T1: Case Study 1 (Penguins and Cheetahs)* done Flashcards
What are the characteristics of the Magellanic Penguins when moving
- migration behavior (newcomers from ohio moved to san francisco)
— moved from 12/24/02 to 2/14/03 - Monogamy
- this behavior had never been observed in captive penquins before and those at the san fran zoo did not do it again
What were the negative side effects of moving zoos?
they under went a “catastrophic molt”
- some had issues with eating/fasting
Characteristics of penguins
- captive penguins are truly colonial, no hierarchy, lack of social structure
- penguins are flock birds they do things as a group
– social facilitation
What is social facilitation
the phenomenon in which a behavior of an animal increases the occurrence of the same behavior among its social partners
What are the characteristics of social facilitation
When the performance of a behavior by an animal increases the probability of other animals also engaging in that behavior or increasing the intensity of the behavior
— when the performance of an instinctive pattern of behavior by an individual acts as a releaser for the same behavior in others
– the energizing of dominant behaviors by the presence of others
What is the situation of genetic variability with the cheetah
– “rare breed” smithsonian magazine in march 2008 by Guy Gugliotta
– Laurie Marker: world experts on cheetahs
What are the characteristics of cheetahs
Acinoynx jubatus
Bullet shaped heads
aerobatic gate, oversized heart
the fastest land animal, 0-70 in 4 secs
What are more physical charactersics of cheetahs
Acinonyx from greek = “non moving claws” – limited retractability of the claws
jubatus from latin= refers to the dorsal crest of this animal
- facial tear streaks
What is unique about king cheetahs
- born with stripes (Acinonyx rex)
-rare mutation: large blotchy spots with three dark/wide stripes down to the tail
the same gene is responsible for the striped mackerel and classic pattern in tabby cats
What is the gene that changes the color of the stripes in cats
Transmembrane Aminiopeptidase Q (Taqpep)
- every blotched tabby had mutations in both copies of this gene, whereas every mackeral cat had at lease one copy without the mutation
In cheetahs Taqpep did not control the skin colors,
bc levels of the gene did not changes between dark and light areas; Edn3 was active at the base of the black hairs
Levels of Taqpep increases throughout gestation…
Taqpep establishes a pattern of stripes or spots which is then implemented by varying levels of Edn3 as embryo grows
“The Big Four” are… (wrong answers)
- tigers, lions, panthers, jaguares, the purring cats
Taqpep determines…
the actual pattern
Edn3 controls what?
controls hair color in the cat’s coat pattern
What are the physical characteristics of cheetahs
- rough coat; advantage because they have not been hunted for pelts
- Low fertility
- Females define the social order; they are solitary
- Weak immune system
Describe the cheetah reproduction system
- induced ovulators: mating-induced pre-ovulatory LH surges
- Females mature at 2 years of age — they leave their natal families
- Polyoestrus
- Polyandrous: females can mate with several males
Describe cheetah reproduction system part 2
- gestation is 3 months; altricial species
- cubs have a “mohawk-type appearance)