Task C The Teaching Process Flashcards
Define Teaching
To instruct or train someone or the profession of someone who teaches.
Essential Teaching Skills (PAMS)
P-eople Skills
A-ssessment Skills
M-anagement Skills
S-ubject Matter Experience
Essential Parts to a lesson plan (OEEISC)
O-bjective E-lements E-quipment I-nstructors actions S-tudents actions C-ompletion standards
Two types of training objectives
Performanced Based Objectives
Decision Based Objectives
Organization of Material (IDC)
Organization of Material Introduction (AMO)
Organization of Material Development (PSKM)
P-ast to present
S-imple to complex
K-nown to unknown
M-ost frequent to least frequent
Organization of Material (Conclusion)
Retraces the important elements of a lesson and relates them to the objectives.
Training Delivery Methods (LGECCDD)
L-ecture G-uided discussion E-Learning C-omputer Assisted Learning C-ooperative or Group learning D-emonstration/Performance D-rill and Practice
Lecture Method (IBFIT)
I-llustrated talk B-riefing F-ormal I-nformal T-eaching lecture
Guided discussion (HICSRR)
H-as specific purpose I-s clear in meaning C-ontains a single idea S-timulates thought R-equires a definite answer R-elates to previously covered information
Demonstration performance Method (EDSIE)
Explaination (instructor) D-emonstration (instructor) S-tudent performs I-nstructor supervises E-valuation (instructor)
Problem-based Learning (SCC)
S-cenario based
C-ollaborative Problem-Solving
C-ase Study
Instructional aids (Guidelines) (CGOS)
C-learly establish the lesson objectives
G-ather necessary data by researching or supporting material
O-rganize the material into an outline or lesson plan
S-elect the ideas to be supported with the instructional aids.
Characteristics of a well planned lesson (PPAR)
Decision based objectives
Designed specifically to develop pilot judgement and ADM skills.
Performance Based objectives (DCC)
D-escription of the skill or behavior: “explains the outcome”
C-onditions: “rules to be followed”
C-riteria: “Completion standards; the ACS or PTS”