Rotary Wing A/C Flashcards
Russian R/W Aircraft
Ka-52, Mi-24
Chinese R/W Aircraft
Z-10, Z-19
Ka-52 HOKUM Classification
Attack Helicopter
Ka-52 HOKUM Roles
Primary: A/G Attack
Additional: A/A Attack, A/S Attack (Maritime), SOF Support, Battlefield C2
Ka-52 HOKUM Recce
Rotors/Wings: 2x3 Blade contrarotating main rotors. Short stubby 3 pylon wings w/ end plates
Engine: 2x Turboshafts mounted high on fuselage above wings
Fuselage: Streamlined tapered body. Flat bottom except underbelly gun and sensor. Side by side cockpit
Tail: Thick tapering tail boom. No tail rotor
Mi-24V Hind E Classification
Armed Scout/Utility Helo
Mi-24V Hind E Roles
Primary: A/G Attack
Additional: Assault Transport
Mi-24V Hind E Recce
Rotor/Wing: 5 Blade main rotor, short stubby 3 pylon wings @ midsectoin
Engine: 2x Turboshaft mounted above body. 2 round intakes above cockpit. Exhaust ports on sides of engines
Fuselage: Large ovas shaped body w/ tandem bubble canopies. Retractable tricycle landing gear
Tail: Swept back tapered w/ 3 blade tail rotor on right
Z-19 Classification
Attack Helicopter
Z-19 Role
A/G Attack
Z-19 Recce
Rotor/WIng: 4 Blade main rotor, 2 pylon weapon carrying wings @ midsection
Engine: 2 turboshaft behind cockpit w/ oval exhaust ports behind engines
Fuselage: Slender w/ tandem cockpit. Non retractable reverse tricycle gear. No mounted cannon
Tail: Swept tapered fin w/ enclosed tail rotor
(Cobra + dolphin lovechild)
Z-10 Classification
Attack helicopter
Z-10 Roles
Primary: A/G Attack
Z-10 Recce
Rotors: 5 blade main rotor low mounted top of fuselage, short 2 pylon weapon carrying wings
Engine: 2 Turboshaft behind cockpit
Fuselage: Slenderr, tapers to tail boom, tandem stepped up cockpits, cannon chin mounted
Tail: swept back tapered fin w/ 4 blade tail rotor
Z-9WA Classification
Armed Scout/Utility Helo