Teaching Writing Flashcards
product-oriented approach
focus on the completed written product, the coherent, error-free text.
model composition
use a model composition as a yardstick
correct linguistic errors
- T provides ‘model composition (story)’
- Ss imitate, copy and transform the models.
- Ss try to meet a list of criteria (content, organization,vocab,grammar,mechanics)
product-oriented approach to writing에서 feedback
The T’s correction is focused on grammatical accuracy of Ss’ writing.
T corrects the error by crossing out incorrect regular past tense forms, providing corresponding correct forms above them.
write the story as accurately as possible. The story contains a number of regular past tense verbs.
“with the aid of pictures and keywords” 인 상황에서 장점
The procedure is designed in a way to lessen Ss’ cognitive processing load placed on retelling the story in writing.
process-oriented approach의 정의와 advantages
Ss go through stages of drafting and receive feedback on their drafts from peers.
- advantages
1. allow Ss to discover thier own voice.
2. tasks that engage Ss in meaningful writing
3. give a writer a sense of audience and authentic task
4. provide formative feedback through conferencing.
process-oriented apporach procedure
- prewriting : brainstorming, freewriting, listing,clustering
- drafting
- feedback (responding)
- revision :peer-editing, proofreading,conferencing
drafting단계 특징
- focus on fluency,the development of ideas, the organization of these ideas.
- visualize audience->let Ss have a real-world purpose(autentic audience)-> Ss write more clearly.
feedback 단계 특징
from T: conference -> give formative feedback on ideas and organization rather than grammar and spelling.
from peers: peer feedback must be modeled -> provide structured feedback form (checklist)
** collaborative learning -> sharpen their critical skills in analyzing peer’s written work. Also increase their ability to analyze their draft critcally.
revision 단계 특징
(redrafting/ proofreading)
- Ss review on the basis of feedback given in feedback stage.
- Ss improve global content and organization of ideas, check lg error
- Ss work in paris to read aloud each other’s draft -> bring more conscious level of rethinking what they’ve written.
- a checklist can be given.
action research
In schools, action research refers to a wide variety of evaluative,ingestigative and anaytical research methods designed to diagnostic problems and weaknesses and and help educators develop practical solutions to address them quickly and efficiently.
product-oriented 기출 key
- 나는 학생의 완성된 글을 강조한다.
- 나는 문법과 mechanics에 초점을 맞추어 피드백 준다.
Ts use a product-based apporach rather than a process-based one.
- I emphasize Ss’ “final writing product”.
- I focus mostly on grammar and mechanics when giving feedback.
- The Ts focus on accuracy more than content and organization when giving feedback.
process-oriented 기출 key
- 나는 planning, drafting,revising 그리고 editing의 과정에 학생을 참여시킨다.
- 나는 content와 organization에 초점을 맞추어 피드백준다.
- conferencing 설명
- I involve Ss in the process of planning,drafting,revising and editing.
- I focus mostly on content and organizaion when giving feedback.
- I met w/ individual Ss to help with work in progress.
one-on-one interaction between T and S
It’s a dialogue that is not to be graded.
I met w/ individual Ss to help with work in progress.
More than half of Ts use conferencing to support the revision process.
collaborative writing
collaborative writing tasks are widely used in the classroom. (13년 23)
I invove Ss in group writing tasks rather than individual writing tasks.
asynchronous communication
email , an online blog (multimedia)
Ss give and receive feedback through asynchronous communication.
synchronous communication
chat room (multimedia) real-time communication
Ss compose messages in unplanned ways through real-time communication