (group 5) begins withdrawing with no Operator action.
  • The crew has placed CEDMCS in Standby.
  • CEA motion has stopped.
    Which one of the following represents the maximum acceptable CEA deviation and why?

A. Any uncontrolled outward deviation requires an immediate reactor trip due to the potential loss of Shutdown Margin.
B. 5.25 inches to ensure acceptable core power distributions are maintained.
C. 6.6 inches to ensure acceptable core power distributions are maintained.
D. 9.9 inches to ensure Shutdown Margin is maintained.


C. 6.6 inches to ensure acceptable core power distributions are maintained.

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Pressurizer Safety Valves are designed to maintain the Reactor Coolant System less than or equal to (1) psia and Core Protection Calculators are designed to prevent the Reactor Coolant System from exceeding a Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) of less than or equal to (2).

A. (1) 2500 (2) 1.30
B. (1) 2500 (2) 1.34
C. (1) 2750 (2) 1.30
D. (1) 2750 (2) 1.34


D. (1) 2750 (2) 1.34

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  • Unit 2 is operating at 100% power.
  • The ‘C’ class inverter, PNC-N13, is being removed from service for scheduled maintenance.
  • The ‘C’ class instrument bus has been transferred to the Voltage Regulator, PNV-V27.
    What impact (if any) does this maintenance have on LCO 3.8.7, Inverters-Operating? LCO is provided.

A. Immediate entry into LCO 3.8.7 is required.
B. No impact, this LCO applies to the class ‘A & B’ train inverters only.
C. No entry into LCO 3.8.7 is required as long as the ‘C’ instruments bus remains energized by PNC-V27.
D. Entry into LCO 3.8.7 may be delayed up to 24 hours provided that the ‘C’ instrument bus remains energized by PNC-V27.


A. Immediate entry into LCO 3.8.7 is required.

(Note: The inverter is required to be powered from the PK battery and connected to the PN bus to be operable. The PN bus remains operable as long as it’s powered from the inverter or voltage regulator and falls under 3.8.9.

OPERBABLE inverters require the associated AC vital instrument bus to be powered by the inverter with output voltage and frequency within tolerances, and power input to the inverters from a 125 VDC station batter.

OPERABLE DC electrical power distribution subsystems require the associated buses to be energized to their proper voltage from either the associated batter or charger. OPERABLE AC vital instrument bus electrical power distribution subsystems require the associated buses to be energized to their proper voltage from the associated inverter via inverted DC voltage, or Class 1E constant voltage regulator.)

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Which one of the following would require entry into a one hour or less LCO conditions while in Mode 1, steady state conditions?

A. Pressurizer level is 57%.
B. Reactor Coolant system T-cold is 540F.
C. An 86 lockout of SIA-P01, High Pressure Safety Injection pump ‘A’.
D. WCB-UV-63, chill water supply header outside cntmt isolation valve, has failed it’s stroke time surveillance test.


B. Reactor Coolant system T-cold is 540F.

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  • Unit 1 is in Mode 5 during a refueling outage.
  • ‘A’ Train shutdown cooling is in service.
  • Spent Fuel Pool Level Hi or Lo is in alarm.
  • Spent Fuel Pool level Lo-Lo is in alarm.
  • An Auxiliary Operator confirms Spent Fuel Pool level is 136’ 6” and slowly lowering.
    What is current status of (1) LCO 3.7.14, Fuel Storage Pool Water Level (2) Spent Fuel Pool Cooling (3) and which procedure should be implemented to correct this condition?

A. (1) Entry into LCO 3.7.14 is not required (2) SFP cooling must be secured at this level (3) 40AO-9ZZ23, Loss of SFP Level or Cooling.
B. (1) Entry into LCO 3.7.14 is required (2) SFP cooling can remain in operation at this level (3) 40AO-9ZZ23, Loss of SFP Level or Cooling.
C. (1) Entry into LCO 3.7.14 is required (2) SFP cooling must be secured at this level (3) 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery Procedure.
D. (1) Entry into LCO 3.7.14 is not required (2) SFP cooling can remain in operation at this level (3) 40EP-9EO11, Lower Mode Functional Recovery Procedure.


