Tech (II) Flashcards
Carbon capture (type one)
Carbon goes underground
Pre-Combustion Crabon Storage
Removing CO2 from fossil fuels befpre combustion is completed.
For example gassification process to produce synthesis gas.
Example; In gasification process a feedstock (such as coal) is partiallt oxides in steam and oxigen under high temperatures abd pressure to from syntheis gas.
Visualization the flow of carbon
Direct Air Capture (Definiiton)
Air capture is the extraction of carbon dioxide from atosphere air in a close loop industrial process.
Heat Pumps
Thermal energy flows from things that are “hot” to things that are “cold”
The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature.
The lower the pressure the lower the temperature
Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV)
Uses both an electric motor and an interla combustion engine.
Electricity is generated on the car through regenerative breaking or by the ICE
Plug- in Hybrid electric vehicle
Uses both an elctric motor and ICE
Uses a combustion of grid electricity, rgenerative from a barking and power from an ICE
Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
Uses batteries alone to power an electric motor.
Usea a combination of grin electricity and regenerative energy from braking
Non-fossil energy storage
Energy can be stored as bio-energy ( wood, crops, biofules, biogas), as well as hydropower reservoirs, hydrogen fuel tanks, and heat sinks
Scake up storage technologies
Large Banks of batteries
Pumped hydro
Compressed air
Based Load versus load matching
Based load: Plants intended to run 24/7, expcept during maintenance periods. lLower level demand on the grid.
They are high efficient and low operational flexibility. They are highly effienct but the lack on quickly increase or decrease output.
Load-matching: Refers to the process of adjusting electricity supply to meet the varying layers of demand.
Exp. usig different types of plants
Fats peaking
Power plants are used to meet short, high spikes in lectericity demand.
These plants are designed to ramp up quicly to provide electricity in short time framses.
Exp. Gas turbine hydropower.
Intermediate peaking
Power plant to meet moderate levels of demand that are higher than the base load do not reach peak levels
These pants operate during longer periods of increaing demand, typically during daytime hours.
Exp. Natural gas combines-cylce plants
Electricity system management in future
Flexible source
Power generatpr technologies that can adapt tp demand fluctuations. They are either capable of storing energy or adjusting their outputsto match demand.
Exp. Solar thermal with storage