T3- Elizabethan Society In The Age Of Exploration 1588-88 Flashcards
Why did England and Spain have good relations at the start of Elizabeth’s reign?
Marriage alliances (Henry VIII and Cathrine of Aragon)
Who controlled the Netherlands?
Why was the Netherlands important to England?
The Antwerp wool trade was vital to England’s economy.
Which country did Phillip II rule over?
Spain, Portugal, parts of Italy and Netherlands, parts of North and South America, parts of Asia.
Two reasons why there was political rivalry between England and Spain?
- Spanish ambassadors were involved in the Throckmorton plot.
- Elizabeth refused to marry Phillip II.
Two famous examples of English privateers
- John Hawkins.
- Francis Drake.
Three examples of commerce rivalry
- John Hawkins challenged the Spanish monopoly of the slave trade.
- English privateers stole from Spanish ships.
- Drake captured £400,000 of silver in 1572.
How did Elizabeth help Dutch rebels against Spain in 1568?
Elizabeth allowed Dutch rebels to shelter in her ports.
What did Elizabeth do in 1568 with the Spanish ships laden with gold that took refuge in English ports/
Seized the gold for herself. This was called the Genoese Loan.
How did Phillip react to the Genoese Loan?
Banned trade with the Netherlands. This severely damaged England’s economy.
Who did Elizabeth encourage to help the Dutch against the Spanish in 1570s?
The French Duke of Alencon
What did the Spanish sign with the Dutch after they went bankrupt in 1576?
Pacification of Ghent
How did Elizabeth support the Dutch rebellion against the Spanish rule in 1581?
- Offered limited financial help.
- Knighted Drake.
What was the name of the rebel who was assassinated in 1584?
William of Orange County
What did the French and Spanish sign in 1584 and how did this impact England?
Signed the Treaty of Joinville, this meant that England was now isolated.
What was the name of the treaty Elizabeth signed in 1585 and what did it do?
The Treaty of Nonsuch, this put Netherlands under Elizabeth’s protection.
Two reasons why Elizabeth signed the Treaty of Nonsuch.
- Religion- ensure freedom of worship for Dutch Protestants.
- Military- Phillip could have used Netherlands as a base for invasion.
- Commerce- kept port for English trade.
- Strategic- Spain could have control over the Channel and the Atlantic coasts of Europe.
How many troops did Elizabeth send to the Netherlands?
7000 troops
Who lead the English military expedition to the Netherlands?
Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester)
What title did Dudley accept when he arrived and what was the impact?
General of Netherlands, risking provoking Phillip II
Two reasons why England was defeated (Dutch war).
- Leadership- Dudley was not a talented general.
- Resources- English army was small and poor equipped.
Who was the Spanish general (Dutch war)?
Duke of Parma
What did Phillip do after the Treaty of Nonsuch was signed?
Prepared for invasion
Which Spanish port did Drake attack in 1587 and why?
Cadiz, to slow down the Spanish.
How many ships did Drake raid in Cadiz?
30 ships
Two examples of the impact of the raid on Cadiz.
- Destroyed the ships.
- Expensive.
- Delayed Armada for a year.
What was the nickname given to the raid on Cadiz?
‘Singeing of the King of Spain’s beard’
When did the Armada depart and who lead it?
1558, Duke of Medina Sidonia- little military/naval experience.
Who lead the English fleet against the Spanish in the Armada?
Lord Howard and Drake
Why were English tactics and ships superior to the Spanish?
Cannons could be reloaded faster, quicker and more agile.
What role did the wind play in the Armada?
It blew the ships in the Armada so that it would be impossible to meet up with Parma.
Name two advances in technology
- Backstaff- easier navigation
- Long and line- accurate speed
- Ship building- longer, larger, could carry more cargo and more stable.
How did maps improve?
More detailed and reliable
Two reasons rivalry with Spain encouraged exploration.
- Trade opportunities- Spain made it difficult for English merchants to trade.
- Elizabeth realised she needed to complete with Spain globally.
Two ways Elizabeth encouraged international trade
- Granted monopolies to merchants.
- Encouraged privateering.
Who was Raleigh?
An English explorer who attempted to develop colonies in America.
Two reasons Elizabeth wanted an English colony in the Americas
- Political- challenged Spain.
- Financial- source of raw materials.
When did Raleigh go to North America and where?
1584, Roanoke Island
When was the first attempt to set up a colony and who lead it?
1585, Grenville
Why did majority of the settlers leave Roanoke?
Unhappy and they started to run low on supplies.
When was the second attempt at a colony and how many settlers were there?
1587, 100 settlers
What happened when the supply ship returned (post Spanish Armada) to Roanoke?
All the settlers had disappeared.
Why was the attempt to set up a colony in Virginia a failure?
Timing- voyages set off too late in the year. This meant they were short on supplies.
How did the settlers anger the local Native Americans?
Too demanding of food and supplies.
What problems did Drake face during his circumnavigation?
Rough seas, pirates, the Spanish.
Why was Drake’s circumnavigation important?
- Only second man in history to achieve this.
- First Englishman to achieve this.
- He brought back £400,00 in treasure.