B. (1) Entry into LCO 3.7.14 is required (2) SFP cooling can remain in operation at this level (3) 40AO-9ZZ23, Loss of SFP Level or Cooling.

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Unit 1 is operating at rated power with following Safety Injection Tank (SIT) parameters:
- 1A 592 psig, 45% NR, 4005 PPM
- 1B 605 psig, 32% NR, 4210 PPM
- 2A 610 psig, 50% NR, 3925 PPM
- 2B 615 psig, 20% NR, 4100 PPM
Which one of the following describes the operability status of the Safety Injection Tanks?

A. Only 1A is Inoperable.
B. Only 2A is Inoperable.
C. 1A and 2B are Inoperable.
D. 1A, 2A and 2B are Inoperable.


C. 1A and 2B are Inoperable.

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  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • East and West switchyard voltage dropped to 516kV.
  • East and West Bus switchyard Low-Low voltage alarms are locked in.
    Which ONE of the following auto/manual action(s) is taken at this time to protect Engineered Safety Function (ESF) equipment from a ‘double sequencing’ event?

A. Water Reclamation Facility Supply breakers will trip open.
B. Start both DGs and maintain them paralleled with offsite power.
C. Bock the NAN-S01/S02 to NAN-S03/S04 fans bust transfer capability.
D. Ensure that the Main Generator’s gross MVAR output is greater than zero.


C. Bock the NAN-S01/S02 to NAN-S03/S04 fans bust transfer capability.

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  • Refueling pool level is 137’6” (>23 ft above the vessel flange).
  • Core RE-LOAD is in progress.
  • An irradiated fuel assembly is grappled and in the hoist box.
  • Train ‘B’ is under clearance for maintenance.
  • Train ‘A’ LPSI pump is gas bound.
    Which ONE of the following complies with Technical Specifications 3.9.4 (Shutdown Cooling (SDC) and Coolant Circulation - High Water Level) required actions?

A. Core re-load may continue.
B. Immediately stop core re-load, leave the fuel assembly in the hoist box.
C. Complete placing the fuel assembly in its designated core location, then suspend core re-load.
D. Immediately stop core re-load until you have verification that all activities that could result in boron dilution have been suspended.


B. Immediately stop core re-load, leave the fuel assembly in the hoist box.

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  • Unit 1 is in Mode 6.
  • Fuel movement is in progress.
  • It is discovered that both channels of CREFAS (RU-29 and RU-30) are INOPERABLE.
    Which of the following is the MINIMUM actions required to comply with Tech Spec 3.3.9, Control Room Essential Actuation Signal?

A. Immediately place one train of CREFS in operation OR suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, positive reactivity additions and core alterations.
B. Immediately place one train of CREFS in operation AND suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, positive reactivity additions and core alterations.
C. Within 1 hour place one train of CREFS in operation OR suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, positive reactivity additions and core alterations.
D. Within 1 hour place one train of CREFS in operation AND suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, positive reactivity additions and core alterations.


A. Immediately place one train of CREFS in operation OR suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies, positive reactivity additions and core alterations.

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  • Unit 1 is in Mode 5 coming out of an outage.
    Which ONE of the following describes entry into Mode 4 from Mode 5 occurs?

A. 210F
B. 250 psia
C. 350F
D. 385 psia


A. 210F

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  • Unit 1 is MODE 4.
  • An Inservice Test is being performed on containment penetration isolation valves using 73ST-9XI23, CP, EW, IA, and NC Valves - Inservice Test.
  • The Close Stroke Time is slower than the Tech Spec Acceptance Criteria.
    For this test, the valve stroke time is measured from hand-switch operation to when the (1) AND the crew must apply the requirements of LCO (2).

A. (1) green light is ON. (2) 3.9.3, Containment Penetrations.
B. (1) green light is ON. (2) 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves.
C. (1) red light goes OUT. (2) 3.9.3, Containment Penetrations.
D. (1) red light goes OUT. (2) 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves.


