Tactical Formation Flashcards
Tactical 2 ship formations include
LAB and wedge, if lead refers to “tactical” it should mean LAB
Element Tactical Formation parameters
2000-3000’ Lateral
Line Abreast (LAB) to 10 degrees aft
vertical stack -+ 500’
flown @ 200K
Visual Reference for Fore/Aft LAB
put lead directly over should and in line with flash guard
Visual Reference for lateral spacing LAB
2000’ ejection and helmets are visible
2500’ ejection seats discernible but not individual pilots
3000’ canopy blends together but prop blade visible
Visual Reference for vertical stack
A beer can above or below horizon gives optimal 200-300’ stack and double for 500’ max
Getting into Tactical
Lead can use radio or visual signal of proposing A/C, a technique for 2, before turning away from 1 set heading bug
Corrections to remain in position
- 2 can use small power or altitude/spacing for Fore/Aft
- use ground references to help when fixing lateral spacing
Tactical turns
- Are comm out except for Cross turn, Shackle or hook turn into 2
- 2 will end up on opposite side
Visual signal for tactical turns (90 or 45)
Large wing flash in direction of turn, lead can use zipper click to get 2’s attention
Contract for turns in tactical
200K, Max power, G’s to hold 200 (2-3) level turns
Turns away from 2
Lead will show large wing flash
its assumed by 2 it’s a 90 but 2 must watch 1 for a 45 rollout
Turn into 2
Lead will show large wing flash
its assumed by 2 it’s a 90 but 2 must watch 1 for a 45 rollout
if 2 is tight and goes belly up, 1 can tell him to rollout 45
-2 is responsible for deconfliction
if stack high or low maintain that stack in turn
if in doubt make a radio call C/S 2 is going high/low
During a tactical turn is it normal to go blind
Yes, but whoever is blind for the moment should perform the contract turn and whoever is visual will maneuver to maintain position
Check turn
use for small heading changes no more than 30 Degrees
radio call required “C/S, check 20 Left/Right”
2 doesn’t acknowledge
if radio isn’t used lead will telegraph turn but small enough not to confuse 2 into a delayed turn
Delayed 90 turns
turns greater than 60 degrees of heading change
Delayed 90 turn into 2
lead will perform contract turn
2 should delay until LOS increase (1 nose-on)
if tight and aft turn early
if wide and forward turn later
Delayed turn away from 2
lead will signal and perform contract turn
2 will begin as soon as 1 signals for turn
2 use section line etc to help with 90
Delayed 45 turns
used for 30-60 degrees
Delayed 45 into 2
Similar to delayed 90 except 1 will rollout on heading
2 must be watching for the early rollout
2 will turn towards 1 slightly to generate LOS (20-30 DOB) @ LOS increase reverse turn and end up on opposite side
if 2 goes belly-up before 1 rolls out make radio call “C/S 2 rollout 45” (may happen if 2 is closer than 2000’ laterally
Delayed 45 away from 2
1 will signal and 2 will turn, once 2 reaches new heading signal rollout by turning into 2
Hook turns
180 degree heading change
Hook turn into 2
Must called over the radio
“C/S Hook turn right/Left”
during 1st 1/2 lead is visual and should match 2’s fuselage once visual is lost perform contract turn
2 is blind thru 1st 1/2 but once past 90 start to look for 1 to match fuselage use Gs, A/S to rollout LAB
Hook turns away from 2
Signal by wing flash or radio
1 will begin turn once 2 starts to turn
the 1st 1/2 2 will match lead fuselage and then go contract
1 will be contract 1st then visual to rollout LAB
place 2 on opposite side
radio call used “C/S Shackle” 2 says nothing
both start a 45 turn into each other
2 rollout once zero LOS is acquired and deconflict over or under 1!
after crossing reverse turn (lead can choose not to rollout to fix spacing) it’s 2 responsibility to get back into position (2 is responsible to pass directly over/under 1)
Cross Turn
180 reversal turn but doesn’t change 2 side
radio call used “C/S Cross turn” 2 say nada
both contract turn into each other, 2 deconflict
A/C should cross at 60-90 degrees thru turn
spacing maybe wide, use but shackle to fix and complete maneuver
Auto-Shackle Blind
auto shackle after a cross turn
if 1 or 2 is blind call it, and if the other if visual A/C can call continue after which the 45 turn will be initiated, visual A/C will turn to acquire zero LOS and deconflict and call “C/S 1/2 crossing low/high” or should call visual
Fluid Truns
maneuver formation when little G or excess thrust is available (heavy weight/ High altitude) if 180 is needed string 2 90’s by saying “C/S fluid right/Left” turn ASAP after radio at 45 DOB
Fluid turns into 2
2 should maintain less bank (30 degrees) until crossing in front of lead or match 1’s bank initially and momentarily roll out to see 1
should normally have 20-30 degrees of turn remaining when lead passes 6 then use what you need to get into position
fluid turns away from 2
2 will need to roll into more bank (60 DOB) due to being behind to lead and lower nose for A/S
2 should adjust bank once in turn and gaining
Tactical GX
2 slightly descending hook turns for 10-15 Sec (4-5 cycles)
Max 200-220 K (220 STD)
G warm up 4 G then G awareness 5 G
if tact turn is required before GX following Push it Up call
once completed do Ops check and deccel to 200K
used when terrain, tactics etc require increased flight maneuverability
low altitude environment
Wedge position parameters
30-45 degrees off lead 6 with 2000-3000’ lateral separation and 500’ (2-300’ optimal) Vertical stack but don’t fly lower than lead in low altitude environment
Tactical rejoin platform
200K 45 degrees of bank (turning) and level
Fluid Maneuvering Floor
500’ above assigned area
call terminate if violation occurs or appears imminent
Fluid Maneuvering KIO situations
300’ cannot be pushed, KIO if so
3/9 line passage (max is 9 AA)
Starting parameter for Fluid Maneuvering
11-12K center of the area 200K +-10K 3000' LAB for FM 1/2 3-4000' FM 3/4 Stack level +- 100' pure pursuit around 4 AA
Entry from tactical
Maneuvering Aircraft (MA) pushes out to 3000’ LAB
each will call ready when 200K +-10K
1 will call a check turn away from 2 “C/S check turn Lft/Rt
Training A/C will turn 45 away from MA who will set pure pursuit
TA will rollout with visual until MA is pure P, then TA reverse turn to keep MA 4 AA (MA can call tighten up or ease off) when range is 1500’ MA calls “C/S Fights On”
Entry from pitchout
FM parameters LvL 1
level to slight descend +-10 degrees
1-2 G
180-220 K
FM parameters LvL 2
Slight climb/descent (max 120 bank +- 30 degrees P)
2-4 G
FM parameter LvL 3
level to slight descent +-10 course reversal
1-2 G
FM parameter LvL 4
Slight climb/descent (max 120 bank +- 30 degrees P) reversal
2-4 G