Tarot Of The spirit Flashcards
At one something is beginning to open up.
One is a point, and all the numbers can be thought of in terms of geometric progression.
Raw energy.
Me: The leap from 0 to 1 is like the whole ocean leaping into a single drop. One second it’s the cosmic ocean, the next second, it’s another fish in the sea. One second it’s the infinite womb, the next second it’s a single child. One second it’s the universe, the next second it’s you.
- 0 is infinite potential, and 1 is the first step in a newborn path. The journey of one back to infinity is how the drop remembers it’s the ocean.
- 0 is the cosmic child, a being that could in any moment become anything, because it is nothing; 1 is the magic of creation.
- The journey from 0 to 1 is the infinite leap of all into one. God into man. The leap of everything into one thing. This is the nature of a hologram. The whole picture can be found in every pixel. This is at the heart of quantum physics. Which is a fancy word for consciousness.
The journey of 0 to 1 is the essence of magic. The essence of zen. The essence of higher maths and sacred geometry.
At two it becomes polarized. It grows in intensity.
Two points that form a line.
Will. Purpose, initial understanding.
Me: 2 is what happens when 1 realizes it is made of two sides. It is composed of opposites. 1 is the initial separation from the cosmic sea of 0. 1 the point of separation where one possibility, out of all the possibilities, decides to explore itself. That one possibility becomes the path it chooses to take. Every other possibility also takes the leap from 0 to 1, thus every possibility is a reality in itself, and every possibility is leaping from 0 to 1 at the same time.
- Imagine all the possibilities. Now imagine every possibly happening right now, and if you were at a higher level of awareness, you’d be able to surf between possibilities. You’d begin to learn how to experience multiple realities at once. This ability comes with understanding the mystery between 0 and 1.
- Every digit after one is the journey back to 0.
- With 1, it became separate. One whole thing, separate from the 0 thing. At 2, 1 repeats itself. At 2, one separates itself into two sides. A part of 1 see itself as different than one. The other part of one also sees itself as different from one. So you have two. The same way 1 came out of zero, 2 came out of one. It’s a quantum leap. You see this in life, study biology, you see this in evolution.
- 2 coming out of one is seen in the Fibonacci sequence - 0 1 1 2
- at 2, one realized it was alone, so one found its other 1, by splitting itself in two - this is polarity, male female, left right, up down, in out
At 3 it becomes dimensional. It grows stronger still.
It makes a triangle and also a plane (0)
Conception, manifestation.
At four it becomes stable.
Production, mastery, clinging to achievement.
At 5 it begins to move. Problems arise.
Surrender, release, destruction.
At 6 it restabalizes. Querist feels the problems are solved.
Solution, exaltation, seeing.
At 7 it becomes highly complex. Realizes the solutions at 6 were probably not permanent and goes back to the drawing board.
Feeling, deepening, mystery
At 8 it grows. Real learning, that has lasting results, begins to occur.
Repose, consideration, retreat, ripening.
At 9 the suit comes to its highest point. The major messages and mysteries of the particular suit or hand have been processed and understood.
Understanding before or beyond words, strengthening.
At 10 the suit is completed, the cycle has fulfilled itself, and new ideas or elements begin to enter. The querist moves to a new level or way of knowing.
Processing, moving to a new level
All fathers related to fire. They represent spirit, action, energy, movement.
A Father in Water will be modified accordingly, thus more passive. His high energy subdued by water’s heavy and calming influence.
A father in his own element becomes the magnified essence: hot, flaming, high energy, continuous movement
All related to water. Personify emotion and understanding. Receptive, loving, nurturing.
Represent Wind/swords. Intellectual, relying on reason, seeking understanding through thought, seek to discover higher purpose through rationality.
The spirit warriors. Not afraid of creating and employing new information as they speed their causes along.
Represent earth. The soldier or ground all the energy generated along the path through their suit.
Represent the manifestation of the messages, mysteries or lessons of their suit, much like the Priestess. They are capable of understanding the element thoroughly and are capable of putting its tools to work.
The brother/sister cards are the children of their parents, receiving characteristics and guidance from them, though how they attune and develop is personal.
The father/mother are pure in nature, but the brother sister have ability to soar beyond by choosing to exalt their own potential
Put yourself in the face card’s shoes: how would Sister (Earth) feel in a family suit of Wind, brother mother and father all in intellectual pursuits?
Major Arcana
22 cards, Keys, as they have the powerful capacity to unlock of a major mystery of the human psyche.