D. (1) red light goes OUT. (2) 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves.

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  • Containment Building Normal ACU Fans A01A and A01C are running.
  • Containment Building Normal ACU Fans A01B and A01D control switches are in Normal After Stop.
  • Fan A01A trips.
    Two minutes after the A01A fan trips, fans (1) will be running to help maintain Containment Air Temperature within the Technical Specifications 3.6.5 limit of _(2)_F.

A. (1) A01B and A01D. (2) 117.
B. (1) A01B and A01D. (2) 170.
C. (1) A01B and A01C. (2) 117.
D. (1) A01B and A01C. (2) 170.


C. (1) A01B and A01C. (2) 117.

Note: CAR Fans are on 60 sec. and CEDM are 120 sec.

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With regards to the (EW) Essential Cooling Water system in mode 1, which of the following is the correct application of Tech Specs?

(1) When cross connected to the Nuclear Cooling Water (NCW) system, EW is INOPERABLE…
(2) When cross connected to the Fuel Pool Cooling, EW is INOPERABLE…

A. (1) and remains inoperable while cross connected. (2) and remains inoperable while cross connected.
B. (1) and remains inoperable while cross connected. (2) but operability can be restored if a flow balance is performed because the EW system is sized to supply the SDC heat exchanger, Essential Chiller and the SFP heat exchanger.
C. (1) but operability can be restored if a flow balance is performed because the EW system is sized to supply the NCW priority loads and the SDC heat exchanger. (2) and remains inoperable while cross connected.
D. (1) but operability can be restored if a flow balance is performed because the EW system is sized to supply the NCW priority loads and the SDC heat exchanger. (2) but operability can be restored if a flow balance is performed because the EW system is sized to supply the SDC heat exchanger, Essential Chiller and the SFP heat exchanger.


B. (1) and remains inoperable while cross connected. (2) but operability can be restored if a flow balance is performed because the EW system is sized to supply the SDC heat exchanger, Essential Chiller and the SFP heat exchanger.

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  • Units 1-3 all operating at 100% power.
  • Unit 2 has DG ‘A’ out of service for scheduled maintenance.
  • Startup transformer NAN-X01 faults and is de-energized.
    Refer to the provided Tech Spec to determine which ONE of the following is the correct application of the LCO 3.8.1.
    Unit - (1)
    Unit - (2)
    Unit - (3)

A. (1) enters condition C only. (2) enters conditions A and B only. (3) no condition entry is required.
B. (1) no condition entry is required. (2) enters conditions A and B only. (3) no condition entry is required.
C. (1) enters condition C only. (2) enters condition D as well as LCO 3.8.9 to a de-energized AC bus only. (3) enters condition A only.
D. (1) no condition entry is required. (2) enters condition D as well as LCO 3.8.9 due to a de-energized AC bus only. (3) enters Condition A only.


D. (1) no condition entry is required. (2) enters condition D as well as LCO 3.8.9 due to a de-energized AC bus only. (3) enters Condition A only.

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  • Unit 1 is stable at 220F
  • Preparation are being made for a plant heat-up.
  • An RO reports that all B06 position indications for SGB-HS-221, SG sample valve are out.
  • The valve has been stroked and all lights remain extinguished.
    Which ONE (if any) is the maximum time limit with regards to LCO 3.6.3, Containment isolation valves?

A. LCO 3.6.3 is not applicable in the current mode.
B. SGA-UV-220 must be closed and de-energized within 1 hour.
C. SGA-UV-220 must be closed and de-energized within 4 hour.
D. SGA-UV-220 must be closed and de-energized within 24 hours.


C. SGA-UV-220 must be closed and de-energized within 4 hour.

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • The upper half of window 5B03A ‘Leg 1-3 CIAS Leg 2-4’ is alarming.
  • The CIAS annunciated on B05 is alarming.
  • The RO Reports that there are no abnormal trends in Containment parameters.
    Which ONE of the following is the required action(s) per LCO 3.4.16, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation?

