T1 paeds Flashcards
What is definition of complementary feeding?
Introduction of semisolid or solid food besides breastfeeding or formula
Describe general guidline to start complementary feeding
1) exclusive breastfeeding must be at least 6 months (cant start before 17weeks, jot delayed after 24 weeks)
2) start with small amount then gradually increase
3) food must be soft and diluted then gradually increase the thickness
4) observe the tolerance/allergy by giving one item of food not often
5) use proper hygienic measures like tools, utensils, safe food and storage
6) weaning should be postponed during acute illness and hot weather
7) choose nutrionous energy dense food
8) practice responsive feeding, dont force them to eat
9) dont give fruit juice during 1-12 months
Enumerate preparation of milk formula?
1) types of milk
2) amount of milk
3) dilution and preparation
4) frequency
What are the methods to calculate the amount of milk?
1) age method
2) weight method
3) caloric method
What are the risk if start CF too early
1) decrease production of breast milk
2) increase risk of infection as infant get less amount from breast milk
3) increase risk of allergic because intestinal mucosa of infant are permeable to foreign protein
4) increase mother’s risk to get another pregnancy
What are the risk if infant CF start too late
1) their growth and development will be slower
2) the infant doesnt receive their extra food and requirement to meet his growing needs
3) may not receive the nutrients necessary to svoid malnourished and IDA