Tarot Flashcards
Seven of Pentacles / Earth
Your efforts may be scattered at this time and you are starting to question whether or not you are investing in the right areas. You may be outlaying some initial money on things that will not deliver results. Or, what you thought would make you happy is actually creating stress and anxiety.
Examine where you are investing your time, energy and resources and make sure that you are satisfied with your current progress and that you’re receiving a return on those investments.
Indicates that even though you may continue to invest a lot of energy into a specific situation, you may not reap the rewards you are looking for.
Take stock of what you still need to do and focus only on those things that will get you to where you want to be.
As a key strength, can indicate that you know when to stop investing in something when you are seeing little return.
In a relationship reading, indicates that you have been working very hard on laying the foundations for your relationship, but now, for some reason, you are concerned that you are going to lose all of that. You may also be feeling frustrated that the relationship is not progressing or growing as quickly as you had hoped, particularly given that you have put in so much time and energy.
The Devil
Represents your shadow (or darker) side and the negative forces that constrain you and hold you back from being the best version of yourself.
You may be at the effect of negative habits, dependencies, behaviours, thought patterns, relationships, and addictions. You have found yourself trapped between the short-term pleasure you receive and the longer-term pain you experience.
You are choosing the path of instant gratification, even if it is at the expense of your long-term well-being.
Often appears when you have been tricked into thinking that you have no control over your shadow self or these negative forces, and you can never be free from their hold.
Deep down, you know, and to break free of these negative patterns, you need to acknowledge the hold that they have over you and the negative impact they are having on your life.
See it as an opportunity to bring these negative influences into your conscious awareness, so that you can then take action to free yourself from their hold. Shine your light on these negative patterns that have been standing in your way for so long, and over time, you will loosen the grip that they have on you.
Can represent sexuality and your wild side, and indelicate proceed with caution, enjoy but don’t go too far down the rabbit hole.
Nine of Swords
Hopelessness, severe depression, torment
indicates that you are working yourself up and becoming incredibly stressed and anxious when, really, this does not have to be a complicated issue.
What is needed here is for you to stop and objectively examine the reality of the situation. Bring yourself back to earth by uncovering your fears and anxieties and working to reduce the impact of those fears and anxieties on your life. Know that it is going to be ok, no matter what.
Suggests that your worry and despair may actually be causing you harm. The more you worry about something, the more likely it is you will manifest your worst nightmares.
You may have recently come to the realisation that it is not as bad as you had made it out to be, and you are beginning to relax and calm yourself about what was once a terrifying situation.
You may also find that your dreams are very telling at this time.
Three of Swords
Represents rejection, sadness, loneliness, heartbreak, betrayal, separation and grief. Such events feel so painful because they are unexpected.
Often serves as a warning sign to show when one or more of these are possible. By preparing for this difficult event, the emotional blow can be minimised or even prevented entirely.
Sorrow and grief are often a necessity in the journey of life. Without pain, there would be no challenge and no lessons learned. Pain can be a great motivator because it encourages you to surmount obstacles and ultimately learn from your mistakes.
While the pain may cloud your vision for a certain period, it will eventually allow you to see clearly and to put the past behind you.
If you can start to see pain as a learning opportunity, life will suddenly become less painful. You need to really get in touch with pain and sorrow. Challenges remain but once they are no longer perceived as negative or ‘bad’, they lose a lot of their impact. This card is therefore encouraging you that you have the ability to conquer any pain that comes your way. Understand how the pain can help you grow.
It follows the difficult decision required in the Two of Swords, where you may be avoiding the necessity of making a tough choice. In the Three of Swords, the choice has been made, and you are now experiencing the consequences of your action. Often the choices make involve choosing one good over another, or one evil over another, and thus when you have finally made your decision, you are still left with the pain of losing the option you have not chosen. Often, however, the pain of losing something you once valued (such as a ‘comfortable’ relationship in which you are no longer growing) is necessary in order to prepare you for a more fulfilling experience in the future.
Also about release. When you have suffered a major setback, or loss, it is a good time to have a good cry, which is all part of the cleansing process. Expressing your sadness and letting it all out will then help you to move on to better times. However, it is also important that you continue to focus on the future path ahead.
It is time to accept the loss and move forward.
Nine of Wands
On edge, defensive, hesitant, paranoia
You may be hesitant to make a long-term commitment. You may be feeling as if life is all work and no play, and you may feel overcome by responsibilities or a lack of support from those around you. You may also be lacking the necessary resources, such as finances, skills or time, in order to deal with the challenges head on. As such, you are hesitant to make any commitments in fear that your responsibilities will become all too much.