A. Both the Containment Sump and Atmosphere monitors are Inoperable. Enter LCO 3.0.3 immediately.
B. Only the Containment Sump monitor is inoperable. Perform an RCS water inventory balance once per 24 hours
C. Only the Containment Atmosphere radioactivity monitor is Inoperable. Analyze grab samples of the containment atmosphere, once per 24 hours.
D. Both the Containment Sump and Atmosphere monitors are Inoperable, Be in Mode 3 within 6 hours and mode 5 within 36 hours, entry into LCO 3.0.3 is NOT required at this time.


A. Both the Containment Sump and Atmosphere monitors are Inoperable. Enter LCO 3.0.3 immediately.

  • Unit 1 is in Refueling outage.
  • Refueling pool level is at 138 ft 2 inches.
    Per LCO 3.9.1 the minimum refueling pool boron concentration is (1) ppm, which is designed to maintain Keff less than or equal to (2) during fuel movement.

A. (1) 2150 (2) .95
B. (1) 2150 (2) .99
C. (1) 3000 (2) .95
D. (1) 3000 (2) .99


C. (1) 3000 (2) .95

  • Tech Spec 3.7.7 states…with one EW train inoperable, restore the EW train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours.
  • Tech Spec 3.6.6 states…with one Containment Spray train inoperable, restore the Containment Spray train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours.
  • An evaluation has been performed per the Safety Function Determination Program and found that NO loss of safety function exists.
    Given the following conditions:
    1200 10/05/13 EW ‘A’ is declared inoperable due to a breaker problem.
    1200 10/07/13 CS ‘A’ is declared inoperable due to failed room cooler.
    1100 10/08/13 EW ‘A’ is restored to service.
    Assuming that LCO 3.0.6 was implemented when does CS ‘A’ have to be restored to service?
    (LCO 3.0.6 provided)

A. 1200 10/08/13
B. 1100 10/09/13
C. 1200 10/10/13
D. 1200 10/11/13


C. 1200 10/10/13


Which one of the following is the maximum value for primary to secondary leakage through any one steam generator (SG) as identified in LCO 3.4.14, RCS Operational LEAKAGE?

A. 10 gallons per minute.
B. 25 gallons per minute.
C. 75 gallons per day.
D. 150 gallons per day.


D. 150 gallons per day.

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • Pressurizer level is slowly lowering.
  • RCS temperature is stable.
  • The in-service letdown control valve CHN-110P is slowly closing.
  • The CRS implements 40AO-9ZZ02, Excessive RCS Leak-rate and has entered the AOP entry time and date.
    (1) Which one of the following is the next action required by 40AO-9ZZ02?
    (2) What is the LOW Pressurizer water level value identified in Tech Spec 3.4.9?

A. (1) Isolate letdown (2) Greater than or equal to 25%.
B. (1) Isolate letdown (2) Greater than or equal to 27%.
C. (1) Start an additional charging pump (2) Greater than or equal to 25%.
D. (1) Start an additional charging pump (2) Greater than or equal to 27%.


D. (1) Start an additional charging pump (2) Greater than or equal to 27%.

  • A large break LOCA has occurred.
  • SIAS/CIAS/MSIS have automatically initiated.
  • Refueling Wager Tank, RWT, Level is lowering.
    (1) Per Technical Specifications, what is the Recirculation Actuation Signal, RAS, setpoint?
    (2) How will the Emergency Core Cooling System, ECCS,suction isolation valves respond to the RAS?

A. (1) 7.4% (2) Containment Sump to Safety Injection valves automatically open and the RWT to Safety Injection isolation valves will automatically close.
B. (1) 7.4% (2) Containment Sump to Safety Injection isolation valves will automatically open but the RWT to Safety Injection isolation valves must be closed by the operator.
C. (1) 9.4% (2) Containment Sump to Safety Injection valves automatically open and the RWT to Safety Injection isolation valves will automatically close.
D. (1) 9.4% (2) Containment Sump to Safety Injection isolation valves will automatically open but the RWT to Safety Injection isolation valves must be closed by the operator.


D. (1) 9.4% (2) Containment Sump to Safety Injection isolation valves will automatically open but the RWT to Safety Injection isolation valves must be closed by the operator.


Which one of the following identifies the CEA position requirements of 40ST-9ZZ23, CEA Position Date Log?

