T2- Derm Flashcards
A spot that is not raised 1cm or less. >1cm?
Raised bump 1cm or less. (eg. moles, shaving bumps and venereal warts)
Erosions heal without scarring.
Where are “acral” lesions located?
Hands/wrists and feet/ankles.
How can you describe the location of a rash that is MOSTLY covering the whole body?
Instead of listing out the areas it does cover, you can list the areas it “spares”
“Generalized rash sparing neck and face”.
Acral melanoma is more common in ________ population
AA and Japanese.
Moles are somatic mutations. That means they only need 1 more hit to turn cancerous.
What is sturge-Webber disorder?
Large port wine stain on the face associated with seizure.
What is a pyrogenic granuloma and how do you treat?
Very friable nevi - come in with “bandaid sign” - you do a shave biopsy, and cauterize the base.
What is the difference between a hypertrophic scar and a keloid?
Hypertrophic scar only stays within the boundary of the wound and fades over the years.
Keloid extends outside the boundaries and continues to grow over many hears.
What is the difference between a hypertrophic scar and keloid scar?
Hypertrophic - stays within the boundary and fades over years
Keloid scar - goes outside the boundary and continues to grow over years.
If a patient has 5 or more cafe au lait spots?
Could be associated with neurofibromatosis and needs geneticist and derm referral.
Glue glands and germs refers to?
Glue - abnormal keritinization (blackheads)
Glands - sebaceous (increased sebum production)
Germs - bacteria feeds on sebum and overproduces
Best cocktail for new acne:
Topical retinoid (retin-A 0.05cream) at bedtime
Benzoyl Peroxide and clindamycin gel every morning
And possible oral spironolactone for F
What age is acne rosacea usually onset?
> 30
Recurrent genital herpes average time to crusting = ______
Average time to healing = ______
4.5 days
10 days
What is Ecthyma?
A “punched-out” infectious ulcer that goes deeper into the dermis.
Tineas or Dermophytes are ________
Fungi that feed no keratin in the stratum corneum.
What is tinea versicolor?
Not a true tinea (pityriasis) it is a hypopigmented spots.
Furuncle is another name for a _____