Seen as prototypical emotional response patterns that emerge as personality or energy “types.” Or as moods.
Our conditioned response or predispositions to react to the symbolic universe in which we live, a network of symbols to which we have developed reflexes.
One of Fire
Move into newness; you have the will to change and you feel the great energy of new beginnings
If you feel like you are burning up without outlet for your emotions, you will soon find something/one to connect with.
At one of Fire, your spirit grows restless. Time for change, time to engage in new activities, relationships, interests.
Internal fire, your driving force of change, is burning. You desire newness, meaning, but at the one you are experiencing only blind will to change. You need direction.
In reaction to the surging fire, you may feel anything from exhilaration to depression. Don’t suppress the burning. Use its force to propel you through change.
You feel the wheel of fortune beginning to turn.
The challenge of one of Fire is how to achieve the best focus. Soon it will become directed and rewarding.
Fire is yang, primal male, source of all light and heat, and at one it is rising up.
To find what you are looking for, in order to direct your inner fire, is to explore the cosmic sea: your own inner depths. Introspect. Understand the depth and power of your own will, and the direction you are now moving.
To open your deep self, you need to open your yin feminine: fluid, free flowing; this side will then give you permission space and freedom to open to new possibility. Balance, for growth, or the primal male will burn itself out (and you’re left in darkness/depression/ etc).
Two of Fire
Unfocused energy becomes clear and polarized. Stronger feeling of direction. Maintain internal sense of balance.
Making a connection. Have to want something in order to cure the endless longing.
Refining your energies begins. Opportunity to escape the interior burning at one and clear the way for internal empowerment.
You are pioneering. Stay clear to maintain your direction. The way is only found through looking within. Peer into the internal dark subconscious spaces.
Two points polarize and become clear. You are one point, the other your focal point, the direction you decide to or must travel. A new path is formed.
Sense of duality and duplicity, inside out and outside, past and future, light and dark, above and below.
If you break a magnet into many pieces, the pieces all maintain their male/female poles. Male/female polarizations infinitely move in and out of each other, yet maintain direction. Thus dualism becomes a paradox—that of yin and yang, appearing first at two of Fire.
Essential: how do you really feel deep inside? This is the answer to your growth.
Here fire must converge with the female water. To avoid being blinded by your own internal light and consumed by your own eternal fire—answer the question.
Lesson: learn to move with the burning energy of the male force toward that is which most receptive and tempering, maintaining internal balance of male and female.
Three of Fire
Birth of Light
Stay on the path, it’s right, for fruition, a miraculous brith is at hand. Your “child” you’re birthing may not be easy, but regarding, a product of love.
An important connection has been made and the conception/perception has occurred.
The will to act, and to change, has been recognized acted upon and received.
Gestational period of the coming child. Creativity sparks.
Three: holy balance—a plane is established, that of spirit.
Inside the womb of mother, Binah, rest, for your birth is coming. Experience the stillness in the waters of the subconscious mind.
Don’t increase pain by resisting the inevitable flow.
Four of Fire
Flame of Spirit
A phase of development is complete—you built a strong structure, but in some ways you no longer feel connected to it.
Old structures must be abandoned to make room for new growth. You are growing, beginning a new phase.
You’ve made the four corners of your foundation, and you can turn the wheel of fortune(square) again. Make a new floor.
Search your heart for the right course of action. The old system has come to an end.
Four is the balance of beyond that of three, it’s the point where the creative magic of three brings the desired end into manifestation.
Don’t let this four become a habit that holds you back. Established patterns keep you from “getting or being lost”. Getting lost requires you to activate the creative mind. In getting lost, you find yourself on deeper levels.
Structures also are easily outgrown, and thirdly, becoming solidified can lead to arrogance, the danger of being blinded by your own light/success. Fourth, it can take on a life of its own, reproduce itself, long after it’s needed or helpful.
Tyranny results from clinging too tightly to the structures you build. True strength comes from flexibility.
Challenge: attune the spiritual aspects of self, the eternal light that transcends the material plane. However uncomfortable, a new beginning is about the occur. Take the next move before the endpoint of the last move is reached. Pivot and innovate before you collapse on your own history (Kodak)
Remain fluid and mobile, for youre be moving onto or through 5, and this time is a bridge that changes as you cross it. A bride that takes you out to sea like a boat.
With an open mind, you can easily move through outgrown structures to ever greater levels of awareness. Desires change. New challenges accepted.