(1) The indicated position for all full and part strength CEAs is within a maximum of ___ inches of ALL other CEAs in the group.
(2) All shutdown CEAs must remain above ___ inches by pulse counter indication.

A. (1) 6.6 (2) 142.50
B. (1) 6.6 (2) 147.75
C. (1) 9.9 (2) 142.50
D. (1) 9.9 (2) 147.75


B. (1) 6.6 (2) 147.75


The Technical Specification for RCS Activity, LCO 3.4.17, is Applicable in (1) and is based on a(an) (2) accident.

A. (1) Modes 1 through 4 (2) Excess Steam Demand.
B. (1) Modes 1 and 2 ONLY (2) Excess Steam Demand.
C. (1) Modes 1 through 4 (2) Steam Generator Tube Rupture
D. (1) Modes 1 and 2 ONLY (2) Steam Generator Tube Rupture


C. (1) Modes 1 through 4 (2) Steam Generator Tube Rupture

  • Unit 1 is in Mode 6.
  • Refueling operators are on-going.
  • LSRO is stationed in containment.
    (1) Reactor Operator monitors Spent Fuel Pool level to ensure it is maintained above the T.S. LCO 3.7.14, Fuel Storage Pool Water Level, MINIMUM of ___ feet over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the storage racks.
    (2) As stated in 40DP-9OP02, Conduct of Shift Operations, the individual designated to maintain the Control Room command function will normally be the CRS but may be…

A. (1) 22.5 (2) only another qualified SRO.
B. (1) 22.5 (2) either a qualified RO or SO.
C. (1) 23 (2) only another qualified SRO.
D. (1) 23 (2) either a qualified RO or SRO.


D. (1) 23 (2) either a qualified RO or SRO.


Which of the following monitors are considered part of the RCS Leakage Detection System in accordance with T.S. LCO 3.4.16, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation?

A. RU-16, Operating Level Area.
B. RU-17, Incore Instrument Area.
C. RU-1, Containment Atmosphere.
D. RU-149, High Range in Containment Area.


C. RU-1, Containment Atmosphere.

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • Group 5 CEAs are at 120 inches withdrawn fro ASI control.
  • Class instrument bus, PKC-M43, has faulted and is de-energized.
    (1) What is the correct Tech Spec as it applies to CEA alignment?
    (2) What is the impact on the CEDMCS system and the ability to position CEAs.
    LCO 3.1.5 is provided as a reference.

A. (1) Enter LCO 3.0.3, because the conditions of 3.1.5.B are not satisfied. (2) Subgroup Logic PREVENTS the positioning of the group 5 CEAs in Manual Sequential.
B. (1) Enter LCO 3.1.5, Condition B. (2) Subgroup logic ALLOWS the positioning of the group 5 CEAs in Manual Sequential.
C. (1) Enter LCO 3.1.5, Condition B. (2) Subgroup Logic PREVENTS the positioning of the group 5 CEAs in Manual Sequential.
D. (1) Enter LCO 3.0.3, because the conditions of 3.1.5 B are not satisfied. (2) Subgroup logic ALLOWS the positioning of the group 5 CEAs in Manual Sequential.


A. (1) Enter LCO 3.0.3, because the conditions of 3.1.5.B are not satisfied. (2) Subgroup Logic PREVENTS the positioning of the group 5 CEAs in Manual Sequential.

  • Unit 1 has entered a refueling outage.
  • Tcold is 425F and lowering.
  • During an inspection maintenance discovered a fault on the connections between the ‘A’ battery and PKA-M41, 125 VDC class DC bus.
  • Electrical reports that PKA-M41 would require entry into LCO 3.7.5 Condition(s)…
    LCO 3.7.5, Auxiliary Feedwater System is provided.

A. A only
B. C only
C. A and B only
D. A, B and C


D. A, B and C

  • Unit 1 is operating in Mode 4 coming out of refueling outage.
  • RU-1 (Containment Atmosphere) is declared inoperable.
    Which ONE of the following describes the required action (if any) per Technical Specification 3.4.16 (RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation)?

