TECH Flashcards
Can you explain sources of electrical generation and their priorities
E- External Power
In flight, in norm ops which generator has the higher load and why?
the GEN1
because it feeds the AC ESS BUS (?)
what does the emergency gen cover?
approximately how long does it take for the emergency gen to come online and during that time what is powering the aircraft and with that power what is it powered on the flight deck?
8 seconds
in the meantime Batteries are powering the PFD1, Upper DU and FMGC1.
basically what we need to fly an aircraft (Pitch and Power)
what is the purpose of EMER ELEC GEN 1 LINE on the overhead panel?
To energize the Fuel Pumps n.1 during the Smoke configuration. Otherwise in EMER ELEC we have gravity feeding.
GEN 1 LINE contactor opens. GEN 1 remains running and supplies 1 fuel pump in each wing tank. AC BUS 1 is supplied by GEN 2 through the bus tie contactor
approximately what Spd must be maintained for the RAT?
what is the diff between selecting the gen off and the IDG off?
IDG disconnect all the drive generator (including generator) and cannot be reverted.
GEN PB disconnects only the generation part of the IDG (not the drive and the cooling)
what is the purpose of selecting the APU master switch ON the overhead panel in the REMOVAL OF SMOKE/FUMES QRH checklist?
IN EMER ELEC if you press the master sw the battery contactors will close for a max of 3’ allowing the crew to manually control the outflow valve that is powered by the DC BAT BUS.
under what circumstances will the RAT extend automatically
AC BUS 1+2 FAULT (>100kt)
at what altitude can the APU be started in the EMER ELEC CONFIG and why
Below 250
To preserve battery power
under normal ops what altitude can the APU support Electrical load and Bleed demand?
22500’ single pack
15000’ dual pack
Name the sources of power of each of the HYD systems
Green: ENG 1 pump
Blue: B Elec Pump + RAT
Yellow: ENG 2 pump + Y Elec pump
what services does the GREEN SYS power
slats&flaps, 2 pairs of spoilers, ailerons, THS, L elevator, Rudder, L/G, Normal Braking
what services does the YELLOW SYS power?
2 pair of spoilers, flaps, THS, R elevator, rudder, Alternate BRK
what services does the BLUE SYS power?
slats, 1 splr, 1 aileron, both elevators, rudder
why on the HYD SYS page in flight is the green reservoir lvl always showing slightly less than the other 2?
cause the fluid is being used to retract the landing gear (?)
how are the HYD reservoirs pressurized and why?
with HP bleed air from engine 1. If bleed pressure is too low then the system takes from the crossbreed duct.
The aim is to prevent pump cavitation.
what is the purpose of the HYD priority valves?
cut off hydraulic power to heavy load users if hydraulic pressure in a system gets low
what is the purpose of the HYD accumulators
helps to maintain a constant pressure by covering transient demand during normal ops
explain the purpose of the PTU
enables the yellow system to pressurize the green and vice-versa (no fluid exchange).
what is the typical sys pressure for the three hyd systems and what pressure do you expect to see when the RAT is powering the system
normal: 3000 PSI
RAT: 2500 PSI
at what point does the system pressure become AMBER?
PSI < 1450
of the dual HYD failures which in your opinion is the worst and why?
G+Y: extremely long landing listance required because of loss of Flaps and braking norm and alternate (only accumulator available)
which of the dual hyd failures maintainins the aircraft in normal law?
why is the gear extended by gravity with the HYD B+Y system failure? (after all we still have the G system available)
to preserve the green system integrity
what is the purpose of extending the landing gear at 200kt with the GREEN+BLUE sys failure?
we have only limited roll and pitch surfaces available therefore the direct law helps the controllability of the aircraft.
why in the green and yellow sys failure is flap 3 selected before gear is selected down?
because we lost the stabilizer therefore the aircraft uses the elevator to compensate. Once the gear is down the aircraft loses the auto trim functions and the elevator might not have enough authority to pitch as we need.
which hyd services power the ailerons?
