Ta APWH Unit 9 Flashcards
Martin Luther King Jr. 8.7
African American civil rights leader in US during 1950s and 1960s, fought for civil rights and end to oppression/segregation by race, gender, culture, religion, Brown vs. Board banned segregation in schools, boycott in Montgomery, Alabama to end segregation on public transportations, 250,000 person March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1964, LO9; used many different tactics to end racial segregation in the US
Nelson Mandela 8.7
Socialist lawyer in South Africa, known for leading nonviolent protests, led the African American side against apartheid which was a system of racial segregation, LO9; used nonviolent protests in to resist apartheid
New modes of communication 9.1
TV and radio ads encouraged people to call one another, by the 90s mobile technologies like the cellphone came out, with this came the use of social media which connected the world, this led to political conflicts like racial profiling, social media also played a role in Arab Spring which was an antigov. protest in countries from North Africa to the middle East, transportation advancements were also made: airplanes, cargo planes, giant tankers, LO1; technology and transportation developments globalized the world by providing ways to connect with one another even through long distance
Green Revolution 9.1
Was an agricultural revolution that led to new forms like crossbreeding, genetic engineering, fertilizing, and use of pesticides, could have been a long term solution to hunger, however smaller farmers couldn’t keep up and had to sell their farms and equipment created less jobs, plants could also become resistant from genetic engineering, LO1; helped farmers and agricultural economy however cause many problems
Medical Innovations 9.1
innovations like antibiotics, vaccines, and birth control LO1; helped increase life longevity of humans, creations supported by new scientific and technological methods and also inspired new ones
Covid-19 Pandemic 9.2
Example of a disease that caused social disruption and affected human population, shows how globalization and interactions can lead to spread of things like disease, LO2; there were diseases from poverty that continued while diseases came about worldwide
Diseases of poverty 9.2
Diseases that came about from working conditions, poor housing, contaminated water, and lack of access to health care, Malaria was spread of mosquito infections mainly in Africa, Tuberculosis spread through coughs and sneezes, Cholera is a bacterial disease in unclean water, disease were the top cause of death in lower classes, LO2; poor living conditions affected and spread diseases through people
Diseases of longevity 9.2
As life longevity increased in humans diseases that came about later in life were brought up like heart disease and Alzheimer’s, heart disease is associated with genetics, lifestyle, and longevity, Alzheimer’s is due to old age or even middle aged peoples, LO2; development of technologies and medicines allowed people to live longer and catch diseases from long lives
Causes of environmental change 9.3
Population growth, urbanization, globalization/industrialization, led to spoil erosion, deforestation, fewer/smaller habitats for wildlife, less cod fish in water, rapid water consumption, lands were cleared for urban city developments, and pollution, LO3; although factors were beneficial to human society it led to many damaging causes to the environment
Economic Liberalization 9.4
Relaxed restrictions during Cold War and opening up of the economy, Eastern nations controlled by Soviets could trade with capitalist democracies, India and other non-aligned countries relaxed restrictions on trade, LO4; nations were able to maintain trade with other nations
Deng Xiaoping 9.4
Became Chinese leader in 1981, Communist skewed toward economic growth instead of economic equality, gov. replaced communes with peasant leased plots of land, factories produced more, encouraged foreign companies to set up factories, reopened Shanghai stock market, LO4; example of how economic liberalization spread to China leading communist parties to change views
Knowledge Economy 9.4
Effect of economic and technological revolutions led to a knowledge economy, distributed and created information, created jobs like teaching, engineering, designing and more, gov. put funds into educational resources, LO4; economy bases changed in some nations like Finland
World Trade Organization 9.4, 9.7
Governed over 90 percent of international trade, wanted to maximize profit, sacrificed working conditions and safety, environmental conservation needs, and national independence, LO4; economy changed in order to maximize profit, LO7; people were against the WTO because they hard poor working conditions and sacrificed labor safety
Multinational Organizations 9.4
Legally incorporated in country but sells/makes goods to other countries, examples are joint-stock companies like BEIC, employ leading workers in knowledge economy, support free-market, Microsoft, Google, Mahindra & Mahindra, LO4; continuity of use like joint-stock companies, developed through technological advancements, knowledge economy, and industrialization
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, regional organization that contributed to growth in global economy, LO4; barrier restrictions were raised for trade, protective tariffs were created, shows how regional trade-based economies looked
UN Declaration of Human Rights 9.5
Created basic human rights and fundamental freedoms for all humans, worked against discrimination against sex, race, culture, etc., promoted human rights and led to global promotion of human rights, LO5; brought light to human rights that were fought by peoples before hand
US Civil Rights Act of 1965 9.5
Outlawed discrimination based on race, sex, gender, etc., African Americans won against discrimination and segregation in US, LO5; social change that allowed people of all colors to have rights
Green Belt Movement 9.5
Founded by Wangari Maathai in Kenya, response to environmental degradation, women worked together to plant trees because of poor soil conditions and drought, LO5; shows how civilians and general public can start a movement
Bollywood 9.6
Influence from other regions in US, Indian musicals and film industry in Mumbai, LO6; globalization led to cultural influences through art and media in other nations
World cup Soccer 9.6
Global event and soccer competition, LO6; shows how cultural influences also impacted sports and activities
United Nations 9.8
A structure for peace created through US, Britain, China, and Soviet, six main bodies: General Assembly, Security Council, Secretariat, International Court, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, advocated global human rights and peacekeeping between nations, LO8; was able to maintain peace between nations through globalization