Tariffs And RoO Flashcards
What are RoO?
Rules of origin - the requirements a product has to meet for it to count as ‘originating’ from a certain country
This is so the preferential tariff from the FTA can be accessed
Otherwise the default MFN tariff (and typically higher tariff must be paid)
What is cumulation?
Surrounding Rules of origin- it’s like a wild card. It lets you receive an item from another country and pass it off as originating from yours
There’s different types:
Bilateral - between 2 trade partners , ie can import salmon from Norway (another reason to join PEM) and descale it and sell it as British
What is VER?
Voluntary Export Restraint (VER)
A restriction where an exporting country voluntarily limits the amount of goods it can export to another country.
It may do this when world prices are high due to a shortage- to prevent producers increasing the price for consumers.
What are AVE’s?
Ad-Valorem Equivalent- when non-percentage tariffs are estimated as a percentage
Ad Valorem Tariff
Tariff that is a percentage based on value of good
Specific tariff
It’s when a specific amount is charged per unit of the good
Eg. The tariff for 1 pound of fish is $0.23. i.e for each pound imported, the importer pays $0.23.
A compound tariff is a combination of an ad valorem tariff and a specific tariff.
Imaginary Ex: The tariff on chocolate is $2 per pound plus 15% ad-valorem (based on its value)
Mixed tariff
With mixed tariffs either ad valorem tariff or specific tariff is applied.
The one that is applied depends on if the goods weight/value is above or below a certain limit.
There often is a AV maximum duty that can be applied.
E.g. 6.3% + 30.9 EUR/100kg
MAX 18.2%
If the good is below 100kg for example a tariff of 6.3% of its value is applied, if its above 100kg the specific tariff is applied- overall the tariff can’t be more than 18.2% of the goods value
What is PEM and name 5 countries in it
Pan - European Mediterranean convention. This is an agreement between tries to make sure that its countries have similar RoO.
European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Faroe Islands, Türkiye, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine
What is the UKGT?
UK Global Tariff- it is the default tariff applied to all goods imported into the UK unless :
-there is a trade agreement in place
-a tariff suspension
-or the good comes from a developing country and benefits from DCTS (developing country trading scheme)
Tariff Rate Quota:
When a good can be imported at a lower tariff - until a limit is reached
This may be imports from all countries or just some, depending on the product
Autonomous Tariff Rate Quota
When a limited amount of a good can be imported FROM ANY COUNTRY at a lower tariff- once the limit is reached other imports have to come in at a higher tariff
Eg we have one for imports of raw sugar cane (up to 260,000 tonnes - annoyingly Brazil keep filling it)
Difference between ATQ and TRQs?
ATQs are open to imports from all countries , TRQs sometimes are only applied to specific countries
What’s a technical tariff?
When the tariff paid varies based on the amount of a certain ingredient within an item e.g. 0.4 EUR/100kg/%sacchar (sugar)
Anti -dumping duties
Anti-dumping duties are taxes placed on imported goods ,to make up for the difference between the export price and their normal value (in the exporters domestic market)
Dumping is when exporters charge a price that is lower than the their actual value (in the exporters domestic market)
Non-Advalorem tariff and state all types
Tariff that is not solely expressed as a percentage
i.e. Specific/flat rate, compound, mixed, tehnical
Country Tariff Dashboard?
Country Tariff Dashboard-
It allows you to have summary of trade between UK and chosen partner e.g. top 10 imports/exports,
What app is the best ways to find the tariffs the UK is applying?
UK Market Access app- Shows tariffs UK applies to rest of world, if it says ‘erga omnes’ this means its an MFN tariff, ‘tariff preference’ is if theres a trade deal
How do you calculate AVEs?
tariff/import price of good eg for a tariff of 180 GBP/100kg (specific tariff btw!) and import price of 30 GBP/100kg you’d do 180/30, so the AVE would be 6%
Preference utilisation rate- shows the share of eligible goods that used their preference
What does it mean if theres blanks for PUR column on PUR app?
It means this good wasn’t eligible for a tariff preference
What does the treemap show you (PUR app)
Shows proportion of tariff eligibility, and usage for different HS chapters
What does the time series show in PUR app?
Shows the change in utilisation overtime