A. Perform RCS water inventory balance once per 72 hours.
B. Analyze grab samples of the containment atmosphere once per 24 hours.
C. No action required as long as containment sump monitor remains operable.
D. No action required as long as RU-16 (Containment Operating Level) remains operable.


B. Analyze grab samples of the containment atmosphere once per 24 hours.

  • Unit 1 is in Mode 1.
  • High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) Pump B, SIB-P02, unexpectedly tripped during surveillance testing.
    (1) Restore SIB-P02 to Operable status within ____ or enter LCO 3.5.3 Condition C, be in Mode 3 in 6 hrs AND reduce Pressurizer pressure <1837 psia in 12 hrs AND reduce RCS Tc <485F in 12 hrs.
    (2) Who determines the level of trouble shooting per 01DP-9ZZ01, Systematic Troubleshooting?

A. (1) 7 days (2) Shift Technical Advisor.
B. (1) 72 hours (2) Shift Technical Advisor.
C. (1) 7 days (2) Shift Manager.
D. (1) 72 hours (2) Shift Manager.


D. (1) 72 hours (2) Shift Manager.

  • A Reactor startup following a refueling outage is in progress on Unit 2.
  • The reactor is at the ECP -1000 PCM position.
  • The Channel ‘A’ Log Safety Channel NI failed low due to a transmitter failure.
    Based on the listed conditions, what LCO actions, if any, must be taken in response to this failure?

A. Immediately determine RCS boron concentration per LCO 3.3.12, Boron Dilution Alarm System.
B. Immediately suspend positive reactivity additions per LCO 3.9.2, Nuclear Instrumentation.
C. Place the applicable RPS bistables in bypass or trip within one hour per LCO 3.3.1, RPS Instrumentation - Operating.
D. Place the applicable RPS bistables in bypass or trip within one hour per LCO 3.3.2, RPS Instrumentation - Shutdown.


D. Place the applicable RPS bistables in bypass or trip within one hour per LCO 3.3.2, RPS Instrumentation - Shutdown.

  • Unit 2 is operating at 100% power.
  • An inadvertent Train ‘A’ CSAS has just occurred.
  • NCA-UV-402, NCW Containment Downstream Return Isolation Valve, is closed.
    NCA-UV-402, NCW Containment Downstream Return Isolation Valve, must be overridden and opened within a MAXIMUM of (1) or the reactor must be tripped.
    When NCA-UV-402 is overridden and opened, the penetration must be isolated within a MAXIMUM of (2) to comply with LCO 3.6.3, Containment Isolation Valves.

A. (1) 3 minutes (2) 4 hours.
B. (1) 3 minutes (2) 24 hours.
C. (1) 10 minutes (2) 4 hours.
D. (1) 10 minutes (2) 24 hours.


C. (1) 10 minutes (2) 4 hours.

  • Unit 3 is in MODE 4, cooling down for a refueling outage.
  • Train ‘A’ and Train ‘B’ LPSI Pumps are being used for Shutdown Cooling.
  • All RCPs are secured.
  • The ‘B’ LPSI Pump indicates no flow and lower than normal amps.
    In order for the unit to be in compliance with LCO 3.4.6, RCS Loops - Mode 4, at least one RCP must be OPERABLE (1) and the associated SG must be at a MINIMUM level of 25% (2).

A. (1) ONLY (2) wide range.
B. (1) ONLY (2) narrow range.
C. (1) AND running (2) wide range.
D. (1) AND running (2) narrow range.


A. (1) ONLY (2) wide range.

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • Unit 2 is in a refueling outage.
  • Unit 3 has just tripped.
  • Annunciator 1B03B, LAST UNIT ON-LINE, has just alarmed in Unit 1.
  • Unit 1 Main Generator is boosting 50 MVAR.
  • LCO 3.8.1 Condition G has been entered in Unit 1 due to both offsite circuits not meeting required capability.
  • Switchyard voltage is currently 523 kV.
    (1) In this condition, to comply with LCO 3.8.1 Condition G, the CRS can direct either blocking fast bus transfer on NAN-S01 and NAN-S02, or ___.
    (2) The PREFERRED AVAILABLE option per the LCO 3.8.1 Technical Specifications Bases is to ___.

