Ta APWH Unit 5 Flashcards
Abolition Movement 5.1
Was formed to end the Atlantic Slave Trade and free all enslaved people, LO2; the ideas of the enlightenment influenced societal thoughts and led to them wanting to provide equal rights and free slaves
Empiricism 5.1
Emphasized by Francis Bacon, the belief that knowledge comes from your experiences rather than being based on religious or traditional beliefs, LO1; ideas switched from being traditional to being based off of observation and experience
Enlightenment 5.1
Movement where people shifted to ideas of individualism, reason, and freedom, led to many revolutions, challenged monarchs and churches, LO1; people started to base their ideas and lifestyles on being individual
Suffrage Movement 5.1
A movement where women fought for equality and voting rights, Mary Wollstonecraft was a pioneering writer who published “A Vindication of the Rights of Women” and argued about how women should receive same educational opportunities as men, in Seneca Falls, NY activists gathered to emphasize women’s rights and suffrage- Declaration of Sentiments, Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton, LO2; expanded the rights of women and influenced others’ perceptions on women’s roles
American Revolution 5.2
Americans fought against the British because LO3; they were inspired by the European enlightenment, had free market ideas opposed to mercantilism, lead to formation of USA, DOI, Washington, Adams, Madison
Bolivar Revolutions 5.2
Creole class desired independence, Simon Bolivar pushed for Enlightenment ideals in Latin America, Caudillos were local leaders with regional power bases, Latin America abolished slavery later on, LO3; enlightenment ideals spread, Reign of Terror showed creoles results of slaves uprising, led to Bolivar and fight for independence
French Revolution 5.2
People in France wanted equality, liberty, and fraternity, Estates-General, National Assembly, Lafayette, Bastille, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Reign of Terror, Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis XIV, LO3; people’s ideas changed leading to revolting for equality and rights
Haitian Revolution 5.2
Slave revolt where they went against their owners, killed them, and burned their houses, Maroons joined, Toussaint L’Ouverture lead a rebellion, he created a constitution that granted equality, worked with the French who betrayed him and sent him to prison, Jean-Jacques Dessalines created a Haitian declaration of permanent independence, LO3; as equality and liberty influenced people’s ideas globally slaves in Haiti fought for independence
Classical Liberalism 5.2
Advocated free market, economic and political rights, limited gov., encouraged development of systems of gov. and ideas in 1800s, LO3; led to new ideologies of gov. and politics
Nationalism 5.2
Ideas where people were loyal to their nation, Italian- Cavour wanted to unite the Italian Peninsula, realpolitik: practical politics of reality, tried to war with Napoleon III (France), adopted philosophies of Mazzini, allied with Red Shirts led by Garibaldi, German- started by French occupying their nation, Congress of Vienna ended Napoleonic Wars, revolution of 1848, Prussia;Denmark, Seven Weeks’ War of 1866 (Prussia and Austria), Prussian leader Otto von Bismarck, Argentinian, poverty in Italy led to emigration of people to the US and Argentina, constitution of 1853 promoted immigration, LO3; ideas led to revolutions and people fought to unite the nation, benefit the nation, or against it with individualism
Causes of Industrialization 5.3
Agricultural Revolution, used systems such as crop rotation and seed drilling to increase productivity, British wanted to compete with Indian cotton so they made their own industry and used slaves to labor, technology starts to advance, many rivers, urbanization, Enlightenment, LO4; agriculture’s process needed to become more efficient
Factory System 5.3
System of production that used interchangeable parts, created by Eli Whitney, and the assembly line, created by Henry Ford, women and children started to work in this system, LO4; production systems changed leading to efficiency and advanced technologies/inventions
Industrialization 5.4
the increased use and advancement of production, social changes that followed this transition, and influenced by many regions, LO5; production changed as working env. changed and more innovations were being made
Fossil Fuels Revolution 5.5
New machinery of this era benefitted from a different power source, coal, which was mobile and accountable, ships no longer required wind, coaling stations, coal made mass production of iron possible, LO6; different technology led to new use of different forms of energy
Industrial Communication 5.5
Steamships used coal which was more efficient, they no longer had to rely on wind but they could use the coal’s energy to power engines, electrification developed leading to the invention of the telegraph, created by Alexander Graham Bell, Transcontinental Railroad connected Atlantic to Pacific oceans, LO6; creation of these allowed for transportation of resources easier contributing to the development of the industrial nation
Internal Combustion Engine 5.5
New resource of energy led to creation of engine, which then led to creation of automobile and airplane technologies, LO6; adapting new forms of technology and energy led to new production ways
Second Industrial Revolution 5.5
Developments were of steel, chemicals, precision machinery, and electronics, steel production increased, oil was used as energy (gasoline), LO6; these developments led to the shift in the economy from agriculture to industrial
Steam Engine 5.5
Were coal powered engines used in steamships and trains, could be turned on/off by people, travel became more efficient, LO6; new technologies took advantage of new energy sources (fossil fuels)
Meiji Restoration 5.6
Overthrew the shogun and restored power to the emperor, Japanese visited Europe and US and then invited scholars to study Western practices, led to many adaptations such as abolishing feudalism, established a constitutional monarchy, equality, reorganized military, created new edu. system, built railroads/roads, supported industrialization, LO7; reforms and influences strengthened the gov.
Muhammad Ali 5.6
Gained control over Egypt after Napoleon left, started to industrialize the nation, by expanding production of cotton, established schools, LO7; strengthened and modernized Egypt’s gov. and brought new methods
Capitalism 5.7
An economic system where factors of production would be privately owned and used for profit, Adam Smith believed gov. should have less say in economy, some such as John Stuart Mill saw this way of economic production as inhumane, LO8; new ideologies of what the economy should look like as people gained more freedom and rights
Stock Market 5.7
Where people would directly buy partial ownership of a big corporation, stockholders owned the corporations and would get money if the corporation was doing good business, if the business went bankrupt the stockholder is not liable, LO8; contributed because it was a new part of the economic industry and increased through the IR due to all of the big corporations being made
Transnational Business 5.7
A company/business that would operate across national boundaries, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is a British owned bank that opened in Hong Kong and focused on finance, corporate investments, and global banking, and United Fruit Company shows how LO8; new production led to an increase of large global businesses that needed banking and finance
Communism 5.8
Created by Karl Marx, who first argued for socialism, didn’t want economy to be based off of social classes, stemmed from socialism, LO9; new ways of production and ideologies led to new ideas of how an economy should be ran and executed