You may also be more inclined to be a little ‘on edge’ and on the defensive. The boundaries you have set around yourself are now becoming your cage, locking you into your old habits and behaviours. Be careful of dwelling on past frustrations and grievances. Just try to let go.
Be mindful not to make assumptions or hasty judgements. Lighten up a little and return to the Eight of Wands where you take life as it comes in all its various forms. Go with the flow and release yourself of the pressures you are feeling.
The Sun
success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and will bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and you bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and will help you succeed. You are also in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others. Radiate who you are and what you stand for. Shine your love on those you care about.
If you have been going through a difficult time, the Sun brings you the message you have been waiting for—that things are going to get better, a lot better! Through the challenges along your path, you have discovered who you are and why you’re here.
The Sun connects to you to your power base – not fear-driven, egotistical power, but the abundant, inner power that is radiating through you right now. You’ll feel it in your Solar Plexus chakra, calling you to express yourself fully and authentically, and be fully present in the world around you. You have what others want and you are being asked to radiate your energy and your gifts out into the world in a big way. Feel your personal power and use your Divine will to express that power in positive ways.
You are bursting with enthusiasm, feeling invigorated and enjoying a wonderful sense of good health.
Ten of Cups
Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment
Embodies happiness, joy, contentment and emotional fulfillment, particularly in the area of relationships and family. You have created an abundance of love and happiness in your life and you now share this love with others, expanding your heart even more. This card often appears when you are surrounded by your loved ones with whom you share a very strong and deep connection.
This card may appear in a reading when you are spending more time with family, perhaps on a family holiday, reunion or event, where you can rest and relax together, creating fun and happy family memories and strong bonds.
Also a very positive card in terms of romantic relationships and may indicate either the beginning of a new and blissful relationship or a long-term commitment.
You feel a sense of wholeness, completion, and alignment in your relationships with others. You are experiencing an idyllic state of peace, harmony and love where all your dreams and wishes have come true, and you are celebrating everything you have created. Take a moment to step back and truly appreciate everything that you have accomplished. You have created a life of connection and bliss by following your heart and trusting your intuition.
Encourages you to follow your heart and trust your intuition to lead you to those opportunities that are in your Highest Good. Your feelings and emotions will guide you. When something feels really good and in alignment with your Highest Self, do more of it; and when something doesn’t feel good, do less of it. Allow your inner guidance system to lead the way. Seek out opportunities that make you feel fulfilled and that are aligned with your personal values, rather than simply following the path that others expect you to take.
Princess of Swords / Wind
Reflects an abundance of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You cannot wait to get started on a new project or an idea, and to share that with others. You start all new projects, ventures and journeys with a huge amount of energy and excitement. The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up!
Green light to say, “Go for it”. There are always going to be challenges, but when it comes down to it, you need to follow your passions and go where your true energy lies.
You feel as if you could do anything. Align with people who support you and your ideas.
You have intelligent and sensitive nature, and you may suffer if you have no outlet for your ideas and feelings.
Ask the right questions to get to the truth.
Communication, information, ideas: talk and share.
Avoid gossip, use your gifts to benefit others. Ground your thoughts before speaking.
Have fun with mental activities, learning, exploring, etc.
Often lacks the mature wisdom though in expressing oneself, and mind is a double-edged sword, the bad edge: either on the defensive of ideas, or on the offensive, proving oneself superior or launching ideas at people.
May come across as oppositional or in your face.
Five of Fire / Wands
You are in the midst of conflict, tension and competition and it is impacting your ability to move forward with your goals.
You are coming up against it and are constantly being challenged on your point of view. No one listening, little progress.
Representative of a group of people who are committed to an end but they cannot fully agree on how to implement this goal. Aim to turn this into constructive conflict by allowing each person to openly share their thoughts but then listen to other people’s thoughts.
Situation struggling with lots of different background and POVs.
Consider a brainstorming or mastermind group for diversity of perspective.
You may be up against equally qualified competition.
Encourages an enthusiastic approach to change. Change is coming, your challenge will be in ensuring that everyone is on the same page and is focused on dealing with this change constructively and positively. Currently, there is scattered energy resulting from misdirected enthusiasm. Everyone has many ideas but no-one is there to bring them into one consistent path forward. Your role may be in identifying a clear strategy and purpose that can be implemented by all involved.
Sometimes, the Five of Wands indicates a personal struggle and conflict, either about external or internal issues that are causing a lot of tension and confusion for you. You have different opinions of your own about how you should approach your current circumstances and you have not really worked out in your own mind what your final stance is going to be
Seven of Pentacles
Long-term view, sustainable results, perseverance, investment
You have a strong desire to invest in those things that will provide long-term benefit and sustainable results.
