Teacher Liability Flashcards
Attractive Nuisance
A situation where a traveler is lured onto the property because of a dangerous, “man-made” condition.
A situation where a traveler is lured onto the property because of a dangerous, “man-made” condition.
An attractive nuisance
Contributory Negligence
Negligence of the plaintiff which combined with the negligence of the defendant was the proximate cause of the injury complained of.
Negligence of the plaintiff which combined with the negligence of the defendant was the proximate cause of the injury complained of.
Contributory Negligence
The ability to see or know in advance or the reasonable anticipation that harm or injury is likely to occur due to some act or admission of an act
The ability to see or know in advance or the reasonable anticipation that harm or injury is likely to occur due to some act or admission of an act
In loco parentis
being charged with a parent’s rights, duties, and responsibility
being charged with a parent’s rights, duties, and responsibility
in loco parentis
the legal responsibility of the physical education instructor in the case of accidents occurring in the school, on the property, or in activities under school supervision conducted away from school property
the legal responsibility of the physical education instructor in the case of accidents occurring in the school, on the property, or in activities under school supervision conducted away from school property
Being responsible, chargeable, and answerable for one’s actions
Being responsible, chargeable, and answerable for one’s actions
The doing of an act which is wholly wrongful and is unlawful which a person ought not to do at all
The doing of an act which is wholly wrongful and is unlawful which a person ought not to do at all
A misdeed or trespass; the improper performance of some act which a man may lawfully do but which is done in an improper manner.
A misdeed or trespass; the improper performance of some act which a man may lawfully do but which is done in an improper manner.
The omission of doing something which a reasonable, prudent person ordinarily would do or the doing of something which a reasonable and prudent person would not do.
The omission of doing something which a reasonable, prudent person ordinarily would do or the doing of something which a reasonable and prudent person would not do.
The omission of an act which a person ought to do or the failure to perform a required duty.
The omission of an act which a person ought to do or the failure to perform a required duty.
Proximate cause
the immediate, nearest, direct, next in order, or closest in casual connection as a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by an efficient intervening cause, which produces the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.
the immediate, nearest, direct, next in order, or closest in casual connection as a natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by an efficient intervening cause, which produces the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.
Proximate cause
carefulness, precaution, attentiveness and good judgement as applied to action or conduct; that degree of care required by the circumstances under which it is to be exercised
carefulness, precaution, attentiveness and good judgement as applied to action or conduct; that degree of care required by the circumstances under which it is to be exercised