A. (1) Boosting additional MVAR to raise switchyard voltage. (2) Blocking fast bust transfer on NAN-S01 and NAN-S02.
B. (1) Boosting additional MVAR to raise switchyard voltage. (2) Boosting additional MVAR to raise Switchyard Voltage.
C. (1) Transferring the Class 4kV buses to their respective EDGs. (2) Blocking fast bus transfer on NAN-S01 and NAN-S02.
D. (1) Transferring the Class 4kV buses to their respective EDGs. (2) Transferring the Class 4kV buses to their respective EDGs.


C. (1) Transferring the Class 4kV buses to their respective EDGs. (2) Blocking fast bus transfer on NAN-S01 and NAN-S02.

  • Unit 1 is in MODE 6.
  • Core reload is in progress.
  • Audible indication of count rate for the Startup Range Monitors (SRMs) is lost inside Containment.
  • Audible and visual SRM indications remain available in the Control Room.
    Based on these indications, the core reload…

A. MAY continue provided audible AND visual source range indications are available in the control room.
B. MUST be suspended in accordance with LCO 3.3.12 Boron Dilution Alarm System, Condition A, for two required SRMs Inoperable.
C. MAY continue provided audible source range indication is available in the control room AND the Refueling machine maintains constant communications with the control room.
D. MUST be suspended and action must be taken to restore audible indication in containment in accordance with LCO 3.9.2 Nuclear Instrumentation, Conditions A and B for two required SRMs inoperable.


D. MUST be suspended and action must be taken to restore audible indication in containment in accordance with LCO 3.9.2 Nuclear Instrumentation, Conditions A and B for two required SRMs inoperable.

  • Unit 2 is in MODE 1.
  • At time = 1000, Engineering informed the control room that 3 Pressurizer Safety Valves on Unit 2 are outside of their TS lift tolerances.
    Assuming the lift set-points cannot be adjusted in the next 24 hours, what is the LATEST time that the unit must be in MODE 3 comply with LCO 3.4.10, Pressurizer Safety Valves - MODES 1,2, and 3?

A. 1600
B. 1615
C. 1700
D. 1715

  • Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
  • Essential Cooling Water Train ‘B’ was declared inoperable at 0800 4/1/16 due to bearing change-out.
  • All supported equipment was declared inoperable but no actions were entered per LCO 3.0.6.
  • At 0800 on 4/2/16, an inadvertent ‘A’ Train AFAS-1 occurred and the CRS immediately directed an operator to override and close Train ‘A’ Aux Feed Injection Valves to SG #1.
    With NO further operator action, the LATEST time and date Unit 1 must be in MODE 3 is…

A. 1400 on 4/2/16
B. 1500 on 4/2/16
C. 1400 on 4/4/16
D. 1400 on 4/5/16


B. 1500 on 4/2/16 verified with Doug Wilson 8/11/20

A. 1400 on 4/2/16
(Note: 2 AFW Inoperable Mode 3 in 6 hours)


Following the loss Fuel Building Ventilation Radiation Monitor RU-145 during the movement of irradiated fuel in the Spent Fuel Pool, compliance with TLCO 3.3.108, Fuel Building Emergency Ventilation Actuation Signal, can be achieved by (1), and compliance with the ODCM can be achieved by (2).

A. (1) verifying Spent Fuel Pool Area RM RU-31 is functional. (2) taking grab samples at least once per 12 hours.
B. (1) verifying Spent Fuel Pool Area RM RU-31 is functional. (2) verifying Fuel Building Ventilation RM RU-146 is functional.
C. (1) verifying Fuel Building Ventilation RU-146 is functional. (2) taking grab samples at least one per 12 hours.
D. (1) verifying Fuel Building Ventilation RM RU-146 is functional (2) verifying Fuel Building Ventilation RM RU-146 is functional.