Not looking for quick wins.
You also want to make sure that you are focusing your attention on the right areas that will give you the biggest ‘bang for your buck.’
Step back and look at the bigger picture. Look upon your works. Celebrate what you’ve created, and evaluate your progress so far.
Are the rewards worth the effort?
Sometimes this card can indicate frustration with slow results. If things haven’t paid off as planned, evaluate. Were your expectations reasonable?
Two of Cups
Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction
One Card:
Beginnings, priority
Two Card:
Response to initial stimulus. Battle plans, first steps.
Ace of Water
The wellspring, or source, of what is to follow in this suit.
Anything new on an emotional level; love, hope, surge of happiness, engagement.
Deeper: potential soul bonding, spiritual awakening, a peace offering,
If aspected with the Lovers, 2 of cups, etc, then marriage.
Ace of Water
Depression, unhappiness, malaise, bad news (with any page or swords), loss of love faith or happiness.
Separation from one’s source of inspiration or hope.
Two of Water
Two become one. Soul bonding.
Not ordinary love, but often refers to the lesser more commonplace form of companionship people enjoy.
Everyday meanings: a date, chance meeting, new romance, a proposal or handfasting, agreement or truce, law settlement, asking someone out.
Deeper: Tantric union, soul mate. Successful contract signings (if supported by wands), conflict resolution (if supported by swords), or a promotion, raise or loan (if supported by Coins).
Lucky, fortunate card. The physical manifestation of The Lovers.
Two of Water
Trouble in paradise, A separation, two people going their own way.
Compassion dissolves into bitterness. Spurned love. Rejection.
With 3 of swords, indicates infidelity.
Three of Water
Joyful Union, pure happiness.
Celebrations, parties, close friendships. Expect good things to happen.
Not victory, but the victory dance.
Rapid and complete recovery from an illness or surgery.
Enhances the level of happiness of any other card by 3.
Pregnancy or birth of something new: especially with any ace, page, or The Empress.
Three of Water
If you draw this card, place it back and draw a new one, you made a mistake.
Reveals a deep unhappiness brought on by solitude, loneliness, abandonment, ruined plans, disappointment, alcoholism, addiction, withdrawing, loss of friends.
Can indicate excess hedonism, too much “celebrating,” especially in a misguided search for deeper connection.
Four of Water
Discontent (phase). Malcontent (person).
Walls, emotional fortress. Shutting the world out.
Resistance to any help, advice, compassion, charity, compromise. Refusing to recognize the efforts of others.
Depends on associated cards for causality. Look closely for these reasons before offering solutions.
Despondence, unmet needs, withdrawal. Secrecy, unable to open up.
Four of Water
Still not pleasant, but can indicate coming out of your shell. A release from despondence and an ending of hiding away.
Five of Water
Sacrifice, loss and mourning.
This loss is usually tangible, look for it in associated cards. Feeling this loss strongly, and probably aren’t ready to hear that you still have much to be thankful for.
Subtext: hope, but respect the loss before moving beyond it. There is emotional despair, and need for support in healing.
Mourning your fortunes. Dependent on and a reaction to unfortunate events.
Deep emotions, loyalty, regret, sadness, pain.
Resignation, despair, endure.
Five of Water
Recovering from distant wounds and pain. Forget the past and take positive action.
Renewed faith after hard times. Courage against loss. Full speed ahead, despite the circumstances.
Six of Water
The simple act of giving. No expectations, machinations, or hidden motives.
Simple kindness.
Perhaps a reunion with old friends, or a gift will be given.
6: Sharing, balance, enduring harmony.
Cups: consideration, trust, friendship, kindness.
Water: empathy, graciousness, serenity.
Domestic, nurturing.
Six of Water
a long for everything this card represents, upright.
Stress, lack of deep relationships with kind people, false friends, need for deeper connection with self.
Seven of Water
Opportunities and possibilities. The world is at your feet. You may be overwhelmed by the choices you now face, but a choice is called for. The clock is ticking.
Decide what you want most from life right now, and strike while it’s hot.
Waiting too long, the moment will pass you by.
7: Destiny, evolution, spiritual choices.
Cups: Desires, life choices, possibilities, wishes.
Water: mental fog, prognostication.
Seven of Water
Indecision, being paralyzed by the inability to choose. Lack of focus. Not knowing what you want. Perhaps forced into a decision. Aspecting cards will indicate what’s happening.
