TBW And ESR Flashcards
Temporary block working will be introduced if?
During multiple failure (2 or more signals) on a track circuit block line, temporary block working may be introduced between 2 locations
What must you have before proceeding through the TBW section?
TBW ticket- RT3184
Which item of in cab equipment must be operated before you start temporary block working?
TPWS isolation switch
What is the maximum speed through a temporary block working section or Emergency special working?
50 mph and 15 mph over points
Who will be positioned at the start and exit of a temporary block working section?
Hand signaller
What hand signal is your authority to proceed into the temporary block working section?
Yellow flag
What are the risks of temporary block working?
SPAD TPWS reset and go Not correctly identifying exit signal Level crossings through TBW Distractions Misunderstanding of information Hand signals Failure to cancel ticket
Who must be informed as soon as a train is stopped by failure?
Identify 2 things that must be agreed when requesting assistance?
What train is required
What direction train is coming
Once assistance has been requested, why is it essential that your train is not moved?
You have made arrangements with signaller based on your location. Could cause conflicting issues
Who must be informed before leaving the train to carry out assistance protection?
Senior conductor
What information will the signaller give to the driver of an assisting train?
The exact location of the failed train
How the failed train is protected
The point from which the assisting train will be conducted
Where the failed train must be taken
Describe your actions if the assistance protection point falls in a tunnel?
Put protection at 300 metres.
Walk through the tunnel to the other side and wait for assisting train
If driving the assisting train, describe your actions upon exploding detenators?
Stop immediately
Know that this is normally be the assistance protection point and failed train is 300 metres away.
If failed train driver has not been picked up or is not waiting at assistance protection point u must stop and wait for the driver of the failed train
Where would you put assistance protection and where would you wait (if you have spoken to signaller)?
300 metres from failed train (in the direction of the assisting train)
Put dets 20 metres apart
Stand 30 metres away from dets with red flag
What protection would you put down if cannot contact signaller or if your train has failed within a temporary block working section?
Assistance protection 300 metres away (in direction that assisting train will be coming from)
Emergency assistance protection 2 km away ( kn direction that assisting train will be coming from)
What form is required to be completed for ESW?
What form is required to be completed for TBW?
When would you not be required to complete forms for ESW or TBW?
If Assist a failed train Remove a portion of a divided train Remove a train which has passed a signal without authority Evacuate passengers from a failed train
When is temporary block working not permitted?
Absolute block
Single line working
Who is required for temporary block working?
Handsignallers at start and end
Will give you a yellow flag to proceed at caution
What in cab equipment must you use when entering and exiting TBW and ESW?
TPWS isolation switch
Laying protection under TBW and ESW, where should they be positioned!?
You must protect your line and adjacent running lines / obstructed lines with TCOC and dets.
ESW definition?
Emergency special working(ESW) is an alternative to temporary block working.
It allows trains to be moved more quickly and more safely following a major signalling failure. During a major signalling failure, trains may have to be authorised to pass multiple consecutive signals at danger.
On approach to ESW a signal will be kept at danger.
ESW will apply up to a signal that can be replaced to danger by signaller which is beyond affected area. An end of emergency special working sign will be provided at the signal.
How do you cancel your TBW or ESR tickets?
Cancel the ticket by writing the word CANCELLED across it.