Task 2 Flashcards
Classical Method / Theory
Presents several different intensities of the same stimulus in the attempt to determine a person’s sensitivity to the stimulus
Criterion / Strategy (beta, C
The three possible strategies with which the subject chooses how easily to respond with “yes” or “no”: Liberal, Neutral, Conservative.
All other stimuli in the environment, which might be mistaken for the signal
ROC curve
Responder Operating-Characteristic: Its shape indicates the sensitivity of the subject / detection mechanism. Demonstrates that factors other than stimulus sensitivity can determine the subject’s response
The ROC curve plots P(H) against P(FA) for different settings of the response criterion. Points in the lower left of the curve represent conservative responding and points in the upper right liberal responding. On the left, more NO responses are given.
Presents only one intensity of the same stimulus and the trials are either Noise (no stimulus) or Signal+Noise (signal)
Sensitivity (d’)
Keenness or resolution of the detection mechanisms, d^’= Separation/Spread
Difference between the means of the (N) and (S+N) probability distributions.
Large separation = high sensitivity
Small separation = low sensitivity
The stimulus presented to the subject / Target that needs to be detected
Signal-to-noise ratio, Low (=little difference between the signal power and noise power, noise masks gaps in tone) vs. High (=a lot of difference between the signal power and noise power)
Standard deviations of the probability distributions
Saying “yes” when the stimulus is present
Saying “no” when the stimulus is present
Saying “yes” when no stimulus is present =
fasle alarm
Saying “no” when no stimulus is present =
correct rejection
A liberal responder
will have more hits and a higher false alarm rate than a conservative responder.
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC
The ROC curve indicates the subjects sensitivity. If two subjects have the same ROC curve, their sensitivities are equal (their L, N and C points do not have to be equal, they just have to fall on the same line).
When the subject’s sensitivity (d’) is high, the ROC curve is more bowed. ROC curves for stronger signals bow out further than ROC curves for weaker signals.
curved=> better senistivty
Streaught=> equal chance of hits and false alarms
a participants criterion
after adopting a criterion, the participant decides how to respond according to the following rule: if the perceptual effect is greater than the criterion (on the right side), press “YES”. If it is less (on the left), press “NO”.
a) Liberal Criterion
- Present N: most falls to the right. So, presenting N will likely result in a YES response when N is presented. Therefore, the probability of a false alarm is high.
- Present S+N: the entire (S+N) distribution falls to the right, so the chances are high that every (S+N) will be answered with “YES”. Therefore, the probability of a hit is high.
b) Neutral Criterion
- Present N: only a small proportion of (N) is on the right. The participant will therefore only rarely respond YES when only N is presented and has therefore a fairly low false alarm rate
- Present S+N: most of the (S+N) distribution is on the right. Therefore, the hit rate will be fairly high (but not as high as for the L criterion)
c) Conservative Criterion
- Present N: false alarms are very low, since none of the N curve falls on the right
- Present S+N: hits will also be low, since only a small portion of (S+N) falls on the right
A subjects’ sensitivity to a stimulus (=d’) influences the shape of the prob distribution
For a participant with sensitive hearing (e.g. Alice), the (S+N) curve will shift towards the right side. Alice’s high sensitivity is indicated by the large separation (d’) between the (N) and the (S + N ) probability distributions.
When the subject’s sensitivity (d’) is high,
the ROC curve is more bowed. ROC curves for stronger signals bow out further than ROC curves for weaker signals. Alice’s curves (distributions) are separated more.
Characterization of the detectability of the signal assuming that the noise follows a normal distribution with a fixed variance, independent of the signal strength
Thee discriminability of a signal depends both on the separation and the spread of the noise-alone and signal-plus-noise curves.
- Separation = difference between the means
- Spread = standard deviation of the probability densities
Assumption of independent and identically distributed (IID)
Values of d’ do not depend on the participant’s criterion. It is a true measure of the internal response
can be determined by calculating the proportion of hits and false alarms.
We need to know both the hit rate and the false alarm rate to get a measure of performance that is independent of the subject’s criterion.
external noise
many possible sources of external noise (stimuli in the environment like light, …)
internal noise
processes that can distort a response but cannot be controlled (i.e. neural processes, …)
The spread of the probability curves determines how well the stimulus can be detected. The signal is more discriminable when there is
less spread (=less noise).
The overlap between (N) and (S+N) means that for some perceptual effects this judgment (was there a tone or not) will be difficult. In this situation (i.e. loudness of 20) the subject decides depending on the location of her criterion.
ratio of neural activity produced by signal and noise at Xc.