Eight of Water
This card is a reaction to a life of unhappiness. Anything has got to be better than what you have now, and you get the urge to go and find out.
May have everything you want in life, but inside you feel the need to get away from everything and scrub your soul clean.
Life changes stemming from a deep desire to get away from where you are now.
Different from the 4 of cups because this is a need for something different and taking action on it.
8: Cycle of completion, time for change.
Cups: Unfulfilled needs, desires, longings, change.
Water: Spiritual needs, vision quests, solitude.
Eight of Water
Inability to leave a bad situation. Imprisonment, situational mess that needs to be resolved before you can make progress with your goals.
Nine of Water
Fulfillment. Getting everything you want, quitting the game at the top, and taking your winnings home.
There is more to be had from life, but wise enough to know when it’s time to enjoy the rest of your days appreciating what you have.
9: Fruition of hopes and dreams, manifestation.
Cups: Emotional satiation, being fulfilled, abundance.
Water: happiness, indulgence, comfort, dreams.
Mutable: dependent on other actions to bring it into reality.
Nine of Water
Beware of too much indulgence, too much of a good thing can be bad.
Ten of Water:
Happily ever after. Happy marriage, home, family, friends.
Communally centered ending, a larger base of happiness.
10: End results, system reset. Sum total.
Cups: Contentment, emotional needs, longevity.
Water: Emotional security, faith, family, hopes and dreams.
Ten of Water
Broken dreams, illusion of happiness, disruption of home. Loss of security. Broken marriage, dysfunctional families.
Water Sister
Indicates the gentle whispers of creative inspiration and psychic awareness.
Psychic flashes. Artistic impulses. Musical talent.
Good news regarding some part of your reading.
Page: Apprentice, student, youth, messenger.
Cups: Creativity, psychic awareness, artistic talent.
Water: imagination, subconscious minds.
Water Sister
Lack of creativity, depression, anxiety, unhappy childhood.
Indigestion, addiction.
New ideas, doubting intuition, creative blocks, emotional immaturity.
You are keeping your creative inspirations and ideas secret. You may worry that others will steal your idea or tell you it’s destined to fail. Instead, you are choosing to keep your plans private so you can develop them further without the influence of others. You may want to wait until you’ve moved out of the conceptual stage before sharing it with others.
you may feel called to pursue a new creative project, but you doubt whether you can really make it work. Your inner critic may be on over-drive or others are telling you that you’re dreaming – so you are stalling and holding back. Ask yourself, “What have I got to lose here?”
You may experience a creative block. There is an aspect of your Self that wants to be expressed, but for whatever reason, you are holding back. You may worry whether your creativity will lead you in the direction you want, or whether it has value in this world. Or, you may feel ‘stuck’ when it comes time to express yourself creatively, and you don’t know how to bring this side of yourself out into the external environment. The ideas are there, but you are having trouble figuring out how to make them into reality.
If you are exploring your intuition, the reversed Page of Cups can suggest that you are encountering a lot of doubt. You are trying hard to listen to your intuition, but when the messages come through, you are left wondering if it’s your inner guidance or your ego. Open yourself to your intuition and see where it takes you.
can show someone who is emotionally immature – perhaps someone dramatic, who over-shares and takes their vulnerability a little too far. This may be someone who is prone to emotional tantrums when they do not get their way. Or it may be someone who is overly dreamy about their future and who is not grounded in reality.
Peter Pan Syndrome’, in which an adult does not want to grow up and instead remains a child for the rest of their lives.
Water Brother:
Stern resolve, no rush. Focused or obsessed completely on the task.
Focusing, keeping drive and emotions under control and contained.
With men, perhaps emotionally unavailable, or simply cautious (compared to reckless knight of swords or the high-spirited knight of wands).
Entering into a relationship slowly and with caution.
Knight: youthful, protector, self-discipline, chivalry.
Cups: quests, patience, high-mindedness.
Water: Inner turmoil, deep emotions, cautious, obsessive.
Water Brother
Obsessive, jealous, ruled by emotions. Unreliable and dishonest. Use caution if dealing with this person.
Water Mother
Complexity of emotions, private realm of introspection. Exists within the confines of her mind. Sensitive, creative, imaginative.
Queen: mother, artist, writer, designer.
Cups: Capacity for understanding, sensitive, ethereal, imaginative.
Water: Spirituality, emotion, faith, visions, inspiration.
Water Mother
Emotions tends to escape control on a regular basis. Questioning sanity. Drug abuse. Jealous, unreliable, dishonest, dangerous to self. Approach with caution.
Water Father
Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
Mastery over emotion, creativity, and the unconscious.