Green and Blue
name the F/CTL laws
Normal, Alternate (with and without reduced protection), Direct, Abnormal attitude law, mechanical backup
what is the purpose of mechanical backup?
it’s to cover a temporary loss of flight control computers until we recover one of them. Still won’t control the aircraft in case of loss of fluid.
what is the purpose of abnormal attitude law?
to provide the PF with maximum efficiency to recover normal attitude
in normal law explain bank angle prot
up to 33° roll rate command and auto trim function.
above 33° up to 67° if side stick released bank returns to 33° (spiral stability) and there is no auto trim function.
in OVERSPEED (high speed protection) max bank is 40° (to avoid high Load Factors) and if you are still in overspeed and release the stick it will return to 0°.
LOW SPEED: within the Alpha Prot Speed band max bank will be 45° but if you release there’s no return to 0° (like it is in overspeed). Won’t have FDs beyond 45° and they come back at 40°.
what is the max bank angle when alpha port is in force? and what is the maximum bank angle when high speed protection is in force?
45° when in Alpha Prot
40° in Overspeed
within the alpha protection band what happens when you release the sidestick?
The aircraft returns to alpha prot speed (top of the alpha prot band)
what is the max pitch available in clean configuration and in config full?
what the max g loading in clean and in other configs?
clean 2.5/-1
other 2.0/-0
can you explain:
alpha floor
alpha prot
alpha max?
Alpha Floor: is an A/THR function which commands TOGA when the aircraft is in the alpha prot band (Dashed yellow/black).
Alpha Prot: is the angle of attack protection speed. Within this band the pitch inputs are an angle of attack demand, not anymore a G Load demand.
Alpha Max is the lower end of the alpha prot band. Is the maximum angle of attack which the aircraft will allow if keeping the stick full back.
once you ‘re out of the alpha floor conditions what thrust mode do you expect to see and how do you recover?
TOGA LOCK. Must press the A/THR instinctive disc PBs.
what is the VLS and it’s relationship with the stall speed?
Lowest Selectable Speed, is and A/THR function and corresponds to:
1.13 VS during TO
1.23 VS after one step flap retraction
1.28 VS in clean config
1.23 VS1G of the selected landing CONFIG
can the high speed protection be overridden?
Yes, if you continue to push the side stick it allows you to override (reason for that is a potential need of TCAS RA). If you keep pushing though, at last the AC will reduce your inputs to 0 to avoid structural overload.
can you draw the speed tape in alternate law and in normal law?
when might you see “use man pitch trim” and when do you see “man pitch trim only”
1- in direct law
2- when we lose the elevator (mechanical backup)
what is alpha lock and when might you see it?
prevents slats retraction at high AoA or low speed when the flap lever is moved from 1 to 0.
“A. LOCK” pulses above the E/WD Slat indication.
in alternate law explain high and law speed stability
High speed Stability: Above VMO and MMO a nose up demand is introduced. But unlike what happens in normal law, the pilot can override this.
Low speed Stability: from approx 5-10kt above Stall warning speed a gentle progressive nose down signal is introduced but the pilot can still override this demand (unlike in normal law where the Aircraft will maintain Valpha max). The system also injects a bank-angle compensation to maintain a constant angle of attack.
what protections do we have in DIRECT law?
none, and the speed tape looks the same as the one in alternate law
which control system have a mechanical link to the flight deck?
THS and Rudder
what is the purpose of aileron droop and how do you know if your aircraft is fitted with?
They extend 5° to 10° (depending on the variant) down when the flaps are extended or up when the ground spoilers are extended
in PITCH how long does it take to transition from GROUND mode to FLIGHT mode?
blends in 5”
what is ground mode?
direct correlation between side stick deflection and surfaces deflection. Will progressively enter in effect:
in roll: 0.5 sec after landing
in pitch: 5 seconds after landing
what is FLARE mode?
at 50’ the pitch is memorized and the trim is frozen.
at 30’ FLARE mode inputs a 2° pitch down over 8” to induce a FLARE by the Pilot.
what computer controls the characteristic speeds you see in your speed tape?
what is the low energy alert and when does it occur?
