Engine Start Flashcards
What is the minimum pressure to do a cross bleed start?
You need 40-45psi
under what condition would you get a BRL LH (RH) FAULT (FAIL) EICAS message on push back
When being pushed above 5kts and hydraulic system 1 or 2 is de-pressurazied.
After start up if you get no oil pressure indication at normal RPM what do you do?
Shut down the engine.
What are the Start Time cranking Limits on the Ground
90s on 10 off - Starts 1 - 2
90s on 5 Minutes off 3 - 5
What are the Start Time cranking Limits in the Air
120s on 10s off - 1 - 2
120 on 5 Minutes off 3 - 5
Dry Motor Cranking Limits
90s on 5 minutes off 1 Start
30s on 5 minutes off 2-5 starts
When should you manually abort an engine start?
- No ITT raise with in 30 seconds
- No N1 indiction after starter cutout 50% N2
- No Oil pressure by the time normal RPM is achieve.
When you “Set” the MCDU in the Before Start to the Line what are you checking in the MCDU
- Checking the routing and each way point.
2. Any speed and altitude restrictions.
When checking the MFD in the before start flow, what are you checking
- Green Oil Level
2. Emergency Brakes Accumulator Level
What do you communicate to ground crew during push back
- Steering Off
- Parking Brake off.
- Ready for push back
While using hand signals during push back, what does the brakes realease signal indicate to the push crew?
nose wheal steering is off and brakes are realize ready to push.
The APU will always be shutdown after first engine start unless
- Need it for performance
2. Anticipate long delays where engines will be shutdown.
Wait how many seconds after starting the engine to shut APU
wait 30 seconds
When can the captain perform an engine start?
With parking brake on aircraft not moving.
How long must the engines be warmed up prior to takeoff thrust applied
2 minutes
During low oil temperatures the engine must be shutdown when the oil pressure stays below minimum levels for how long
2 minutes
Abnormal Start indications that will cause you to abort a start are:
- Temp higher than 815c
- No rise in N1 by the time the started cut out 50% N2
- No Raise in Oil Pressure indication
- No raise in ITT 30 seconds after engine start.
- Hung Start - No Raise in N1 or N2
What engine do you start first during a External High Pressure cart star
Start Engine #2 and turn on Hydraulic Pump #1 for outboard Brakes
How long after N2 stabilizes should you shut down the APU?
30 seconds
How do you know how much DUCT pressure is needed to a ground start?
Look at SOPM at the chart
If the engine automatically shuts down after an engine start due to hot start but you don’t have a ENGINE EXCEEDENCE EICAS message how many more starts can you try.
2 more starts.
How long may be required for the IDGs to stabilize and produce steady power in cold weather?
5 Minutes
When do you need to look at the QRH when doing a start
- Engine Ground High pressure cart start
2. Engine Battery Start
When would you get a NO TAKEOFF FLAP Aural warning
When the Flaps positions are different from what the FMS has and your are doing the Takeoff Config check.
What are the Times you need to reference the QRH for an engine start?
- High Pressure cart start
2. DC Power start
The APU is always shutdown after engine start unless?
- Needed for performance
2. Anticipating Long delays
After the 2nd engine start the N1 value can not be above or below what value?
- No more the +.5
- No less than -.0
What happens during an engine start at 50% N2
The Air Starter Control Valve closes the high pressure air.
During an engine start your oil pressure should raise within
10 seconds
What can cause a Hot Start?
- To much fuel
- Improper Ignintion
- Not enough Air from air source
- Tail Wind
How Much thrust doe TO-1 give you and how Much Thrust does TO-2 give you?
- TO - 1 -> 13,000lbs of thrust
2. TO - 2 -> 11,700lbs of thrust
How Much thrust doe TO-1 give you and how Much Thrust does TO-2 give you?
- TO - 1 -> 13,000lbs of thrust
2. TO - 2 -> 11,700lbs of thrust
You need to fix the bleed source. Most likely APU is still on and you told it ECS ON in the MCDU
During an unpressurized takeoff, when do the bleeds open back up?
500, feet.
On Push back what can happen if you get pushed back to fast?
Being pushed back at faster than 5kts you get Brake Fault and the Auto Brakes will cliff off. and hydraulic system.
What items does the FADEC abort a start?
- Hot Start
- Hung Start
- No Light off
What is the Engine start sequence?
- N2 Starts turning
- 7% N2 Ignition -> 2 Sets of ignitors but only use 1
- Fuel Flow Introduces about 20% N2
- Light off
- 35% N2 N1 starts to raise
- 50% N2 ignition goes away and starter controlled valve. closes.
When do you know you have a normal start
ITT Red Mark jumps on the ITT gauge
Conditions of a Hot Star
High than normal Fuel Flow Rapid Raising ITT ---------------------------------------- 1. To much Fuel 2. Improper Ignition 3. Interrupts AirFlow
Conditions of Hung Start
- N1 just hangs there needle does not go anywhere
- Engine Gets hung up before it becomes self sustained.
No Light OFF
- Fuel Flow goes into the engine but does not light off.
- Bad Ignitor
FADEC will not introduce fuel on a start unless the ITT temperature is?
120 degrees.
When would you get APU SHUTTING DOWN white status message?
When you move the APU Knob to OFF. It takes 1 minute shutdown. Cool down period. Bleeds are taken away right away, electrics stay for 1 minute while its shutting down.