Balance of head and heart, inside and out, both how you feel and others.
As a leader, you care as much above achieving goals as you do about everyone being engaged and happy along the way.
If being challenged, suggests you need to remain emotionally mature in dealing with other’s negative energy. Be clear about personal boundaries. Make emotionally intelligent decisions.
Water Father
Self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative
Focusing your attention on innermost feelings to increase self-awareness and self-compassion.
Learning about emotions that are stored in your subconscious, and how they affect you daily.
Therapy, self-help, mediation?
Or you may be struggling with emotional upset and drama, moody, depressed, anxious, beating yourself up. Pay attention to your emotional balance.
Or you’re repressing your emotions out of fear of what will happen if you confront them. Don’t let them bottle up. Find an outlet.
At worst, this card could represent a highly manipulative, vindictive person. A shifty devil. Release yourself from their forces.
Ace of Wind
Predicts decisive victory over any obstacle and dominance over all adversaries through aggression.
Rise of new power, order, a leader, by force of will.
Onset of conquest, righteousness.
Violence, deception, victory and defeat, change, force of will. Sharp intellect, wit, swiftness, unpredictability.
Ace of Wind
The real death card. Sharp, sudden violence and defeat, usually accompanied by violent rage. Verify with aspecting cards.
Two of Wind
Highly defensive card. An impasse. Without compromise there will be no progress.
Parties are defensively engaged, unwilling or unable to let defenses down or be vulnerable.
Creative block.
Two: opposing forces, diverging ideologies, indecision.
Swords: Defensiveness, restriction, crossroads.
Air: Harsh words, restriction of emotions.
Two of Wind
Swords sheathed for aggreement. Settlements reached, action can proceed. Breakthroughs. Critical problem solving. Ancient secrets revealed.
Three of Wind
Heartbreak, despair, despondence, depression, abandonment, infidelity, love triangle.
Slander, libel, public humiliation, rejection, breach of contract.
Swords: Pain, savage attacks, emotional cruelty.
Air: fickleness, drama, scorn, inconsistency.
Three of Wind
Swift healthy recovery. Emotional healing. Restitutions offered.
Four of Wind
Rest after an effort. Putting something to rest, retirement.
Four: rest, structure, honor.
Swords: valor, warrior
Air: Stillness, silence, stagnant.
Four of Wind
Dishonor. Digging up the past, or things better left alone. Lack of recognition for one’s efforts.
Five of Wind
Open intimidation by a bully. Assault or domination.
Five: Disorder, disruption of plans.
Swords: Violence, oppression, dominance, intimidation.
Air: Change in direction, threats.
Five of Wind
Freedom from oppression. Conflict resolution. Standing up to false authority. Perhaps a team effort.
Six of Wind
Leaving something, probably is a hurry.
6: creating order from chaos.
Swords: Retreat, seeking allies, regrouping.
Air: Change in plans, taking flight, disappearing.
Journey by water, escape, separation.
Law of Repulsion: moving away from.
Six of Wind
Journey or escape is delayed. No way out of the present situation. Forced to endure or make changes from within the system.
Seven of Wind
Deception, a thief in your camp. A false friend. Machinations against you by cowards. Schemes or manipulation are afoot.
Esoteric: some clever action taken to circumvent an existing situation for personal gain, or using an oppressor’s strengths against them.
Seven: luck is on your side, changes of fortune.
Swords: deception, pride.
Air: adapting to circumstance, clever ideas, impulse.
Seven of Wind
Uncovering plots and conspiracies. The “bad guy” gets caught.
Unfounded accusations or paranoia.
Nine of Wind
Anxiety, matters out of your control, sleepless nights or insomnia. Stress, despair over past events or yet to come.
Find where these feelings came from.
9: culmination, subconscious mind saturation, overwhelming fear.
Swords: emotional pain, fear, worry, nightmares, regrets.
Air: Uncertainty, difficulty breathing, insomnia.
Reaction to events already passed, or of even worse to come.
Eight of Wind
Trapped, imprisoned, emotionally closed off. Creatively stifled. Held hostage by unseen forces (bad marriage, mediocre job etc).
You are surrounded by a stone wall, and to escape, certain stones must be removed. Find the stones that will make the wall collapse.
Wake-up call to selectively remove things from your life that are collectively causing greater harm than they do individually.
Eight: Containing structure, prison, strong walls, lack of progress.
Swords: Constriction, imprisonment, bondage, solitude, inaction.
Eight of Wind
Escape or release from anything that has been holding you down. A chance for freedom is coming. Re-entering society.
