Teams Structure Flashcards
Name the divisions in EUIT
TAPS- trade analysis project delivery and support
WAG- world trade organisation, and G7/G20
TPNE- Trade Policy, Negotiations and exports
STAGE- SPS, Technical Barriers to Trade, Animal Welfare, Geographical Indicators, Environment team
EAST-Environment , Animal welfare and SPS
Name and picture the deputy directors of each of the divisions in EUIT
TAPS- trade analysis project delivery and support
Heather Dines and Clemens Balendra-Matt
WAG- world trade organisation, and G7/G20
Sinjini Mukherjee
TPNE- Trade Policy, Negotiations and exports
Deborah Morrison
TSI- Trade Strategy Implementation
Lizzie Chatterjee
STAGE- SPS, Technical Barriers to Trade, Animal Welfare, Geographical Indicators, Environment team
Chris Heaton