Takeoff Flashcards
With the throttles set tot TOGA. The ATTCS will engage RSV thrust under the following conditons
- Split difference of 15%
- Engine failure on takeoff or go-around
- Windsheer.
When you first advance the thrust levers for takeoff, you come up to what percent and why?
40% to allow N1 to stabilize
You want to reach TOGA detent prior to what speed on takeoff and make sure the AT have engaged?
When do the Autothrottles engage on takeoff
- 50 degrees TLA
- Press the AT button
- No failures
When do the Autothrottles engage in the Air?
- Above 400 ALG
- No Failure
- Press the AT button on the guidance panel
When does the Autothrottles Disengage?
- Pressing button on GP
- Pressing button on Yoke
- After touchdown
- thrust levers beyond the TO/GA position
- reverse thrust operation during RTO
- difference in TLA greater than 8°
- autothrottle failure.
When Windshear is suspected during the takeoff, take the following precautions.
- Use max takeoff thrust ( T/O 1 )
- Select flaps 1
- Use the longest runway
- Increase V2
- Turn on Radar,
- Monitor Airspeed during takeoff and reject if necessary.
When would you get a ENG TLA NOT TOGA EICAS on takeoff
When thrust levers are not in the TOGA position.
During takeoff when the REF ATTCS is set to ON during takeoff data setting and your doing a reduced thrust takeoff, when would the system remove flex and give you max power?
- Engine Failure.
- Split difference between N1 or 15%
- Windshear.
- Thrust levers are moved to Max Thrust detent
When can you not do Flex Takeoff
- Contaminated Runway
- Windshear
- If the departure procedure requires max thrust on takeoff
Describe HOLD mode in the FMA?
It locks in the Auto Throttles to prevent movement between 60kts and 400 feet.
It also prevents the auto throttles from increasing during a rejected takeoff
What speed do you climb out to get the most altitude for given time. ( Best Rate )
Vfs +50 to clear wx
What speed do you climb out to get the most altitude for given distance. (Best Angle)
Vfs to clear obstacles
What altitudes do you have windshear guidance
10 feet - 1500 feet agl
What is the windshear escape maneuver?
- Advanced thrust levers to Max
- Fly Flight Director
- No configuration changes
ATTCS Will give you how much thrust if you takeoff TO - 1?
it will go from 13K to 14,200 lbs thrust
ATTCS Will give you how much thrust if you takeoff TO - 2?
it will go from 11,700 to 13,000 lbs thrust.
Explain CON thrust
- If an Engine fails above 3000’ CON Thrust is set Automatically
- You can manually set it in the TRS in the MCDU
The Throttles need to be in what position to get RSV Thrust out of ATTCS.
They always need to be in TO/GA position. Otherwise ATTCS will not activate
TO-2 Will give us how much takeoff thrust?
11,700lbs of thrust
TO-1 will give us how much thrust?
13,000lbs of thrust