You have come through a difficult time and you are becoming more open to change and self-acceptance.
Reflected on what did and did not work in the past and have changed your perspective and approach.
You acknowledge that you do indeed have options, and you are refusing to play the role of ‘the victim’, taking greater accountability for where you are in life.
You need to free yourself from some of the limiting factors of your past. You have some skeletons in the closet that need clearing out. Allow yourself to let go of old patterns of behaviour and belief systems that have previously held you back.
Nine of Wind
Emotional release, letting go of old pain, moving on. A physical release of tension. The causes of great stresses are being lifted. Forget the past and create new, better memories.
Ten of Wind
Undoing of a person. An action befalling them that they’ve most likely earned. Death by a thousand cuts, constant pin-pricking that incites your rage.
Treachery, betrayal, financial ruin, overthrow by many hands, whether physical or emotional.
Ten: Endings and evolution. System reset. Results.
Swords: Violence, deception, rage, hidden enemies. Injuries.
Air: change, storms, clearing the air, death rattle, character assassination.
Ten of Wind
Dodging the bullet. Danger passes so close you can feel the breeze. Resurrection.
Sister Wind
Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic, abundant passion and enthusiasm.
Share in the communication of ideas, information, theories.
Can’t wait to get started on a new project, journey etc, but the challenge is to keep it up. You need something to help you maintain the pace.
Green light: go for it. Follow your passions, go where your true energy lies, despite challenges.
Idealistic person, with lots of plans and ideas for the future.
You are just beginning to make your way in life, align with people who will nurture your ideas and help you manifest them in an organized manner.
Choose a relationship with someone you can learn and grow with, develop your expression.
You have an intelligent and sensitive nature, and you may suffer if you don’t have a creative outlet for your ideas and feelings.
Agile, avid learner, excellent student.
Be careful of gossip, as this card loves to be in the know, instead use your talent to benefit others.
Ground your thoughts before speaking. Be careful of not oversharing with the wrong people, as your excitement may blind you to how others think. Protect your privacy.
Downside: turbulent nature of intellectual discovery, and inspiration unchecked by experience or wisdom. Can be defensive of ideas or confrontational with them.
Swords: Defensiveness, verbal abuse, bad news.
Air: Exchange of ideas, important news, urgent messages.
Wind Sister
All talk and no action, haste, undelivered promises.
Self-righteousness, poor communication, impatience, brat.
Not thinking things through. Lots of energy to get things moving but not being effective with your actions.
Tackle things one at a time., not everything at once.
Be careful of making promises you can’t keep, or saying things you regret. Make sure others will deliver on their promises.
Perhaps you’re beginning to annoy others with constant questions and too much energy. Be conscious of how you come off when always asking, “Why?”
Fear of public speaking? Fear of being center of attention?
Wind Brother
Youthful zeal. Warrior, daring, rush of testosterone. Unstoppable force.
Active, decisive, natural leader. Things will happen his way.
Quick to act, quick to leave.
Charisma that draws others to him. Extreme courage in face of danger.,
Swords: Aggression, haste, fearlessness, force of will.
Air: Strong winds, hurricanes, birds of prey.
Wind Brother
bully, abusive, quick to anger, instigator, loudmouth, impatience, lack of foresight, religious fervor, zealot.
Wind Mother
Decisive. Independent. Strong-willed. Highly intelligent, capable, not overly swayed by emotional displays.
Female authority figure.
Real power lies behind the throne, as the queen is not officially in charge.
Swords: imprisonment, constriction, dominatrix.
Air: storms, intense mental activity, devoid of emotional clutter.
Wind Mother
mean-spirited, selfish. Tyrannical boss. Corrupt politician. Harsh mother figure.
Heartless, critical, stern, unforgiving.
Downfall of a good woman.
Wind Father
Intelligence. Strong leader. Ambitious, judicious.
Unlike Wind Brother, observes before taking action. Waits for the other to make the next move.
Swords: established authority.
Air: Clean thought, judgement, justice.
Wind Father
Criminal mastermind, iron-fisted tyrant. Patient man with cruel, calculating mind. Dictator.
Ace of Earth
The beginning of any fortunate enterprise or undertaking.
Betokens new money, aspect other cards for how/from where.
Foundation of all wealth and worldly power.
Coins: Wealth, abundance, growth, raw materials.
Earth: Stability, strength, reliability, responsibility, nutrients.
Ace of Earth
Delays in getting paid, missed opportunities, not getting the big raise, don’t speculate or gamble, conserve money.
Two of Earth
Find balance in various aspects of your life.
