TEAM SPORTS Flashcards
“Before man can do anything, he must draw breath, he must move. Movement is the source and condition of life. To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. This is power, it is glory on earth and it is yours for the taking.”
Agnes de Mille (1963
The human being has an innate yearning for________________. Whether this is in the form of athletic, activities of daily living or dance. The human body is primarily instrument for each (Myers, 2005) dance uses the body as an instrument of expression in time and space.
Regular rhythmic movement
Why do people dance?
a. To please the Gods
b. To please others
c. To please themselves or self-expression
d. To build community within an ethnic group or social interaction
is an expression of the body following rhythmic patterns and is accompanied by music. It differs from athletics or other daily activities because it focuses primarily on “aesthetic or even entertaining experience.
It is one of the oldest and most popular form of exercise.
Brief History and Nature of Dance
Pre-historic Era
Pre-Christian Era
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Greek
Ancient Rome
Catholic Era
Dark /Middle Ages
Early Renaissance /Europe
*religious rituals
*tribal unity
Pre-historic Era
Mediterranean/Middle eastern
Pre-Christian Era
*wall paintings *literary records
Ancient Egypt
*religious expression
*military education
-noble and ignoble
Ancient Greek
*less importance to dancing
*brutal and sensationalize
*dancers are slaves/captives
*underground dancers
Ancient Rome
*religious ceremonies
* approved dancing
Catholic Era
*peasants dance in grass
*court dances
*social dancing
*performed in village squares/castles
Dark /Middle Ages
*contemporary dances
*dancers are valuable
*dance as an art
*wholly accepted
Early Renaissance /Europe
Benefits of dance and Creative Movements
- Physical
- Mental/Emotional
- Social
- Cultural
Physical Benefits
- Develop cardiovascular/muscular endurance
- Balance
- Body composition
- Flexibility
- Coordination
- Lower risk of Cardiovascular diseases
Mental/Emotional Benefits
- Release emotional pressure
- Psychological health benefits
- Keep brain sharp
- Activity with dementia condition
Social Benefits
- Intense and positive social interaction
- Interpersonal relationships
- Sense of togetherness
- Self-actualization in society
Cultural Benefits
- Promotes country’s rich culture
- Closer understanding of the lives
- Values one’s culture of the people