TD-169 ✔ Frederik Flashcards
While starting the aircraft for a DAY VFR flight it is discovered that the #4 MFD will only display the PFD and Engine Instrument Caution Advisory System (EICAS) pages and the #2 MFD is inoperative. Is it still legal to fly the aircraft?
YES, a minimum of 3 MFDs must be operational to fly.
A MFD is considered operational if the PFD and EICAS pages can be displayed and provide the required information.
AWR 1726R18
What is the purpose of the Main Rotor Head Lead Stop installed on the forward edge of each elastomeric bearing endplate?
Each spindle has attached lead lag stops which prevent damage to the spindles during rotor brake operation (when installed).
The Active Vibration Control System (AVCS) uses force generators to counterbalance airframe vibration. This is accomplished by mechanically generating additional airframe vibratory loads out-of-phase with the main rotor induced 4 per rev vibrations such that the resulting cockpit/cabin vibration is reduced. The AVCS maintains consistent vibration performance with varying rotor speeds from ____1___ through ___2____. An ______3_____ advisory will appear when the system is not operating.
- 90 NR 2. 105 NR 3. AVCS INOP
Aside from hover hold, radar altitude hold and go-around mode, below what airspeed will the flight director become unusable?
Airspeeds below 48 knots:
- Airspeed hold disengaged
- ALT hold disengaged
- Vertical Speed disengaged
- ALTP Cap disengaged
- HDG select mode disengaged
- VOR mod disengaged
- FMS navigation mode
What are the ground and flight indications for a Load Demand System Malfunction?

Who is considered a passenger and what flights are they restricted from?
A passenger is any occupant on the aircraft not performing an aircrew duty and logging flying time in accordance with paragraph 2–6.
a. Passengers are restricted from the following types of flights:
(1) Maintenance, engineering, functional, or experimental test flights.
(2) Aerobatics flights.
(3) Aerial demonstrations (only mission essential personnel authorized) as defined by DODI 5410.19 and AR 360–1. (4) Flight crew emergency procedures training.
(5) NVD qualification or refresher training in accordance with the appropriate ATM.
(6) Aeronautical record attempts.
(7) Aircraft acceptance flights.
AR 95-1
When required to change members of the crew without shutting down engines, what function of IVHMS should be utilized?
IVHMS End of Operations
Procedure: In IVHMS
- Select MFD T3 [ADMIN]
- Select MFD L1 [END OF OP]
- Select MFD R2 [CONFIRM] to start the end of operation processing.
What is meant by the term “Cross-country flight?”
A flight extending beyond the local flying area or within the local flying area which is planned to terminate at a place other than the place of origin.
AR 95-1