Juggling multiple priorities, roles, and responsibilities. Manage your time, energy and resources very carefully so you don’t lose balance.
State of busyness, rushing, never enough time: take a break might be the most productive thing you can do.
Getting caught up in demands of daily life and losing sight of bigger picture.
Ongoing emotional and physical imbalance.
Be patient, flexible, and adaptable as you attempt to juggle commitments.
Two: Options, possibilities, differing needs and desires.
Coins: Budgets, financial responsibilities, risks, gambling.
Earth: swamps, scandal, murk, muck, tremors, quicksand.
Two of Earth
Too busy, struggling to manage or fulfill your activities and commitments. Overloaded. Starting to drop the ball, or struggling with finances, paying bills. Spread too thin.
The stress is getting to you, easily overwhelmed.
Struggling with balance: over-investing in one area and lacking in others, like making a lot of money but not spending time with your family.
Lesson: Get organized and on top of your commitments. Bring more structure if needed, planning, budgeting, saying no to opportunities that are no longer in alignment with your goals.
Reassess your priorities and goals and decide where you want to spend your time and energy.
Three of Earth
The master, shows great skill or achievement.
Artistic criticism, critiques, quality assessment, promotion or raise.
Perhaps you’ll receive unexpected assistance once you’ve put in sweat equity.
Three: additional input, three’s a crowd, structural analysis.
Coins: Work stoppage, quality control, clients, referrals.
Earth: Mastery, contracts, self-reliance.
Three of Earth
Complaints about your work, unhappy bosses, nagging, micro-managing, lack of recognition for your efforts.
Or: shoddy workmanship.
Four of Earth
Saving money, security, scarcity, control.
Asks you to look at your relationship with money. Are you accumulating wealth, while still enjoying your daily life? Or desperately clinging to every coin, afraid to spend, fear of losing what you have?
Positive: you’ve created wealth and abundance with focus, goals and saving, budgeting.
More likely, though, it indicates a scarcity mindset.
Placing too much value on money and materials. Attachment to possessions.
Greed, stopping the flow of money.
Lesson: honor and respect wealth, but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s really important.
If struggling with finances, save money and resources so you don’t live beyond your means.
Beyond money, this card appears when you are seeking more control in your life, micro-managing, protective, possessive. See change as a threat to your security.
Money works best when it flows, not stashed away.
Four: walls, glass ceiling, restriction, stability, possessiveness.
Coins: Budget cuts, savings, businessman, greed.
Earth: Embezzlement, hoarding, “conservative”
Four of Earth
Over-spending, greed, self-protection.
This can appear when you are re-evaluating what’s important to you, redefining your relationship with possessions and money. Maybe you placed too much value on material possessions.
It can also mean you’re over-spending, trying to buy happiness or comfort, but brings more stress when dealing with finances.
Love of money has turned to greed.
Self-protection mode. Strong desire for security, stability, and certainty. Tidy up your house, organize your life to feel more calm in this stage.
Dictators, tight-fisted authority figure, person who flaunts wealth or status.
Five of Earth
Poverty, homelessness, poor health. Lack of ability to pay one’s way in life (esp after a tragedy). Physical and emotional despair. Ruin. Lack of compassion, refusal to assist those in need. Loss and despair.
5: chaos and structure, lies and machinations.
Coins: religion for sale, corporate spirituality, false gods.
Earth: health issues, homelessness, eviction, lack of opportunity or ability.
Five of Earth
Materialism to point of spiritual starvation and disconnect. Wealth at the cost of happiness and virtue. False gods or spiritual leaders. Cults.
Six of Earth
Selfless giving, good Samaritan, giving and receiving.
Six: Sharing, balance, give and take, equilibrium, social responsibility.
Coins: charity, loans, community investments.
Earth: second changes, balanced thought, karma, careful decisions.
Six of Earth
Selfishness and narcissism. Too concerned with own well-being that they refuse to look out for others.
A scam. Blackmail. Extortion.
Aspect: Is the person being blackmailed or deceived?
Seven of Earth
Your situation may be objectively successful, even comfortable, but it’s not fulfilling you. Your heart isn’t in your work.
Boredom with this form of success. Daydreaming of other lives, distant places.
Time for a change, leave the nest egg and take risks, see the world and sample its pleasures.
Seven: Realization, rest, overview, rewards and results.
Coins: Successful harvest, questionable results, high expectations.
Earth: Fertility, unexpected pregnancy, indecision, slow or steady growth.
Seven of Earth
You are missing the point, you ahve something worthwhile, something you will miss if you let it go, or walk away from it.
Take some time to think very carefully about your next move.