In config 2-3 or Full when the FAC detects that the energy level is going too low and we need to increase the thrust to maintain a positive flight path
what computer controls the characteristic speeds you see on your speed tape on the PFD
what is the purpose of the BETA target and when might you see it?
Computed by the FAC, is a modified sideslip index and shows the PF how much rudder to use to get the best climb performance. It comes in case of an engine failure at takeoff or go-around
what is the purpose of mechanical backup
it’s to cover a temporary loss of flight control computers until we recover one of them. Still won’t control the aircraft in case of loss of fluid.
sidestick priorities: what is it meant if you see a red arrow in front of you?
that my side stick has lost authority
when do you see the side stick indication on the PFD and when does it disappear?
(?) on the ground. Disappears in flight (?)
explain the movements of the flaps and slats between position 2 and position 3 (what does move)
slats stay at 2, flaps move at 3.
what is the difference between selecting Flap1 in the air and on the ground?
on the ground you get 1+F, in the air 1 only.
VFE, and VFE next are based on what?
VFE: max speed on a Flap Configuration
VFE next (amber =): maximum speed for the next (further extended) flap lever position.
overspeed WARNING and VLS are based on what?
Overspeed warning is based on the actual Slats/Flaps position, but the red and black strip is based on the flap lever position.
VLS is computed by the FAC and corresponds to:
1.28 VS in clean configuration
1.23 VS after retraction of 1 step of flaps
1.13 VS during TO or following a touch and go.
During Approach is 1.23xVS
what protections might come into play when operating on heavy weight?
Alpha Lock Protection: when asking flaps 0 prevents the slat retraction when the AoA is too high or the speed too low (asked too early).
ARS (automatic Retraction System):
when accelerating and cleaning up, the max speed for 1+F (215) is very closed to the S speed so the ARS helps retracting the Flaps. therefore the new V max is 230.
with dual channel failure or loss of flaps and slats why is it still necessary to select config 1?
To arm the AP/FD go-around (SRS)
in the”flaps and slats jammed” QRH checklist when talked about ground if you have a GREEN and YELLOW HYD why is it recommended to maintain VAPP or VLS whichever higher?
? because VAPP is based on entered ZFW+FOB, but VLS is calculated by the FAC considering also the actual flaps/slats position ?
which spoilers act as speed brake and which as roll spoiler and which for ground spoiler?
SPD BRK: 2-3-4
GROUND SPLR: 1-2-3-4-5 (all the spoilers)
ROLL SPLR: 2-3-4-5 (+ ailerons)
at what speed will the ground spoilers deploy in case of RTO?
explain phased lift dumping and its purpose
logic on the new SEC which prevents hard landing after bouncing in case of forgetting to arm the Spd brakes or select the idle.
what is the effect on VLS when operating the speed brakes?
what is the effect of the speed brakes when operating on high mach numbers and approximately how long does it take to the speed brake to come from full ext to fully ret?
Pitch UP (compensated by AP)
reduction of speed envelope (increases VLS and reduces buffet margin)
what is the minimum height for the autopilot on takeoff?
100’ or 5” after TO
what is the minimum height for the AP using FINAL, APP/VS or FPA?
what is the minimum height for the AP for a circling app
what is the minimum height for the AP in a CAT1 approach
in the FMGC wha is it meant as Rec Max?
Max Recommended Altitude:
gives 1.3G buffet limit
what is a good gross error check for calculation green dot?
and for V Ref?
Green Dot:
60 Tons = 205 kts
2 kt per add/sub T.
i.e. 64 Tons: 213Kts
60 Tons =130 kts
1 kt per add/sub T.
on some types there maybe a discrepancy between the VAPP on the FMGC and the one displayed on the speed tape…why?
when is the auto land light armed?
can you briefly explain the function of ground speed mini?
if you lose 1 FMGC what annunciation would you expect to see in the PDF 5th column and how does it effect the ND?
what methods does the aircraft have to calculate its position?
what is the aircraft’s FM position comprised of and what is EPE?
Flight Management Position.
