TD-164 ✔ Flashcards
Q1. In the event of an electrical failure, the ENG A/I start/bleed valves are going to revert to the ______ mode. How much Q could be lost from MTA and what advisory activates?
… reverts to the anti-icing mode. (-10 p. 2-33, 2.22.1.b)
Advisories that activate: ENG 1 ANTI-ICE ON or ENG 2 ANTI-ICE ON
With engine-anti ice on, avail. Q per engine is reduced by 20%. (-10 p. 7-6, 7.12.a)
- Operating an engine against the _____ _____ is prohibited on rotor brake equipped helicopters. When using the rotor brake before starting engines, the minimum pressure will be 450 psi. If inadvertent rotor blade movement should occur due to rotor brake slippage, immediately_________ _________ engine(s) or _______ _______ _______.
During engine run-up, for rotor brake operations, ensure that approximately 45% NR for single engine operations and 57% NR for dual engine is reached prior to advancing PCLs to fly.
- Operating an engine against the gust lock is prohibited on rotor brake equipped helicopters. When using the rotor brake before starting engines, the minimum pressure will be 450 psi. If inadvertent rotor blade movement should occur due to rotor brake slippage, immediately shut down engine(s) or release rotor brake.
During engine run-up, for rotor brake operations, ensure that approximately 45% NR for single engine operations and 57% NR for dual engine is reached prior to advancing PCLs to fly.
- Discuss the safety devices, limitations, and emergency procedures for the rotor brake.
Safety devices:
The rotor brake interlock prevents moving the ENG POWER CONT lever above IDLE when the rotor brake is engaged. Manual pull on interlock tab to override.
Limitations: (-10 5.7)
a. Operating an engine against the gust lock is prohibited.
b. Rotor brake shall not be applied with engine(s) operating and rotor turning except during an emergency stop. Maximum rotor speed for emergency rotor brake ap- plications is 76% NR.
c. Routine stops will be with engine(s) off, NR below 40% and with 150-180 psi applied to stop the rotor in not less than 12 seconds.
d. Minimum rotor brake pressure for engine start is 450 psi. Maximum rotor brake pressure for engine start is 690 psi.
e. Use of the rotor brake with engine(s) operating is restricted to single and dual engine starts and operations at IDLE only.
f. Single and dual engine starts and operation at IDLE with rotor brake on are not time limited.
See 9.31.1 Rotor brake on advisory appears in flight
- Where are the cold start capsule lights located? What indications do they provide?
These capsules located on the upper console provide status indicators and caution lights for the emergency cargo release, battery, APU and APU oil temperature, and accumulator. (-10 p. 2-161, 2.79)
See page 2-162 for description of dirrerent lights, or see picture.

- How long must a CAUTION be displayed before the pilot is able to acknowledge the caution?
2 seconds.
“If a caution has been displayed for less than two seconds, a subsequent pressing of the MASTER CAUTION PRESS TO RESET caution, after the two second duration, will be necessary to acknowledge the caution.” (-10 p. 2-161, 2.78.3)
- What are the three annunciators on the top of the FMS and what do they indicate?
see image

- How does the FMS calculate wind speed and direction?
Wind Direction and Speed Display. The wind direction and speed are calculated by the FMS by comparing IAS to GS and helicopter heading to ground track. (-10 p. 2-121,
- What is “blowback” and what pilot action is required to compensate for it?
When blade flapping has compensated for dissymmetry of lift, the rotor disc is tilted to the rear. Causes the nose to pitch up.
The pilot compensates by cyclic feathering.
(From ATM, page 4-50: As the transverse flow shudder develops, increase forward cyclic. As the aircraft enters ETL, make a significant forward cyclic input to prevent blowback.)
M1. Miscompare Threshold - Main Fuel Quantity 10.0 lbs

M2. Rotor Brake
Safety devices:
- The rotor brake interlock prevents moving the ENG POWER CONT lever above IDLE when the rotor brake is engaged - unless the interlock tab is manually released by pulling on the tab.
- A T-shaped rotor brake handle lock pin is provided to prevent inadvertent release once the brake has been applied. To set the pin after the rotor brake is applied, rotate the pin 90° and push the pin inward until it seats into a hole on the lever arm. To release the pin, pull and rotate the pin 90°.
9.31.1 ROTOR BRAKE ON Advisory Appears in Flight.
May indicate rotor brake pressure is applied to the rotor brake.
- Rotor brake handle — Check in detent and gage pressure at zero.
- Check for secondary indications of brake pad dragging (smoke, smell, noise, etc.).
If secondary indications present:
If no secondary indications present:
M3. Inner- & Outer Loop
Dual Digital Flight Control Computers. The central component of the AFCS system is the two redundant FCCs. Each computer receives signals from the pilots’ controls, motion sensors, control panels, and avionics systems to compute commands which are sent to the cockpit, trim actuators, SAS actuators, and stabilator actuators.
The computers command Inner-loop SAS actuatorsinpitch, roll, and yaw and the;
Outer-loop trim actuators in collective, pitch, roll, and yaw control channels. The computers also provide: self monitoring, fault isolation, and failure alerts, and advisory and caution indications.
The AFCS provides two types of control, identified as inner-loop and outer-loop.
The inner-loop (SAS) employs rate damping to improve helicopter stability, this system is fast in response, limited in authority, and operates without causing movement of the flight controls.
The outer-loop (Trim) provides long-term inputs by trimming the flight controls to the position required to maintain the selected flight attitude. It is capable of driving the flight controls throughout their full range of travel (100% authority) at a limited rate of 10% per second.
Both inner and outer loops allow for complete pilot override through the normal use of the flight controls.
The FCCs process incoming information from various sensors aboard the helicopter and stores this information in its memory. The sensor information is used by the computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) to compute required correction signals. Inner-loop correction signals are routed to the SAS actuators and outer-loop signals are routed to trim servos and actuators.