TB/Non-TB Myco (lec 14) Flashcards
TB difficult to eradicate, why?
Non-compliance w/ long tx
HIV co-inf
140 species
M. TB microbe characteristics?
Acid-fast Bacillus Obligate Aerobes Non-motile Heat sensitive Intracellular growth
M. TB agar?
ruff, buff, tuff
M. TB epidemiology?
Infants/Old, immuno
Reservoir: human (U) young adult carriers
Transmission: p-to-p, aerosol droplet
M.TB factors affecting probability of spread?
of mocrobes
Duration/Conditions of exposure
M. TB virulence factors?
1) Mycolic acids (protect microbe)
2) Cord Factor (Mycoside):
produces parallel growth of bacteria
3) Sulfatides (attach to Cords, protect/promote)
4) Lipoarabinomannan (Φ host immunity)
M. TB: (P) responses to bacteria? (4)
1) Immediate innate clearance
2) º disease (immediate onset)
3) Latent (immun system containment)
4) Endogenous/2º (activation of latent)
M. TB º Infection presentation?
PNA-like sxs
Macro w/ MTB to perihilar lymph node -> LAD
Apical lungs (highest O2)
M. TB immune response?
???? slide 38-41
macrophages present MTB antigens -> T-cells sensitized to MTB 2-6wks -> release lymphokines -> attract/activate macrophages -> destroy MTB w/ lytic enzymes/ROI/RNI -> granulomas -> caseous necrosis of tissue
M. TB immune response results in what test results?
TST = + IGRA = +
M. TB antigen?
Miliary TB is?
(Millet-seed sized granulomas)
Multi-organ vascular destruction
Pott Disease TB is?
MTB in vertebral bodies
Chronic back pain/destruction
M. TB diagnostics?
Rapid MTB/RIF system = identifies TB and Rif resistance
M. avium/intracellulare (MAC) microbe characteristics?
Acid-fast bacilli
Weakly G+