In this order of priorities:
1- IRS + GPS
4- IRS only
EPE= Estimated Position Error (lower right corner PROG page)
It’s also called EPU (estimated position uncertainty).
what is meant for GPS PRIMARY
That the FM position is being taken by IRS+GPS (GPS is the main source of navigation).
what the loss of both FMGS how do you recover the radio navigation?
NAV backup mode
prior to enter a hold what would happen when you press the IMM EXIT PB?
A/C won’t enter the hold but will resume its applicable manage speed of the current flight phase
once you’re in the hold what is it happening when you press the IMM EXIT PB?
A/C will turn immediately to the holding fix
for alternate planning what assumptions are made the flight level and speed by the FMGC in terms of its fuel burn for your alternate?
A/C weight = LW at primary DEST
Alt F-PLN <100nm -> FL100
100<Alt F-PLN<200nm -> FL220
Alt F-PLN longer -> FL310
CI 0
Constant Wind (alt field of DES WIND)
Constant Delta-ISA
FPLN dist or ALT FUEL if inserted
explain the differences between your TOD profile and geometric descent
Both are on DES mode:
If the aircraft is not in IDLE than will be on the geometric path and the A/THR mode will be SPEED/MACH
explain SRS, what is its function?
Speed Reference System:
SPD Target:
TO: V2 or current Spd if higher but max V2+15
GA: Vapp or current spd if higher but max VLS +15
are there any protections with SRS?
1- flight path angle protection: ensures min V/S of 120ft/min
2- pitch angle protection: reduce the nose-up (18° max or 22.5° in case of windshear)
3- Speed protection: V2+15KT in TO, VLS+15 in GA.
what happens when selecting a revised altitude when the aircraft is in alt *
Reverts to current V/S
what is the 2 engine operating range of the auto thrust?
what is the single engine operating range of the auto thrust?
with A/THR FAILURE what FMA do you expect to see?
if you took off in flex how do you achieve MCT in an engine failure on takeoff?
go out of the MCT detent, back on CLB detent, and MCT again (“recycle thrust MCT”)
what is the guidance for selecting rev thrust with 1 thrust reverser inop?
Select BOTH thrust levers to reverse.
your operating in two eng operation with THR levers in climb, you then move THR levers to below climb: what FMA do you expect to see?
THR LVR message on first column of the FMA
what is the maximum speed you can set on the FCU? what is the minimum?
399kt, 100kt
what is the backup speed scale and when may you need to use it? where is its data derived?
explain the bird and where it gets its data from
what is meant by the phrase “data lock”
what is LAND mode?
what failures would illuminate the AUTOLAND light?
what is the definition of ALERT HEIGHT?
what is the approach ban?
would the failure of a single engine illuminate the AUTOLAND light?
what is the definition of fail operational and fail passive?
runway lighting: you see in front of you alternating amber-red light: how much runway is remaining?
runway lighting: you see in front of you red lights: how much runway is remaining?
what is the difference between disconnecting the A/THR via the FCU and with the instinctive PB on the THR Levers?
What is the max speed for gear retraction?
at what speed is the gear safety lock activated?
which LGCIU powers the landing gear indicator panel?
what happens to the gear doors with the gravity gear extension?
what is the approx increase in fuel burn with the gear extended?
which HYD powers the NWS?
which HYD SYS powers the NORMAL BRAKING?
when would you expect to see the “decel” on the Autobrake PB or when you expect to see the decel illuminate on the auto brake PB? why might you not see it? can you give an example of the conditions in which this may occur?
Comes on when the actual deceleration is 80% of the selected rate.
(On slippery runways the predetermined deceleration may not be reached. In this case, the DECEL light won’t come on. But this doesn’t mean the auto brake is not working!
As well is not an indication of the Autobrake being operating. It could come on with LOW selected and full reverse for instance).
what is the effect of selecting the A/SKID NW selector OFF?
alternate braking without anti skid: what brake pressure must be maintained?
what information is shown in the triple brake indicator?
briefly explain the center tank pump logic
how is the IDG cooled and where does the returning fuel get fed to?