task 8 Flashcards
a form of reverse engineering: observing what the rest of a cognitive system can and cannot do when a component or a region is removed
Patient-based neuropsychology consists of two broad forms/ lesion studies can improve our knowledge in two ways
- classical neuropsychology: infer the function of a given brain region by taking patients with lesions to that region and examining their pattern of impaired and spared abilities
- benefited from imaging methods that enables more accurate lesion localization and quantification
- favors group studies - cognitive neuropsychology: pattern of spared and impaired abilities due to a lesion is used to infer building blocks of cognition – irrespective where they are located in the brain
- informative for guiding the development of information processing models and provide cognitive frameworks that underpin imaging research
- favors single case studies
Virtual lesions
can be produced by TMS or tDCS, which are methods to temporarily disrupt cognitive function or boost cognitive functions
Statistics are estimated on a voxel-by-voxel basis, allowing fairly high spatial resolution
Can be compared to functional neuroimaging findings from healthy subjects, by aligning the images from different patients into a common stereotaxic space
Aspiration: Aspirating brain regions using a suction device and applying a strong current at the end of an electrode tip to seal the wound
Transection Cutting of discrete white matter bundles such as the corpus callosum or the fornix
Neurochemical lesions Toxins are taken up by NTM systems and, once inside the cell, they create a chemical reaction that cill it
Reversible lesions Pharmacological manipulations
single dissociation
a situation in which a patient is impaired on a particular task (A) but relatively spared on another task (B). In general, there is no case in which impairment in function B without impairment in function A
Indicates that the two functions are separate to some degree but that one of them is necessary for the other (e.g., seeing words is necessary for reading)
Lesion in region X produces an impairment in task A but not B, while lesion in region Y produces impairments in both A and B
Leaves open the possibility of non-specific effect: the disrupted area is not specifically involved in the particular function but because that region of the brain is simply more important in a general sense
a) Classical single dissociation: patient performs entirely normal on task B compared to control group
b) Strong single dissociation: patient is impaired on both task but is significantly more impaired on one task
Task A and B utilize different cognitive processes with different neural resources
Dotted line on graph = control range
task resource artefact
If two tasks share the same neural cognitive resource but one task uses it more, then damage to this resource will affect one task more than the other
Task-demand artifact
when a single dissociation occurs because a patient performs one of the tasks sub-optimally
Double dissociation
two single dissociations that have a complementary profile of abilities (e.g., person lesion A writes vowels incorrectly while person with lesion B writes consonants incorrectly)
in some cases A is impaired and B isn’t, while in other cases B is impaired and A isn’t
Provides info on whether two functions are relatively separate or independent
Lesion in region X produces impairments in region A but not B, while lesions in region Y produces impairments in task B but not A
Use of double dissociations was criticized:
- Double dissociations imply an endorsement of the notion of modularity BUT it can also be that a non-modular system produces double dissociations, so this critic was rejected (other systems can also contain units that are functionally specialized for certain types of processes, even though the system is interactive)
- Reliance on double dissociation demands study of pure cases, BUT what is pure? (when a patient has Alzheimer’s, then studying the dysfunctions in isolation are feasible if memory and the dysfunctions are independent)
Finding a double dissociation between two patients on two tasks is only part of the toolkit: to interpret the impaired performance, one requires evidence from a range of other relevant tasks (e.g., which types of errors are made?)
Association of deficits
theoretically, two symptoms can occur together because they are reflected closely together in the brain or because they are a manifestation of an underlying process
It is important to know how common a particular dissociation is in order to rule out that it has been observed by chance
Syndromes: associations between symptoms (can also be the focus of research rather than dissociation)
Limitations on the interpretation of dissociations
Dissociations don’t tell us that the impaired region is localized in an area, it tells us only that it is necessary for the function in question and that the other lesioned area which did not produce impairment is not
- Perhaps, the entire rest of the brain is also involved in the function, but we don’t know
- Diaschisis: even a very discrete brain lesion can disrupt the functioning of distant brain regions that are structurally intact
Technical problem of identifying the site of a lesion – rarely possible to precisely designate the location of a lesion in the living brain
- Ability of current structural imaging techniques to identify lesions is limited
- Reliable images are best obtained 3 months after onset when neuropsychology testing is carried out
look at brain activity in healthy people – eliminate the problem of differential vulnerability, plasticity and disconnection that are associated with lesion method
better temporal resolution than can be achieved by examining permanent injury
more sensitive in younger than in older people
brain damage can disrupt blood flow reduced metabolism; surrounding intact areas receiving blood flow in excess of their demands (luxury perfusion)
surviving arteries can show sustained dilation, compensating from compromised arteries: a region might be functioning perfectly well, but appear to be unresponsive to standard fMRI analysis
emphasize different tissues and physical properties
a) T1-weighted images: good contrast between grey and white matter and superior spatial precision
b) T2 weighted scans: highly regions of damage, giving good pathological information
Both scan types have limitations:
Often fail to detect acute strokes
Sequences do not necessarily show where a function is acting normally
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI):
enables strokes to be visualized at an early stage
Identify brain lesions more accurately than T1 and T2-weighted images
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI):
takes advantage of the fact that water motion in the brain is constrained perpendicular to fiber tracts, but much else constrained in the direction of the fiber tracts
Help to identify whether regions are disconnected after stroke