Ta APWH Unit 8 Flashcards
Cold War 8.1
Conflict after the Cold War with superpowers of U.S. and Soviet Union, rivalry between capitalism and communism, rivalry between democracy and authoritarianism, no direct military conflict but was through propaganda, operations, and arms and space race, LO1: WWII had gotten finished and nations wanted dominance
Non-Aligned Movement 8.2
African and Asian countries wanted to stay out of US and Soviet conflict, Indonesia hosted Bandung Conference in 1955, delegates from several countries came and discussed resolutions for colonialism, movement was organized in 1961, states tried to combine support in order to strengthen themselves, member states started becoming allies with the superpowers, LO2; nations had struggle with staying neutral instead of engaging with superpowers
Kwame Nkrumah 8.2, 8.5
Leader in Non-Aligned Movement, led Ghana to independence from Britain in 1957, wanted African unity, reinforced many nationalists ideas including glorifying history, traditions, the founding fathers, flags, anthems, museums, etc., created OAU, advocated Pan-Africanism, LO2: example of an African state that was able to decolonize and strengthen through nationalism, LO6: Nkrumah used nationalism and Pan-Africanism to unite the peoples in Ghana
Proxy Wars (Korean War and Angolan Civil War) 8.3
Korean- North invaded South in attempt to take over under their leadership, UN voted to militarily support South by sending in troops, Soviets sent money and weaponry to North, China joined war on North’s side thinking UN would invade China, ended in a stalemate, Angolan- gained independence in 1975, already had inherited borders, had three main rival groups instead of being one united nation, borders displaced some rival groups together, each wanted independence and control of diamond mines, USSR and Cuba supported Mbundu tribe, South Africa supported Ovimbundu tribe, US supported Bankongo, fought for 27 years, ended from rivals agreeing to cease fire, LO3; both the US and Soviets were able to influence other nations through supporting them in proxy wars
Communist Revolution in China 8.4
Tensions between Communists and Nationalists, Chinese Communist Party was led by Mao Zedong who gained popularity from peasants, Communists defeated Nationalists, Peoples Republic of China, Zedong started created Five Year Plans influenced by Soviets, emphasized industry, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, LO4; communists wanted control of China and it spread throughout
Great Leap Forward 8.4
China went through land reform in and policy was made in 1958, peasants were separated into communes, which were large agricultural communities with state held land, opposers were sent to reeducation camps/killed, harvests started failing and China was still exporting to Africa and Cuba, 20 million Chinese died from starvation, abandoned in 1960, LO4; efforts in attempt to reform led to protesting farmers and famine
Communist Revolution for Vietnamese Independence 8.4
During WWII Japan occupied Vietnam which was claimed as a colony by France, in 1945 Vietnam became independent from both states, they had an agricultural society which land wasn’t controlled by many people, communists would seize land from major landowners and redistribute it to peasants, communists took power in north whereas south was slow to reform, LO5; attempted to redistribute land in order to decrease power from large landowners
Decolonization 8.5
Many nations in Europe had a post-war recession and wanted independence, Ghana peacefully became independent in 1957 when Nkrumah negotiated for independence from Britain, however in Algeria the French didn’t grant them independence because of the French majority living there leading to violence against French, many nations in West Africa negotiated for independence from France, LO6; nations took different routes in order to gain independence whether it was through peaceful negotiation or violence
Indian National Congress 8.5
Created to gain independence from Britain, Hindus and Muslims united, Gandhi first led the group in 1920, used mass civil disobedience and was a strong gov. force, after war British became weaker and stronger India protested more for their independence, economic pressures and post war recession helped speed up Britain to negotiate independence, LO6; Indian National Congress used nonviolent forms and protests in order to get Britain to give them their independence
Muslim League 8.5
Founded in 1906, many Indian leaders didn’t agree with Gandhi’s nonviolent and civil disobedient movement, also didn’t like his idea of unity between Hindus and Muslims, they wanted a separate nation for Indian Muslims, LO6; different peoples wanted different ways of independence and nations didn’t agree all the time
Partition of India 8.6
In 1947 the British divided India into two separate countries which consisted of Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan, violence over religion broke out and millions moved, Hindus and Sikhs fled Pakistan and moved back to India, Muslims fled India and moved back to Pakistan, between 500,000-1,000,000 people died, distrust grew between the two , LO7; cultural oppositions grew in nations leading to demographic change when Muslims/Hindus moved back to Pakistan/India
Creation of Israel 8.6
Zionists wanted a separate state for Jews in Palestine, during WWI in 1917 it was declared to be a national home for Jews in the Balfour Declaration, however Arabs were also promised an independent state, Zionists migrated from Europe and Middle Eastern states, then WWII and the Holocaust made people support Jewish migration due to the genocides, in 1948 the UN divided Palestine into Jewish and Arab sections where the Jews established their country as Israel, LO7; explains the creation of Israel which is a territorial change by the people
Metropole 8.6
Large city of a former colonial ruler, people would move to metropoles and many would find jobs, examples are London, Paris, and more, LO8; migration of peoples helped keep strong connections culturally and economically throughout the new independent countries
Mohandas Gandhi 8.7
Leader of Indian National Congress, used civil disobedience instead of violence, led boycotts, marches, and fasts to oppose colonial British rule, one of his first campaigns was the Salt March, LO9; used nonviolent ways in order to go against British rule
Martin Luther King Jr. 8.7
African American civil rights leader in US during 1950s and 1960s, fought for civil rights and end to oppression/segregation by race, gender, culture, religion, Brown vs. Board banned segregation in schools, boycott in Montgomery, Alabama to end segregation on public transportations, 250,000 person March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1964, LO9; used many different tactics to end racial segregation in the US
Nelson Mandela 8.7
Socialist lawyer in South Africa, known for leading nonviolent protests, led the African American side against apartheid which was a system of racial segregation, LO9; used nonviolent protests in to resist apartheid
Francisco Franco Jr. 8.7
Dictator in Spain who ruled from 1939-1975, came to power by overthrowing existing gov., was an allie of US because he was anti-communism, people who disagreed with his political ruling would be executed, imprisoned, or sent to labor camps, LO9; shows how military dictators can respond to internal conflicts that could worsen the situation
Shining Path 8.7
Abimael Guzman built a revolutionary organization in Peru, based on ideas from Zedong and Khmer Rouge, in 1980 they began bombing and assassinating in order to overthrow the gov. and create a communist one, the 20 years of terrorism led to about 37,000 deaths, ended in 2011 when the leaders admitted defeat and were able to start negotiations with Peruvian gov., LO9; Guzman created an organization that violently resisted the existing gov. in Peru
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 8.8
Soviets invaded Afghanistan to show communist gov. was against Muslim fighters, between 562,000-2,000,000 Afghan civilian deaths, many Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, Soviets couldn’t conquer guerilla groups, Soviet Army withdrew in 1989, however civil war continued in Afghanistan, war put stress on Soviet economic system leading them quicker to reform, LO10; stress on the economic system eventually led to the collapse of the Soviets