Eight of Earth
Work, work, work.
Skilled, but not yet a master. Gainful employment. A craftsman seeking mastery.
A student of a vocational school. Bettering oneself.
Eight: routine, repetition, practice, training, penance.
Coins: apprenticeship, artistry, construction.
Earth: Economic growth, arts and crafts, small business.
Eight of Earth
Sloth, laziness, inattentiveness at school, not applying oneself, late, unreliable, unemployment.
Nine of Earth
Material success to the point of leisure. Enjoying your passions in life, having an ease of existence so you can chase your dreams.
Exiting the daily grind.
Nine: Fruition of goals, retirement, end of the rainbow.
Coins: Financial independence.
Earth: self-made people, druids, easy life, hedonism.
Nine of Earth
All work an no plays leads to a life of work, and possibly wealth and power, but to what end?
What are you missing out on?
Ten of Earth
Old money. Raised in wealth and power. Ease and comfort. Healthy retirement in style after a lifetime working towards this goal.
Could indicate a powerful ally, a wealthy investor. A bank loan.
Ten: End results, system reset, sum total. Total market dominance.
Coins: Generational wealth, powerful families, empire.
Earth: Opulence, retirement, inheritance, corporations.
Ten of Earth
Loss of economic stability, the fall of a great house, infighting, tearing an empire apart.
Living beyond means to keep up appearances, so that your foundations are shaky.
Earth Sister
New of small tidings of money, a raise, gift, bonus.
Someone deeply in love with money and luxuries.
Reverence for your trade, spiritual resonance with what you do.
Coins: contract, promotion, raise, new job, financial plan.
Earth: Good news financially, small budgets or profits, nest egg.
Earth Sister
Minor bad financial news, small loss of income or savings. One who spends far too easily with no appreciation for efforts required to earn money.
Not getting paid.
Earth Brother
Hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism.
Represents work, effort, and the responsibility that follows upon the dreams and ideals of the Page. This Knight is the most hard-working, methodical and detailed-oriented character of the Tarot deck. He may not be the most inspiring or creative Knight, but he’ll do the work to get the results he seeks, even if that work is highly repetitive or routine.
You are a natural planner and implementer. You envision your goal, determine the best course of action, and then stick to your path with a methodical and relentless focus.
You may not work particularly quickly, but you are consistent, dedicated and committed to your goal. Put one foot in front of the other and finish the job. This card also asks you to continue doing what you are doing, plodding along and making gradual progress. No need to change your approach. Go with the flow, stick to your usual routines, and over time, you will reach your goals.
suggests that you are taking a moderated and conservative approach to life right now, and while you may be feeling that change is imminent, you are sticking to your tried and tested ways of doing things. You have established that you need routine and careful planning if you are to achieve your goals.
Unlike other knights, this brother challenges others to bend to his will by coming to him, taking action that he finds amusing or acceptable.
Come and get it, I dare you.
All things will progress at their comfort level, and in the manner they desire.
Confidence rooted in what he possesses, in his obstinance, and his readiness to wait out any situation until he finds favorable circumstances.
Stubborness, refusal to budge or compromise, which can be great for great leadership or the cause of great ills.
Demand others to approach you on your terms. Stoic “take it or leave it.”
Coins: Financial offer or assistance. Business travel.
Earth: persistence, patience, waiting, ambition, duty, honor, resilience.
Earth Brother
Complete lack of self-control. weakness. Inability to stand up for oneself. Foolishness with money and resources.
Earth Mother
Embodiment of earth and essence of fertility. Attuned with nature, maternal, warm, caring.
Coins: wealthy woman, manager, matron, materialism.
Earth: fertility.
Earth Mother
Selfish, impatient, demanding, elitist; scornful of others. Shamelessly materialistic. Gold digger.
As an effect or event: falling from grace, abandonment of husband, having your world (the earth) turned upside down.
Earth Father
Pragmatic power, authority, prestige.
Corporate exec, businessmen, power players.
Success in business as absolute dominance of your market.
Patience need in finance matters.
King: boss, overlord, alpha, tycoon.
Coins: king-maker, investor, corporate officer, consultant.
Earth: prudence, predictability, patience, stability, fiscal responsibility.
Earth Father
Wasteful, small-minded, arrogant man. Petulance, stubborn, rude, elitist, tyrannical, bullying cretin.
Loss of power, status, money, health.
Insight Notes:
Fire is spring, the east, wands, spring burns with life, magic creativity, while Wind is Fall, swords, the burning of the old for the creation of the new. Wind is necessary destruction, the wind always moving on.