Tanks, Armored Vehicles, Artillery Flashcards
Explosive Reactive Armor
Relies on kinetic energy from inbound penetrator to cause a reaction that releases stored energy.
Armored Vehicle Categories
Armor Personnel Carrier
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Amphibious Assault Vehicle
Armored Personnel Carrier Def:
Designed to transport troops from rear areas to front lines in locations where contact w/ opposing force is unlikely.
Weaponry for self defense
Armor provides limited protection from shell fragments, small arms
Infantry Fighting Vehicle Def:
Designed to fight w/ troops onboard, carrying troops forward without dismounting if possible, and supporting w/ direct fires if they dismount. More heavily armored than APCs
Amphibious Assault Vehicle Def:
Capable of open ocean operation from offshore through rough seas and surf. Fulfill secondary roles as APCs, IFVs or multi role armored vehicles
Artillery Projectile RAP
Rocket Assisted Projectile (Extended range, reduced accuracy
Russian Tank
Chinese Tank
Type 99
Vehicle Armor
Rolled (Homogeneous Armor Equivalent) - A method of measuring the effectiveness of various types of armor and penetrators using rolled homogenous steel as the baseline.
T-72M1 - Russia
T-72M1 Recce Features
Hull: Sloped w/ V splash plate, turret on center, exhaust left side
Armament: Thermal sleeve, bore vac midway down barrel
Turret: Circular, raised cupola w/ external 12.7 mm MG on right
Suspension: 6 evenly spaced wheels, idler front, 3x track return rollers, sprocket rear
Type 99 (ZTZ-99A) - China
Type 99 Recce
Hull: Slopes up from glacis w/ flat engine deck
Armament: 125mm gun w/ thermal sleeve, bore vac midway of barrel, muzzle reference system mounted at mantlet
Turret: Arrow/wedge shaped armor configuration, laser suite positioned on pillar behind gunners hatch, turret sides are flat and square
Suspension: 6 unevenly spaced road wheels, drive sprocket rear, idler front, 3 return rollers
Russian Vehicles
APC - BTR 60/70/80
Chinese Vehicle
IFV - Type 05
BMP-3M (Russia)
BMP-3M Recce
Hull: Large boxy w/ horizontal glacis plate, vert sides, 2 small doors in rear
Armament: dual barrels (100mm main gun w/ coaxial 30mm cannon), Bow mounted MG’s
Suspension: Tracked, 6 evenly spaced wheels, idler front, drive sprocket rear
BMD-4 (Russia Airborne fighting vehicle)
BMD-4 Recce
Hull: Hatch front left, short vertical glacis, flat hull slopes steeply in front
Armament: Dual barrels (100mm main gun w/ 30mm coaxial cannon)
Turret: Circular, center and forward mounted
Suspension: Tracked w/ 5 evenly spaced wheels
BTR-60/70/80 (Russian APC)
BTR-60/70/80 Recce
Hull: blunt nose w/ engine at far rear and exhaust each side
Turret: Well sloped flat top turret on forward part of roof above 2nd wheel
Suspension: 8 wheels, gap between 2nd and 3rd wheel
Type 05/ZBD-05 - China AAV
Type 05 (ZBD-05) Recce
Hull: Pointed hull w/ straight glacis, large bow plane
Armament: 30mm cannon w/ rotating barrel
Turret: Polygon shaped, mounted towards rear and centered
Suspension: 6 evenly spaced road wheels, large gap between 5th and 6th wheel, drive sprocket font, idler rear
Russian Artillery
Chinese Artillery
2S35 (Koalisiya-SV) - Self propelled Howitzer
2S35 Koalitsiya-SV Recce
Hull - Modified t-90 chassis, exhaust vent in left rear side of hull
Armament: Bore evacuator near end of barrel, 5 vent flash suppressor, box shaped recoil recuperators
Turret: boxy sloped shape, gas grenade launchers on both sides near front.
Suspension 6 unevenly spaced road wheels
PLZ07b - Chinese tracked amphibious self propelled howitzer
PLZ07b Recce
Hull: Narrow square hull, slopes near front, flat rear, bow shaped front w/ splash board
Armament: Barrel terminates before hull front. Mid barrel bore evacuator, flash suppressor
Turret: Narrow angular turret, gas grenade launchers on both turret sides
Suspension: narrow track, 6 evenly spaced road wheels, 3 track return rollers, driver sprocket front, idler rear