TD-181 ✔ Kent Flashcards
- What performance enhancements does the increased width/chord (24.25 in. vs. 21.75 in.) blade provide as per student handout?
Increased width/chord (24.25 in. vs. 21.75 in.) blades provide performance enhancements.
- Increased maneuver capability in hot/high conditions.
- Increased lift capability (535 lbs at sea level).
- Marked increase in level flight performance for GW>19K lb, DA >8,000 ft.
- IAW FM 3-04.203, during multi-aircraft operations, what is meant by the term “Tactical Lead?”
The tactical lead is a role of the first crew member to identify a threat or obstacle regardless of their position within the flight or aircraft.
The tactical lead announces and selects an appropriate maneuver to engage, suppress, or bypass the threat.
- During a mission, if you are required to pick up extra personnel, how much weight should you plan on adding for a combat equipped soldier? How much weight for a combat equipped paratrooper?
a. Combat equipped soldiers: 240 pounds per individual.
b. Combat equipped paratroopers: 260 pounds per individual.
- Terrain flight is a tactic that uses , , and objects to mask the aircraft from , , , and electronic detection systems.
Terrain flight is a tactic that uses tarrain, vegitation, and manmade objects to mask the aircraft from visual, optical, termal , and electronic detection systems.
- How does the Upturned Exhaust System (UES) enhance aircraft survivability?
Reduces IR signature by mixing exhaust gasses with rotor down wash.
- Your UES equipped UH-60M aircraft with an ATF of .95 is tasked with transporting 11 fully equipped combat paratroopers from Lowe Army Airfield to RT 212 which is 20NM away. Your aircraft GWT prior to picking up the paratroopers is 16,500lb with 2300lbs of fuel. RT 212 is at a PA of 7000ft with a FAT of 30 degrees C. Will you be able to transport all of the paratroopers in one trip? What will be some considerations when landing into the RT?
GWT 16500 + (11x260lbs)=19360 lbs
Max TQ avail is 94,5
Q req to hover IGE is 82%
Q req to hover OGE is 94,5%
Max OGE hover weight is 18850 x 0,986 = 18586
- You have no OGE hover capability
- Better to take two rounds or reduce the amount of fuel.
- In reference to Chapter 7 of TM 1-1520-280-10, Maximum Range. You are returning from Vanguard North after a long morning of tactics training. The IP realizes his fuel quantity is lower than originally planned. If he elects to continue to LOR via the Northwest corridor versus landing at Tabernacle Stage Field, what airspeed should the aircraft be flown with a GWT of 13,850lbs, a PA of 1000ft, an OAT of 30 degrees, and a 20 knot tailwind?
Use chart below.
123 KIAS.
Tailwind is only going to be a bonus if you ask me. Agree?
Nike: Need to fly aprx. 5 knots slower than required max rng asp. (2,5 kts/10 knots head-/tail wind

- What is the most expedient way to copy map files (such as updating maps) to the DTS, if it already has a large number of map files loaded on it?
When intending to copy a large number of map files to the DTS, when the DTS already has a large number of map files loaded on it, the process is much faster if the operator zeroizes the DTS CACHE using the FMS before inserting the PC Cards used for the copy process, (ZRO/ZEROIZE DTS page and then press the CACHE bezel to erase all the files in the DTS CACHE). Copying the maximum 2G of files to the DTS when the drive is empty takes roughly 40 minutes.
(AWR page 9)