Beta > 1 = more conservative; Beta < 1 = more liberal; beta = 1 neutral (lines intersect)
SDT can prescribe exactly where the optimum beta should fall, given the likelihood of observing a signal (signal probability) and the cost and benefits of the four possible outcomes (payoffs).
signal probability
If signal and noise are both equally likely, Xc should be placed in the middle and beta should be 1. If a signal is more likely than noise, Xc should be lowered (beta < 1).
the participant decides how to respond according to the following rule:
if the perceptual effect is greater than the criterion (on the right side), press “YES”. If it is less (on the left), press “NO”.
for a person who is extremely sensitive to the signal the probability distribution moves to the
right, and the noise stays the same
because the area in wich the signal+ noise is hard to distinguish from just noise is very very small
(Alice’s high sensitivity is indicated by the large separation (d’) between the (N) and the (S + N ) probability distributions)
probability distrubiton
The spread of the probability curves determines how well the stimulus can be detected. The signal is more discriminable when there is less spread (=less noise).
A stronger signal (greater stimulus strength) will shift the (S+N) curve to the right
Beta = ratio of neural activity produced by signal and noise at Xc.
Ratio of the height of the 2 curves (divides the height of the point of the 2 curves where your criterion is set)
Beta > 1 = more conservative; Beta < 1 = more liberal; beta = 1 neutral (lines intersect)
If signal and noise are both equally likely, Xc should be placed in the middle and beta should be 1.
If a signal is more likely than noise, Xc should be lowered (beta < 1).
The adjustment of the optimal beta in response to signal and noise probabilities is represented as follows:
Beta(optimal) = P(N)/P (S)
Defines where beta should be set, determined by the ratio of the probability with which noise and signals occur in the environment
Where (normal) beta is set is determined by the observer
sluggish beta
Experiments have shown that beta is not adjusted as much as it should be, resulting in a sluggish Beta. (see figure: people are less conservative than they should be when Beta is high and less liberal when Beta is low).
Statistical Prediction Rules (SPR)
= the mathematic algorithms that specify the best tests to include in a diagnostic workup, and that calculate the odds that a condition is present
adaptor stimuli
Adaptor Stimuli = a tone that alternated with noise bursts
- Rated as “continuous” when signal-to-noise ration – SNR – was low (noise masked the gaps in the tone)
- Rated correctly as “discontinuous” when the SNR was high
target stimuli
Target Stimuli = identical to adaptor stimuli except that the SNR was adjusted so that the continuity of the target stimulus was ambiguous
This is an application to test if the presentation of a sound (adaptor) changed the sensitivity and the criterion and the findings suggest that both the sensitivity and the criterion were affected. If a soft adaptor was presented, interrupted targets were rated more often as interrupted.
- Target was more likely to be rated as “continuous” when presented after adaptors rated as “discontinuous”
- Unknown whether this effect is sensory or decisional in nature
- After effect might alter:
Perception of continuity (sensory-perceptual bottom-up process)
Criteria applied to rate continuity (cognitive top-down process)
Psychophysical experiment to address this
std assumptions
: only when SDT assumptions hold !
Normality assumption: distribution and shape of the curves are normal
Making no mistakes is impossible. You need to make mistakes to calculate the criterion, etc. You need to have uncertainty in your decision making. The signal intensity needs to be near to a threshold for these experiments to work (individually determined for each participant)
We need to have signal and noise trials
Listeners’ internal noise contributed equally to the sensory representations of the different stimuli
RIEKE Statistical Analysis
- Outcomes
o False Alarm: report interrupted target signal as “continuous”
o Hits: report uninterrupted target signal as “continuous
Listeteners’ sensory noise levels are randomly distributed across trials
o Noise contributed additively and independently to the sensory representations of the different target stimuli
Hits and FA rates transformed into z-scores
Z-scores used to compute d’ and C separately for each listener
Loud adaptor (lower SNR) judged as continuous far more often than the soft adaptor
As expected, because this causes the continuity illusion
Sensitivity d’ varied significantly across the adaptor conditions
= the same ambiguous stimulus could elicit two very distinct percepts, depending on the preceding adaptor stimuli
Significantly smaller d’ values following soft adaptors that loud adaptors
Decision criterion C also varied significantly across the adaptor condition
After soft adaptors, listeners used more liberal decision criteria (more inclined to report target as continuous)
THUS: Adaptors induced a sensory aftereffect (varying d’) and a decisional aftereffect (varying C)