A. (1) verifying Spent Fuel Pool Area RM RU-31 is functional. (2) taking grab samples at least once per 12 hours.

  • Unit 1 is exiting an outage with Tcold 345 F.
  • Preparations are being made to enter MODE 3.
  • During the outage, maintenance on AFA-P01 was conducted and the governor was replaced.
  • All maintenance activities have been completed including all Surveillance Requirements, with the exception of Surveillances needed to be performed at NOP/NOT.
    Based on these conditions, AFA-P01 is a considered…

A. OPERABLE, but the mode change is allowed ONLY after performing a risk assessment per SR 3.0.4.
B. OPERABLE, because SR 3.0.1 allows to completion of required surveillance’s when plant conditions support.
C. INOPERABLE, however the mode change can be made and the required surveillance’s must be completed within a MAXIMUM of 24 hours.
D. INOPERABLE, however the mode change can be made and the required surveillance’s must be completed within a MAXIMUM of 72 hours.


B. OPERABLE, because SR 3.0.1 allows to completion of required surveillance’s when plant conditions support.

  • RCS Temperature is 250F and stable.
  • RCS Pressure is 200 psia and stable.
    Per Technical Specifications section 5.0, Administrative Controls, and 10CFR50.54(m), there must be a MINIMUM of (1) licensed operators in the Control Room and the Control Room command function can be performed (2).

A. (1) one (2) ONLY by an SRO.
B. (1) one (2) by either an RO or an SRO.
C. (1) two (2) ONLY by an SRO.
D. (1) two (2) by either an RO or an SRO.


C. (1) two (2) ONLY by an SRO.

  • A TS required piece of equipment has been declared inoperable.
  • The applicable required action has a completion time of, ‘1 hour AND once per 8 hours there after’
    To comply with the LCO, the required action must be completed within a MAXIMUM of (1) of the equipment inoperability, and each subsequent performance of the required action must be completed within a MAXIMUM of (2) from the previous performance of the required action.

A. (1) 1 hour (2) 8 hours.
B. (1) 1 hour (2) 10 hours.
C. (1) 1 hour and 15 minutes (2) 8 hours.
D. (1) 1 hour and 15 minutes (2) 10 hours.


B. (1) 1 hour (2) 10 hours.


Based on Technical Specifications, entry into Mode 5 from Mode 6 will occur when…

A. All reactor head closure bolts are fully tensioned and cold leg temperature > 210 F.
B. All reactor head closure bolts are fully tensioned.
C. RCS cold leg temperature exceeds 135 F.
D. RCS cold leg temperature exceeds 200 F.


B. All reactor head closure bolts are fully tensioned.


The RCS Pressure Safety Limit is less than or equal to…

A. 2500 psia
B. 2650 psia
C. 2750 psia
D. 2850 psia


C. 2750 psia

(Note: 2.2.2 If SL 2.1.2 is violated:

  1. 2.2.1 In MODE 1 or 2, restore compliance and be in MODE 3 within 1 hour.
  2. 2.2.2 In MODE 3, 4, or 5, restore compliance within 5 minutes)

The bases for meeting the LCO on Linear Heat Rate (13.1 kw/ft) is:

A. In the event of a LOCA, fuel clad temperature will not exceed 2200 F.
B. On loss of flow the calculated DNBR will be


A. In the event of a LOCA, fuel clad temperature will not exceed 2200 F.


Unit is operating at 90% power.
COLSS is declared inoperable on the CMC and PC due to computer hardware failures.
The operating crew performs 72ST-9RX03, DNBR/LHR/AZTILT/ASI with COLLS OOS.
The value for DNBR is not within the acceptable region of the curve.

A. Restore linear heat rate to within limits within 15 minutes.
B. Restore linear heat rate to within limits within 30 minutes.
C. Determine trend in LHR within 15 minutes.
D. Determine trend in LHR within 30 minutes.


C. Determine trend in LHR within 15 minutes.


Tech Spec Operability of the Ultimate Heat Sink is determined by the values of what parameter(s)?

A. Level Only.
B. Temperature Only.
C. Level and Temperature Only.
D. Level, Temperature, and Conductivity.


C. Level and Temperature Only.


Unit 1 is at 340 F and 1000 psia with Keff of .97.
What TS MODE is this?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4